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General Rules of Silverlore

OOC Rules of Silverlore

It states in the Shards AUP that room owners have the option to ban anyone they choose from their rooms, for any reason. We can and use this as needed. By own discretion, we may or may not tell you why you are banned. Room owner/moderator decisions are final.

1. These are Hardcore RP rooms. What we mean by this is that we expect the players not to disrupt play by breaking the atmosphere of an RP. That is the purpose of most of the rules. However, if you do not have any common sense, please play elsewhere. For our purposes, common sense is simply a matter of understanding limits or laws. If you break this rule, you will be told.

2. Be considerate. This is a chat site on the Internet. This means that people from all over the world can access this site. This creates enormous diversity in the people who may be at the keyboards of the characters who play here. With this in mind, remember that there are different styles of role-play. Not everyone has DSL or Cable modems so they may take longer to post. They may also have a more descriptive style of writing, real life issues, or computer issues that cause them to be slow. They may also not have perfect spelling or be grammatically correct. There is also a difference between American English and British English. Do not take it upon yourself to correct other people; this is not an English Class! That being said, this does not give you the right to use annoying font colors, font styles, font sizes, unnecessary capitalization, or little punctuation and no description.

3. Use of any non-physical ability is defined as a force. Forces in Silverlore are split into four parts – Anime, Magic, Psionics, and Innate. Moderators/Room Owners will have final say what category it falls into; however, innate abilities will generally be magical in nature. See rules on magic for further explanation.

4. Innate abilities are generally minor magical abilities that a creature is born with such as an immunity to one element, a chameleon power, or shadow walking. Dragons are allowed one type of breath weapon, one elemental immunity, and possibly one other low-level innate power. The only major innate ability allowed is healing. However, there needs to be some sort of drawback, such as absorbing the wound into yourself, or something similar. Again, refer back to the common sense rule.

5. Absolutely no OOC arguments. If you wish to get into one, then please do so through PMs or in a room specifically designed for OOC. There is a Silverlore OOC room that can be used for such a thing. If you need moderator assistance, please feel free to contact them. Current moderators are Xaryon, Alyra/Maggie, StarNight, and Fawn/Conticus Silverlore.

6. This is a medium powered hub, so please keep the power-level down. The people of the monarchy are the most powerful people in Silverlore and are played by the moderators.

7. Characters taken from the Bible are not allowed. This especially includes Archangels and the Four Horsemen.

8. “Angels” are not allowed, however you can be a winged human or elf. No additional powers are granted to the character other than flight. There are Celestials, which are pretty much angels, but they are not from the 'bible' (hence, they do not come down from heaven)and they are only allowed with moderator permission. The moderators have the last say on what is allowed.

9. Demons and dragons are not allowed without moderator approval. Before demons or dragons are even considered for approval, there are some rules they would need to follow. A trained demonologist must summon demons. Demonologists must be a PC approved by moderators, not just an NPC. Dragons, as they are also highly magical, are also hunted creatures. The current resident dragons have all gotten to the point where most fear to attack them. However, it is possible to hunt them, or any other dragons in Silverlore. Dragon hunting is not illegal, nor is it encouraged by the monarchy. Dragons cannot exceed 200’ in length (this includes neck, body, and tail). If they are within the city, they are to take a humanoid form unless you want them to be attacked and most likely killed. There are to be no attacking the city unless you get moderator approval and they can narrate for you. Also, keep in mind that dragons are territorial; hence there are dragons around Silverlore that will not take too kindly to others entering their territory.

10. No unattended infants in Silverlore. If you have to play a child, either play one that is at least five years old, or play one younger in the company of a PC parent. If the character is an orphan, play one that is at least five.

11. No anthro (insert random animal here) or talking animals unless you are a familiar. Familiars need to be with masters, or they revert to animal speech only. Exceptions to this rule – Magical beasts such as unicorns and dragons.

12. No unicorns within the city. Unicorns with their highly magical properties are prime targets for hunters and mages and will not survive long. Even in other areas of Silverlore, unicorns are hunted creatures.

13. Vampires are NOT immune to sunlight, no matter how you wish to spell it. They can have immunities to holy relics and the like, but sunlight will harm them (i.e. burn them to a crisp). There are always exceptions, but those will have to be taken up with the moderators first with a plausible reason why your character is immune to the item. Furthermore, vampires feeding on NPCs or other PCs are allowed, but if it is being done in the streets, be warned that it may attract guards. If it is a PC, you must have other player’s permission. Also, no feeding on major NPCs (i.e. The waitresses and bartenders of the Blockhouse). Immunities must be posted in bios after moderator approval.

14. There are no such things as half-vampires. Vampires are undead; therefore they cannot reproduce, as they are not truly living.

15. No, you are not the Original Evil, Ultimate Evil, Original Sin, Evil Incarnate, Sin Incarnate, or as old as time. Those types of characters are NOT allowed. You can be an “old” character, just be sensible about it.

16. No futuristic technology. The technology level is Europe in the Dark Ages. That means that there are no guns allowed.

17. There is no anime here. Your character can be based off an anime character/figure; however, no anime abilities/powers/movements can be used. Chi or Ki is anime ability as far as use in Silverlore goes. We are quite aware of what it is in the real world; however, we’ve had too many problems with it in the past. Movement like in anime or the Matrix is also not allowed.

18. No senseless killing of NPCs. If you are playing an assassin-like character, feel free to make some post of it on the boards or ask a moderator to narrate for you. Just be prepared for consequences if you get sloppy. What constitutes as senseless is doing something to make you look cool that doesn’t. If you want to kill an NPC, there has to be a reason, such as the NPC is part of an ongoing RP or you were hired to.

19. There are no auto-hits or multiple combat posts before anyone else gets a chance to respond. Please be as specific as possible in your attacks and defense.

Sample Combat: *Joe draws his long sword and rushes into the attack, swinging downward at Bob’s right shoulder attempting to cleave him in two.*

*Bob pulls out his saber with his right hand and swings it up to parry Joe’s attack. He would then step in, pulling a dagger from his belt with his left hand and thrust it at Joe’s mid-section*

*Joe, acting by pure instinct, uses his free hand to grab Bob’s wrist, halting the dagger inches from his gut and giving a slight twist. He then brings a foot up in an attempt to kick Bob away so that he can assess the situation.*

20. Magic and psionics are not easy to do. The more powerful the ability, the longer it takes to cast and the more it takes out of the person casting it. One cannot just cast a spell by snapping their fingers. It takes words and movements. Same with psionics as they need to concentrate on what they are doing and that can sometimes put a strain upon them, though psionics don’t necessarily need words or movements to succeed. You don’t need to make up words, but you can at least describe the affects it takes to cast it. The more description, the more believable it will be.

21. Magic and psionics require concentration. You cannot cast a spell or use psionics if you are distracted. If someone lops off your leg, you would most likely be too busy screaming and dying to be able to successfully cast a spell or use an ability. Dodging an attack will also disrupt the spell or ability being used, as you have to concentrate on not getting hit and thus would not be able to maintain the necessary focus required.

22. Please cast only one spell or use only one psionic ability per post please. One exception to this rule is attack and defense for psionics. It is possible for a psionic to attack, yet raise a defense against other psionics during combat.

23. No schism affects are available for psionics. It does not exist in Silverlore

Example of Spellcasting:

Not Acceptable: *Points finger and shoots a fireball*

Acceptable: *Anna begins to mutter harsh syllables under her breath as she takes a ceremonial dagger and uses its razor-sharp edge to make a quick slash across her palm, allowing red blood to flow freely from the wound. She reaches down with her bloody hand to pick up a handful of ash. Her words come quickly like a fire in dry wood as she tosses the blood-soaked ashes form her, a fireball springs to life in front of her, waiting for her direction before flying towards its target, hungry to explode on impact.*

Example of Psionics:

Not Acceptable: *Adam glances at Marie and with a wink, lifts the glass with his mind and moves it towards her*

Acceptable: *Adam glances at Marie and winks at her. He focuses his mental powers on the glass of wine near him, wrapping his power around it like a cocoon. Inch by inch, the glass rises into the air, guided by the force of his mind and his will. Once it was high enough, he used his mind to move the glass over to Marie, all the while keeping it steady so that the expensive wine didn’t spill. With a slight “tink,” he set the glass down in front of her and released his mental grip.*

24. You can add rooms to the Silverlore hub, just let the moderators know so they can look at the room and decide if it would fit the setting and link it to the appropriate room. The room should stick to the atmosphere of Silverlore and Silverlore should be somewhere in the genre so that people know where the hub is located. Other than that, the room is yours. As moderators, we will not expect to control your room, thus we are not required to become moderators or even narrators, but we do reserve the right to decide whether it stays in Silverlore or not.

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