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'You never lose anything, not really.
Things, people, they go away sooner or later.
You can't hold them any more than you can hold the moonlight.
But if they touched you, if they're inside of you,
then they're still yours

Used With Permission :)
Thanks Angelmom !



This is the story.
The story about my daddy.
You will get to know him
bit by bit
and maybe
having read all this,
you'll understand what he meant to me.



Even though it is hard for me to write right now, I will try my utmost.
Cause I do believe my daddy deserves to be remembered in a special way.

Daddy was born on May 15th 1929 in Pladju, Indonesia.
His father went there cause he was working for "SHELL", the oil-company.
Dad had a wonderful youth, until war broke out
and he and his family were taken to Japanese "camps".
My grandparents and all three children survived this war and went back to Holland.

Back in The Netherlands, they started to pick up life again and
dad went to study to become a family doctor.
He met my mom; they got married.
Out of this marriage three children were born; My elder sister, me and my younger brother.
We were a very close family and loved one another unconditionally.
Great times we shared, but hard times too, but we all stuck together, no matter what.

This is where I will write on about my daddy, cause I am quite sure,
he is the one who has to be given credit for all the love we shared in our family.


His life as a family doctor was rather busy
but between all the hard work and caring for his patients,
he did find time for us, his wife and children.
As we grew older, we came to know our mom was an alcoholic
and knew how hard this was for our dad.
Our bond became closer & closer,
because we shared the same pain:
The hurt for our mommy, daddy's wife.
We did not have any secrets and talked about mom's problem and shared our tears.
But we kept on loving her.
Ofcourse my dad sometimes wanted to leave her
but his great responsibility and love for her, made him stay.

Children went out of the house to study and dad stayed alone with our mommy.
Life became too tough, being a family doctor, having a wife being an alcolholic.
But he did not leave her, no,
instead he decided to stop his work, hoping having more time for mommy,
he could control her addiction.

And he did.
Together they traveled ten years.
Then my mom got breast cancer and died.
Even though she had brought us a lot of pain,
we all hurt a lot once she was gone.
Because the love we learned to feel for people,
even if they hurt us,
made us love our mommy unconditionaly too.
That's because daddy showed us the importance of love.

Eight years my dad was alone.
He moved to a small apartment,
his dogs, whom he loved deerly died,
friends died
but children stayed.
He even got three more children:
My sister got a boyfriend, I was married and my brother got married.
Dad even had the luck becoming a granddad to three beautiful grandchildren.

It was, after the birth of these kiddies, my dad decided to write a book.
A book for his grandchildren
The title of the book is: Grandpa four-eyes


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© Yellowmoon 2002.