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chapter 4 - episode 4

chapter 4 - episode 3


· You must find a way out, for after you have the blood of the Kraken

· You will also find out Olaf's daughter has sabotaged the controls of your sub [pressing CTRL is supposed to make the sub go UP]

· First you need to go up to the higher platform. You do this by moving onto the crack which has hot water rising from it [use these throughout the episode to reach higher levels]

· Press ACTION to take the long mast when on the platform

· Go to the edge of the platform [to the RIGHT] and use the mast to knock the rocks from the roof

· Go to the RIGHT of the platform and creep your way over the edge, but make sure you aim for the cracked edge :: this will break and block th hole below that has a tentacle coming out of it.

* Now you need to go to the lower platform, but make sure you aim for the cracked edge. This will break and block a hole below that has a tentacle coming out of it.

* Now you're on the right platform, you need to go inside the broken ship.

* Go down to the next scene.

* Take the mine connected to the chain on the left.

* Go to the lower level, and take the grid from the ship on the left. Make sure you don't get too close.

* Connect the grid and the mine in the inventory (you do this by selecting one in the inventory and then dragging the other onto it).

* Go up to the top level, and then drop the grid and mine, onto the other level. Make sure you drop it as close to the edge as possible.

* Now go down to the lower level, ang go right up onto the grid.

* Go down to the next scene.

* Take the red wheel at the bootom of the screen, and also take the blue net lying on the ship.

* Go up to the second scene (where all the ships are).

* Now you're on the left side. Use the wheel from the inventory on the door. It is the greyish rectangle in the middle of the cross-section of the submarine in the corner (it sounds confusing) but you'll end up with a torpedo.

* If you look closely, right behind the half-sub, are two spikes (made of rocks). Around to the left is a ramp that takes you up to another ship-wrek. Press ACTION when you're behind it and you'll pick a tool box whick you can use to repair, and an inflatable boat.

* Go up to the first scene. Here, join the net and flagpole together. Use this to catch the three Angler fish floating around. These fish will help you to see in a cave later. The first fish is here in the first scene.

* Go down to where the mine used to be. From the higher platform, drop the torpedo off the edge. The hot lava will cause the Kraken to move away.

* Catch the Angler fish in the bottom left corner.

* Go down to the last scene, and catch the last fish.

* Go to the entrance of the cave and release one of the fish, and it will go inside.

* Go into the cave and use the net on the entrance so the fish dont swim out (before using the net you have to seperate the items).

* Release the other two fish and you'll end up with this.

* Go down and get the cannon.

* Go up, take the net, and hurry to the first scene.

* When on the higher level, use the cannon to bash a hole in the upturned boat. Inside are some electrical charges.

* Quickly go back to the cave and use the net again to block the entrance.

* Select the flag-pole and use it on the rocks near the edge on the top level.

* Now select the winch, and press ACTION to attach it to the edge. It will say that you're low on electrical charge, therefore you can't shock the Kraken to get its blood, but we have the electrical charges.

* Press ACTION, and the machine will hang off the hook.

* Once you've selected the electrical charges, press the left arrow to swing. You have to throw the charges in the Krakens mouth to shock it.

* It will hit you every 4 to 5 times you throw a charge.

* You know when it's shocked when its pupils are nearly invisible. This is when you have to be VERY FAST otherwise it will wake up.

* Select the syringe from the inventory, and hurry down to the lowest level. Press ACTION when very close to the Kraken to take its blood.

* Once you have the blood, go up to the very first scene and to the high platform.

* Select the life-boat and press ACTION: