I wanna tell you something about a person, who has been very important in my life.
It's a man everybody had to love, because he GAVE love.
Not only love, but compassion, friendship, understanding, faith, confidence
and so much more.
A man who showed me that LOVE,
not only for ourselves but for ALL LIVING CREATURES,
is the most IMPORTANT thing in life.
This man was my daddy for 43 years.
How big his influence has been I feel nearly every single day.
Simply because the way he taught us to "look at life"
is something I experience each and every day.
Dad made me the strong woman I am now,
by telling me over and over again and I quote:
"Dear little one
If there's something hurting or bothering you, start acting and deal with it.
Change it !
But do not grieve, it won't help !
If there's something you cannot change do not grieve either
but accept the way life comes,
learn from it & grow !
Losing someone may hurt you too, but do not grieve too long
It's only self-pity !"
So dad learned me to be strong.
He also learned me about Faith, Hope & Love.
Have faith in all you do;
this gave me confidence.
Hope for justice and do justice to others;
this made me confused sometimes, cause justice is not always done.
But I will always try not to judge people myself,
knowing how much injustice can hurt !
Let Love be your guide;
this makese me try to act out of love as much as I can.
Ofcourse I do fail sometimes, I am only human too !
But I strongly believe, if not for my daddy,
I would have been another person then I am today !
Thanks for all your wise lessons daddy.........
My dad died of cancer October 17th, 2002.
Even now I can be strong, cause he taught me to.Maybe you entered this page through another website or a webring
and like to read more about my dad.
My Memorial Site is not finished yet, but I am working on it.
So, if you are interested, then please,
Or maybe you just prefer to leave this place
and visit my other Site called
Temple Of Love
This is my way of inviting you to meet me, Yellowmoon
the woman who is so much inspired by her dad.
If you do visit my Temple, I sure hope you enjoy your stay !
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© Yellowmoon 2002.