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Religions of Silverlore

Religion is not the biggest thing in Silverlore. There are no actual churches dedicated to any god, yet any and all can be followed or worshiped. There are only two major gods of note that is spoken of most. They are Raella and the Keeper of Lost Souls (usually just called the Keeper).


Raella is a goddess of nature and most of her followers consist of druids, rangers, dryads, unicorns, and any other creature of nature. She is a completely neutral goddess, caring little for the constant struggle between good and evil. Her only care is the protection and survival of nature and her creatures. The Forest of Raella is a patch of forest within Silverlore dedicated to her and enchanted by her druids. Raella believes in all aspects of nature, including death, and does not forbid the practice of necromancy just so long as they avoid the animation or creation of undead. She does not agree with the summoning of demons and forbids it from any of her followers.

Organization: The main priests of Raella are the druids that follow her. An Arch Druid and an Arch Druidess usually lead the druids, so as to have both the male and female aspect of it. In some covens, they have Dark Druids, which are druids that study some aspect of necromancy, though the other druids do usually not trust them. Raella allows this so long as they do not seek to animate or create undead. Each of the forests that are dedicated to Raella is usually watched over by either a ranger or druid protector that is usually called the Forestmaster. The Forestmaster is usually connected to the forest and can feel it’s pain as well. Should the forest be destroyed, the Forestmaster will die as well.

Keeper of Lost Souls

The Keeper of Lost Souls is a god primarily of evil. His domain is the Underworld, a place where the dead go who have no other gods, hence they called Lost Souls. The Keeper was imprisoned in the Underworld by the other gods and seeks to escape his prison. He sends his minions out to find where the veil (the gateway between the world of the living and the Underworld) and attempt to tear it, allowing part of the Underworld to seep through. When that happens, the place surrounding it becomes a necropolis. His main followers are undead and necromancers. The druids of Raella spend much of their time trying to keep the veil closed. The necromancers that follow the Keeper are usually at war with the followers of Raella.

Organization: The followers of the Keeper have no actual organization, as they are usually solitary people. In fact, many of them don’t even get along with one another and fights break out often enough. There are no churches or temples dedicated to him, though many prefer to hide out in places that very few go so as not to be disturbed.

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