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chapter 2 - episode 2

chapter 2 - episode 2


Scene 1

· Quickly take the WOODEN BOARD leaning against the wall on the LEFT

· Go into the room on the LEFT


· Wait here a moment

· Have a look at the pictures on the wall:

· a flower

· a wand (looks like hand cuffs)

· a diamond

· and a wheel

· After a while these guys will come and guard the area outside

You will be shot at but it doesn't really do much harm

Room 1

· RUN out to SCENE 1, and UP through the door in the middle

· Take the MALLET from next to the gong near the door and have it ready

· As you move foward, a barrel will swing at you from the rafter above

· When the barrel is swinging towards the door which you came through, quickly stand under the HOOK above you and press ACTION to break the hook that would catch it

· Climb up the rope of the barrel and press ACTION to take the fire works

· Here's why we had a look at the pictures on the wall: to create the big set of stairs that will take you down to the platform on the RIGHT

· Walk on the pictures on the floor: only on the flower, wand, diamond and wheel

Play around with it until all the stairs appear, then go down them

Buddha Shrine

· Go to the LEFT, next to the Buddha statue and press ACTION

· You can use the TIBETAN MEDICINE any time you need to in the INVENTORY

· Go to each of the four pillars and press ACTION to rotate the pictures:



· BOTTOM LEFT - WAND (looks like an 8)


· Once you have finished, the Buddha will shine a light to the picture of the mountain in which the Yeti lives

· The Buddha will split in two and reveal a set of stairs

· When you go up, you'll come out into SCENE 1

Scene 1

· As soon as you're outside, select the FIRE WORKS from the INVENTORY

· Press ACTION to light them near the torch on the wall

· When Steppenwolf drops them into the room below, theguards will run inside

· Quickly go to the big BELL hanging above the door of the room, and press ACTION for Steppenwolf to knock it down to block them inside

· Go up the stairs, and Steppenwolf will appear outside the window

· Press ACTION to push the boulder

· Go back down the stairs and take the rope with the flags on it hanging from the roof (where the boulder was)

· Go through the hole you made in the wall and keep going DOWN/RIGHT till you reach the BRIDGE

· Go slightly to the LEFT of the door and press ACTION to throw the ROPE up to the roof of the tower

· Press ACTION near the set of EYES carved into the tower: the eyes on the RIGHT

· This will extend the bridge

· Go down the rope and stop before you reach the bridge

· Select the FIRE WORKS, and use light them at one of the fire near the bridge

· Keep an eye on the FLAGS above the doors, the wind will effect where the fire work will land

· When you go accross the bridge and through the gates the episode will finish
