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chapter 1 - episode 4

chapter 1 - episode 4


Scene 1

· Climb up the vine and run to the RIGHT to SCENE 2

Scene 2

· JUMP over the water to where the carvings are

· JUMP onto the rock island behind the tree and then RIGHT onto the other one


· Don't walk across the rotten log above the crocodile because it will collapse

Scene 3

· JUMP onto the VINE from the cliff

· When you're hanging press the RIGHT arrow key for a while then JUMP

· Avoid the SNAKE on the ground

· Go to the hole in the side of the beige tent

· Press ACTION, and Steppenwolf will reach inside abd take a WHIP

· Have it ready when you enter the tent, and press ACTION to use it against the Jaguar


· After the jaguar leaves, go to the SHELF at the back

· Press ACTION at the SHELF and Steppenwolf will take a recipe for a sleeping potion and JAR to make it in

Now to get the BERRIES and MUSHROOM

Scene 2

· Go to SCENE 2 (where the crocodile is

· LONG JUMP from the middle of the big log onto the platform where the GPS (Global Positioning System) is

· Press ACTION to take the MUSHROOM growing off the tree

· Keep running! Go DOWN the platform to SCENE 4

Scene 4

· Select the LONG STICK from the INVENTORY

· Press ACTION to use the LONG STICK on the carved HEADS to make a bridge

· Cross over your little bridge to collect the BERRIES at the end of it

· Now is a good time to mix the ingredients: go to the INVENTORY and drag the BERRIES and MUSHROOM onto the JAR

· Keep the LONG STICK selected when you finish

· Go to the other side of the tree, close to the edge of the mud

· Press ACTION to use the LONG STICK to vault over the mud

· When you're across keep running LEFT to SCENE 5

Scene 5

· Quickly run to the post with the torch

· Take the SKULL from the post

· Press ACTION to throw the SKULL for the bridge to come down

· Select the SPORIFIC POTION from the INVENTORY so you'll be ready to throw it in the Mokele Mbembe's mouth soon

· Cross the bridge, and go UP to SCENE 1, then into the tree


· DO NOT RUN, WALK, or the lady will see you

· WALK over to the post holding up the platform on which the woman is standing

· Press ACTION to break it

· Climb up the vine and wait on the edge of the platform where the barrier is

· When the MOKELE MBEMBE'S head pokes into the tree press ACTION to throw it in its mouth
