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Geography of Silverlore

Silverlore mainly consists of woodlands and mountains. A large mountain range makes up most of the kingdom with the castle built into the side of the mountains. Woodlands run from the mountain range to the borders, a large forest sitting off to the east. Winters are the most dangerous in Silverlore for it is overcome with blizzards quite a bit and passages are normally blocked off. There are only three bodies of water within the entire kingdom. The pond that sits within the Silverlore gardens, the lake within the forest, and the river that runs through the mountains.

Places of Interest

Silverlore: The city of Silverlore is a large city, yet more chaotic. It has no walls and seems to be built into the woodland around it as trees grow just about everywhere and there are no paved streets. During the day, people roam around the streets without much of a care, yet during the night; the doors are usually shut tight and locked with the exception of a single tavern, which is open to all who walk in. In the summer, the marketplace is held outside, but during winter seasons, the market moves indoors. There is a school and university within open to any who wish to learn.

Forest of Raella: This forest sits at the eastern edge of Silverlore and is the home of the druids of Raella. The forest is welcome to anyone who wishes to stop and rest, though hunting is prohibited without prior approval of the Forestmaster.

Silverlore Mountains: The Mountains make up most of Silverlore. It stretches through most of the kingdom and filled with tunnels where the mines are. A single river runs through, ending in a waterfall that flows into the Forest of Raella.

Castle Silverlore: The castle is built out of the side of the mountain range and stands tall against any outside force. It is the only place in the kingdom defended by walls. A double wall surrounds the courtyard a single gate stands closed, guarded by two Death Knights at all times. The knights also are seen patrolling the walls as well.

Psionic Conclave: The Psionic Conclave is located within the mountains just behind the castle. Xaryon created it as a place where psionics can harness their abilities and train, as well as a means of policing those that have psionic abilities recently built it.

Farmland: The Farmlands of Silverlore once belonged to a man named Kahedrin. A plague had hit the village and Silverlore had come to their aid. Xaryon had taken the opportunity to dispatch with Kahedrin and brought the Farmlands into Silverlore.

Blockhouse Tavern: The Blockhouse Tavern is the most popular tavern in Silverlore. It is your typical tavern in the fact that it is dirty with only decent food and drinks and the service to match. It named the Blockhouse due to the auction block where it holds weekly slave auctions.

Avalonsti's Tavern: This tavern isn't as large as the Blockhouse, but it is much cleaner and provides a better atmosphere that is a relief from the chaos that is the rest of Silverlore.

The Wilds: This is the woodland areas around Silverlore that make up most of the kingdom. This is the home of hte bandits as well as other creatures.

Village of Serenity: This smaller village is located on the border of Silverlore and Celestia. It is a more peaceful village than the actual city of Silverlore. It is also the warmest part of the whole kingdom. Due to the hot spring that resides there, the Village of Serenity is even safe from the harshness of winter.

The Valley of the Ever Tree: This is a valley that was hidden away by the elves for years and recently reappeared. The elves no longer live there, but their magick and knowledge remained.

Darker Side of Light: This valley also lies within the mountains and is a place very few would prefer to go. It is filled with magickal energies and contains secrets that are best left alone.

Magick School: This is the school of mages and acts as the mage guild. This is where the magick of the kingdom is the strongest and where the Arch Mage usually resides.

Akashion Woods: This woodland area is located deep in the mountains along the path that runs from Warfleet to Silverlore. A tavern rests within the woods for travelers who go between the two kingdoms.