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History of Silverlore

Silverlore, in the beginning, simply consisted of a single mountain range where lived a race of dwarves who spent much of their times in the tunnels mining. They were usually at war with the orcs that also inhabited the mountains and sought to drive them out. They even had drow raiders from time to time that came to attack them. The most dangerous of all within these mountains were the pair of shadow dragons that resided there. All races gave tribute to these magnificent beasts.

There were woodlands that ran from the mountains, covering the rest of what is now Silverlore. A forest also rested alongside the mountains as well, where the druids resided. The woodlands were known simply as The Wilds, a place where very few would venture for it was known for its bandits as well as other creatures that roamed the lands. There was a small village of people who braved The Wilds. They were trappers and furriers out to make a profit from the hides of the creatures within the woodlands.

This was the way of the land before the arrival of Conticus Silverlore, an elven necromancer cast out of his homeland for his practice of the Dark Arts. Along with him, he brought a group of the elves that were cast out for following him. Along with this group was a dragon with scales of a silvery white. This dragon too was an outcast, tossed out of his homeland for crimes against his own kind. The dragon too was a necromancer who was also the teacher of Conticus. The dragon’s name was Xaryonallorathxyzt.

The elves had come looking for a place to call their home. Upon arriving, Conticus could sense the growing magick of the place. It was teaming with magical energy and he sought to make it his own. He felt that those living there didn’t know of the gold mine that they were sitting upon. The dwarves had little use for such things, as did the people living within the village. As such, he sought to take the place for his own.

He set up a place within the Wilds while he planned on how to take this land. People were sent out into the mountains to try and find what they could. Xaryon himself went out into the mountains and spoke with the two shadow dragons. With his offer of riches and power, they agreed to aid him on this conquest and even enlisted the aid of the drow and derro that resided deeper beneath the mountains.

Once their own small army was raised, they attacked the dwarves. Though, they attacked from the outside as well as from the inside, so the dwarves found themselves fighting on both fronts. Xaryon and Conticus would cast their spells, animating the bodies of the fallen on both sides to attack again. The fighting lasted for days before the dwarves were defeated. Many of the survivors were taken into slavery and there were yet others who managed to escape and went into hiding.

The dwarves taken into slavery were forced to work on the castle, carving it out of the side of the mountain. This took years to accomplish, but once done it left a thing of deadly beauty. The castle itself was a near impenetrable fortress. Once the work was accomplished, the dwarves were no longer needed. They were gathered up and executed. After this was accomplished and Conticus sat upon the throne, he turned his attention elsewhere.

Conticus started moving out into the Wilds and the village, bringing them into his growing kingdom. All those who resisted were executed. Once they knew that Conticus was in charge, he started building up the village, turning it into the city is has become now. He named the kingdom Silverlore and continued to extend his authority.

It wasn’t long until he set his sights on the Forest of Raella, hoping to bring the rangers and druids into the kingdom. The Arch Druid Zanzibar stood up against it alongside the Forestmaster and another war was started. There were many losses on both sides. A man named Anton Misroi who was rewarded for it by becoming a revenant, an undead bent on vengeance and to serve his master, betrayed the druids. The druids were nearly wiped out and retreated deeper into the forest. With their magic, they had hidden away part of the forest known as the Rainbow Vale, cutting it off from the rest of Silverlore so that others could not find it. Zanzibar negotiated with Xaryon and after a few years managed to come to an agreement, handing the forest back to the druids.

With that done, Conticus turned towards the Ever Tree, an elven village within the mountains of Silverlore. The elves saw what he had done with the Forest of Raella, so sought to end the threat before it even began. Using their magick, they cut off the Ever Tree from the rest of the world, so that none could find it.

Conticus still had not been overly satisfied and continued to seek expansion. He gathered up all the criminals in the kingdom that were to be executed for things such as rape or murder and gave them all positions as soldiers, calling them the Death Knights. He would give them all tattoos that he could control through his magick, thus he would make sure they would work for him and not turn on him. They became his own personal guards and soldiers, as he would send them out into the countryside to show them the might of Silverlore.

Xaryon sat back and watched as Conticus gained in power, extending his influences. It was at this time that he realized that Conticus was intending to betray him as well. He continued to watch and wait as Conticus continued with his experiments. He watched in astonishment as Conticus even created a being out of pure magical energy, giving her the name of Cristin. Cristin was born a warrior and was given charge of the Death Knights.

Another necromancer rose up against them, this one holding more power than either. One of the necromancer’s experiments, he became bonded to a demon, both sharing the same body. While Conticus was hiding from Xaryon who was seeking him out, the necromancer demon attacked. Conticus was wounded and managed to drag himself to the Darker Side of Light, a valley that he used for his own rituals and experiments. The attack left Conticus with poison in his veins, which if not treated correctly would have turned him into a shadow demon himself. It took him days to purge himself of the poison, but it had left him hideously deformed. The magick used to purge his body also left him weak, which was when Xaryon found him. Xaryon used that opportunity to lock Conticus up within the valley for years. With Conticus gone, Silverlore was handed down to Taranis, his oldest son and another necromancer even more vicious than his father. Xaryon didn’t stay around to see what happened as he left altogether.

Taranis ruled Silverlore for several years, continuously trying to expand the kingdom. His reign too was one of terror, though more so. His brother, Ayden, would lead the troops out in conquest of anything nearby. Wars broke out even more than before. It was a dark time. Cristin managed to escape, being hunted down by Taranis and Ayden.

Several days later, Cristin managed to run into Xaryon. Remembering her from Silverlore, he defeated her in battle and took her as a slave. Taranis and Ayden found her and sought to bring her back, but Xaryon fought them back. During the fight, he managed to kill both Taranis and Ayden. As neither had children of their own, Silverlore was without a leader. This was when Xaryon stepped up to take the throne himself.

Many changes came to Silverlore since Xaryon’s rule. The library grew, as he loved books. Schools were built for people who could not afford school. A garden was built for Xaryon’s wife, the druidess Liiryn. The recruiting of the Death Knights changed, though it was still a harsh thing. The bandits started working for the monarchy and defense of the kingdom per an agreement with Xaryon. Xaryon had several children, most of which were trained in necromancy. They consisted of Sylvina, Sarratial, Petran, Yestava, and Alyra. Petran and Yestava were killed, Sylvina left on her own, and Alyra remained with her father.

A plague had hit a farmland area not far from Silverlore and Xaryon had heard of this. Being a healer himself, he went there with a group of other healers and Death Knights to isolate and help with the plague. It took a while, but it finally did pass and Xaryon then offered to bring them into Silverlore for protection. A small war was the result of the offer, and when it was over, Silverlore had taken over the Farmland.

Elvenwatch, a small kingdom in the empire of Celestia over to the west, was put under siege and taken by a group called the Sylvains. Tanis, the ruler, sent an army of his own to take it back. Xaryon traveled with a detachment of his own to help take back Elvenwatch. Once it was taken, Xaryon took it upon himself to bring Elvenwatch over to Silverlore.

Celestia found out about this and sent an army to attack Silverlore. Yet another war was started, this time on Silverlore soil. It was called the Celestial War. It was ended by an agreement with Xaryon and Cade while marrying Xaryon’s stepdaughter, Jade, to Cade. Cade thought it was a way to bring the two kingdoms together, but Jade wasn’t associated to Silverlore, so the alliance wasn’t a stable one.

A group of invaders attacked Keltara, who didn’t have much in the way of a standing army. Thus there was an agreement between Keltara and Xaryon that was bound by a marriage between Tempest Raven and Xaryon. With the combined forces of Silverlore and Keltara, the invaders were beaten back. Relationships started to fall apart as a result to the treasonous acts of Silverlore’s general.

It was soon after this that Xaryon’s children; Sarratial and Sylvina, along with two others had decided to remove their father from the throne. They lured Xaryon into his ritual chamber where they attacked and “killed” him. Sylvina was to take the throne after him, but had left to rescue a love of hers. In her absence, Alyra ascended the throne. Alyra was stuck cleaning up her father’s mistake. She took the throne just as winter started to hit and the people were still recovering from the two wars that were fought in the same year. The treasury took a hit, as she had to bring supplies from other countries so that the kingdom could survive.

The people managed to survive with the help of Alyra who continued to try and help the kingdom prosper. She started making alliances with Warfleet to the north, a kingdom that was several small nations formed into one large one. She gained a seat upon the council that was called the Warfleet Alliance. Silverlore became one of the largest voices upon the council. With that done, she turned her sights to Celestia. Without bloodshed, she had convinced their leader, Cade, to hand over the kingdom, thus creating the Empire of Silverlore.