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Life in Silverlore

Life in Silverlore is never an easy thing. It is a harsh place where one must constantly watch their back or find a knife in it from a rival. Disease is an all too common thing and life expectancy isn’t very long. Merchants are constantly warring with one another with very little help from the monarchy. Bandits roam the outskirts of the city attacking any who travel the roads.



General Laws: There is one main law to worry about. Sarratial’s word is law. Fighting on the streets happen often enough, yet is usually stopped by the guards. It is not uncommon to find a body within the shadows of an alley; such things are usually not investigated.

Magick: Magick is policed by the monarchy. The Magick School (which is also the mage guild) keeps records on all the mages within Silverlore. The use of magick without registration is usually met with hostility by the other mages. The Arch Mage and the monarchy are the only ones who have authorization to the records as well.

Psionics: Psionics are also watched by the monarchy, though it is harder to keep an eye on them as they are harder to detect. Most psionics are from the Psionic Conclave located within the mountains of Silverlore.

Technology: Technology is outlawed in Silverlore.



Silverlore is a mining community. The main things that are mined are steel, iron, and gemstones. The steel and iron are manufactured into weapons and armor while the gemstones are either shipped to other nations or are turned into jewelry. The mines are a harsh place to work, thus a lot of those sent to the mines are criminals or slaves.

The weapons and armor that are manufactured are given to the military or also shipped to other nations, as Silverlore steel is the best around. Very few are enchanted for those are reserved only for the nobles that can afford it. Such things are very expensive to do.

Slavery is another major trade of Silverlore. The slaves consist of criminals or children sold into slavery to pay old debts. Treatment of the slaves depends entirely on who their masters are. They are not allowed a say in anything and are the last to be served in a tavern. If a slave is killed, it is overlooked, as they are merely property.