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History of Celestia

Celestia, for centuries it had stood as a shining beacon of hope in a darkened world. Know this then is the history of the Empire, saved and recorded here to be passed down and preserved by those that would see us free. The first capitol was where Elvenwatch Keep now stands at the foot of the World’s Edge Mountains are now. But that was before the coming of the gods, and the wars that raised and leveled mountains. Even the Elvenwode, was affected and the elves and their kin fled that land, leaving behind a promise in the form of the World Tree, a tree men would call Yggdrassil.

It was during this time, during the Elven exodus and the time of the Promise that the first Celestial was born, a child born of a human woman and a god. Such an encounter would not be likely, but it happened still. From that union of love was born the first of the Celestial Kings, or the line that would in turn lead to the Celestial kings. This was the rise of the Kingdom of Wacune, from which all Celestials, those that settled in the heart of the Celestial Empire, came from.

So began the First Golden Age, a time when the gods made to leave this place, when they left behind those blessed with their blood. Vo Wacune sat on the river Shan’nita, or Shining Path in the old tongue. And it is on that river that the line of Kings was etched into the very walls of the canyon of the river. The very history of the line of the Celestial Kings, mortals, and subject to mortal follies. And it was one of those follies that led to the resurrection of the dark god Ellsin the Ravager. And so fell the city of Vo Wacune. The Knights rose up, rebelling and serving the dark god, and civil war laid waist to the ancient city. From that rose the first High King of Celestia, Cael, and his empress, Jayden. And so it was written that the Celestial King and the Child of Dark would return to the ruins of Vo Wacune and what was lost and broken would be made anew.

So arose the Celestial Empire. Centuries passed and wars were fought and the empire grew. And so came the wandering knight, Quester Half-Elven. Brenia, queen of the Empire sat on the throne, and so the two met, and Cade was born, a year later, the twin princesses, Elena and Freya, whom have never been seen again. Then so did die Brenia, laid low by the hard delivery and the venom of an assassin. Quester mourned and left, seeking the killer and Cade was elevated to the throne, but the Council stood watch for him until his 18th year of life, then he claimed the seat of the Empire. The wars the followed are etched in our memories, the invasion of Elvenwatch, and the marrying of the king to the House of Silverlore, and the return of the Child of Dark. The War of Rebellion had been fought, and Rugen killed, and the house of Goldfire took Celestia. So ended the line of the Celestial Kings.

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