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chapter 4 - episode 2

chapter 4 - episode 2


· After you get caught by the greenies: this is where you'll start

· Turn the chair to your RIGHT and press ACTION to move the pillow

· Turn the chair to your LEFT [towards the african fellow], and press ACTION to kick the knofe out of his holster

· Press ACTION to use the knife to set yourself free

· Take the rope that your hands were tied with

· Go up to Olaf on the couch and use the knife to cut him free

· To get his leg: go behind the bookshelves the bad greenie's standing in front of and press ACTION to push them over

· Go around to the other side of the bookcase and climb up

· Jump onto the chandelier and jump to the other side after swinging towards it

· Get the PROSTHETIC LEG from the bed and make your way down to give it to Olaf

· Go outside through the white doors, Olaf will follow

· You have to get rid of the bad guy before Olaf can follow you

· Take the STEEL CUP from the little table

· Select the ROPE and tie it to the beam where Olaf is standing

· Go down the stairs and take the SCREWDRIVER from the scaffolding near the INVENTORY

· Wait there until the bad guy has turned away

· When the guy's not looking, run over to the pine tree that points to the top of the stairs and press ACTION

· When Steppenwolf is hiding, select the STAINLESS CUP

· Press ACTION to throw the cup onto the deck, which will bait the bad guy to come closer

· When you're ready, press ACTION to let go of the tree

· To get back up onto the porch, climb up the same tree

· Take the STAINLESS CUP with you

· Go down the rope you tied, and Olaf will follow you down

· go LEFT

· You have to make a way for Olaf to follow you

· First start by kicking the rocks next to Olaf to make a bridge for him

· Climb down the biggest tree on the RIGHT, and jump from platform to platform till you reach the path

· Press ACTION at the little metal barrier near the rocks to make it into a ladder

· Go down the stairs on the LEFT and Olaf will follow

· You might want to hurry from now on, the bad guys are coming, so :: READ AHEAD::

· Go into the shed thing with the red roof and press ACTION to flick the switch that will activate the SKY CAR [which is your escape]

· LONG JUMP over the gap in the platform that is closest to the wall

· Take the MACE that's leaning against the barrier in the corner

· Climb up the thin grey pipe that goes to the roof, near the sign

· Press ACTION to use that MACE on the sign: it will fall and make a bridge for Olaf to cross the gaps

· Press ACTION near the controls of the cable car to get it moving

· Steppenwolf will jump onto the SKY CAR himself, but when the bad peeps start cutting the cables, you're on your own

· Open the car door on your LEFT and select the DRILL from the INVENTORY

· Press ACTION to throw the drill up onto the car

· Climb up the cable to the drill...

· Hurry...

· Press ACTION to activate the cable car by flicking the switch on top

· The cable car will take you down and you'll be safe
