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chapter 1 - episode 1

chapter 1 - episode 1

Scene 1

· First, take the ROPE right next to you by pressing ACTION. You can also talk to Derek if you want

· When you start walking in this scene from behind the crate you will be shot at with arrows and hit at least once.

Run to the DOOR on the left and press ACTION to get inside the cabin

Scene 2

· There is a set of keys on the table in the right bottom corner, take them

· Take the small BARBELL from the floor near the chest

· Select the BARBELL from the INVENTORY

· Use the BARBELL on the FIRE EXTINGUISHERS case on the wall

Meg will take the EXTINGUSHER herself

· Go out of the cabin to SCENE 1

Scene 1

· Go to the FIRE, select the FIRE EXTINGUISHER from the INVENTORY, and press ACTION to use it.

· Go to the LADDER, when you press ACTION, Meg will climb up.

· The Captain will give you an ANTIDOTE to the poison on the arrows

It needs to be mixed with alcohol later

· If you go back up the ladder for a second time (you don't really need to), the Captain will be gone

· Go UP past the DOOR and to SCENE 3

Scene 3

· Go UP and RIGHT to the other side of the boat

· The dead mans bottle will roll off the boat, and you need it for the alcohol for the ANTIDOTE to work

· Select the ROPE from the INVENTORY

· Press ACTION near the NOB on the deck which you're standing next to, and Meg will tie it on

· Meg will get the bottle herself

· Go to SCENE 1

Scene 1

· Go to the INVENTORY and select the ANTIDOTE, then drag the bottle of ALCOHOL onto the ANTIDOTE

· When you have the ANTIDOTE selected, press ACTION and Meg will give it to Derek

Now you need to get his luggage

· Select the KEYS from the INVENTORY

· Use the KEYS to open the DOORS under the life saver ring

The doors will lock behind Meg

Scene 4

· Take the HARPOON leaning on the wall behind the ladder

· Take the BACKPACK near the crates in the front of the screen

· Take the MALLET on the crate near the stairs

· Take the BATTERY on the floor behind the crate near the toolbox

· Without the new BATTERY the big REEL outside wont work

Select the BATTERY from the inventory and go to the old battery under the ladder

Press ACTION to swap them, and put the plugs in place

· Select the HARPOON from the INVENTORY and stand at the foot of the LADDER

· Press ACTION and MEG will use the HARPOON to reach the REELS HOOK

· Go to the BATTERY and press ACTION

· Go up the ladder to SCENE 3 (the back of the boat)

Scene 3

· Select the MALLET from the INVENTORY and use it on the reel holding up the LIFE BOAT

· Press ACTION again and Meg and DEREK will get into the boat themselves
