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Factions of Silverlore  

Silverlore is seperated into several different factions, each with their own unique abilities and rules. Each of the factions also have a representative that sits upon the council. Most people are seperated into one or the other, but not everyone. Not all the factions get along and cause much of the conflict that is Silverlore. If anyone wants to join any of them or create characters for any of them, then just contact one of the moderators and we would be happy to help you create the characters.

Assassins - The assassins of Silverlore are some of the most dangerous of people. They are experts at blending in. Anyone can be an assassin and sometimes are.

Bandits - The bandits are the ones who live in the wilderness, attacking caravans that go by or unsuspecting travelers for money and profit.

Death Knights - The Death Knights are the police force of Silverlore as well as the royal guards. They are trained in both the sword as well as magic. One does not inspire to become a Death Knight for they are drafted.

Infantry/Military - The infantry is basically the soldiers of Silverlore. They are one of the largest factions and are led by the General.

Mages - Mages in Silverlore are not that common, but are around. They are usually solitary, preferring the company of books and magic to that of other people.

Militia - The Silverlore militia is the largest faction in Silverlore. It consists of the actual citizens of the city.

Nursemaids - The nursemaids are the nannies of Silverlore. They live in the castle of Silverlore and run the nursery where the royal children stay as well as the children of those that work in the castle.

Psionics - Psionics are the mind mages of Silverlore. They are normally in direct opposition of the mages, for neither faction trusts the others. Many confuse magic and psionics, though they are quite a bit different. The only way to detect a psionic is with another psionic and they tend to keep their abilities well hidden because of those that hunt down the psionics for their abilities.

Rangers & Druids - The druids and rangers usually reside within the Forest of Raella and seldom come out to the rest of Silverlore, though they have been known to do so. They don’t get along with the monarchy much. The monarchy and druids have an agreement where they stay out of each other’s affairs.