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Magic and Technology


Magic exists pretty heavily in Silverlore, yet is governed by the monarchy. Everyone can use magic, but very few actually can harness it. Magic exists in areas called “pools” that can be drained and used up. When that happens, the land around it dies. A mage would pull some of the magic into themselves and store it for use later. There are those, though, that abuse the pools and drain them quicker. They are renegade mages who are sought and hunted by the monarchy. The pools of magic do refill, but at a slow pace. There are three large pools within Silverlore. One under the castle, another under the Magick School, and the third within the Forest of Raella.


Technology does function in Silverlore and some even use it. The monarchy watches those with technology and unauthorized use of it can result in harsh punishments. Technology drains the pools quicker than magic for it is the magic that even fuels many of the technology. That is why technocracy is a very rare art there, though it can be used. Technology also becomes unpredictable. The closer you are to a pool of magic, the more unpredictable the result. For example, you pull out a gun at the Magick School and shoot it, the surge of magick from the area will most likely cause the gun to explode, killing the wielder. Also, the further you are away from a pool of magick, the less likely technology will work at all. For example, you try to shoot a gun out in the Wilds, the gun will most likely jam.

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