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* BE QUICK! Pedro is covered with blood and it attracts the Chubacabra. Run down to the left under the arch, to where there is a vine on the rocks. Climb up.

* Run up the path to the next screen.

* Go to the bushes where I have put Allen in the above picture. Press ACTION.

* Take the gourd of goats blood lying next to the dead goat.

* Select the blood from the inventory and press ACTION.

* This will attract the Chubacabra to you and away from Meg and Perdo (whenever the thing flies at you, press ACTION to duck).

* Select the dagger from the inventory, and stand on the corner of the red roof. Press ACTION and Steppenwolf will jump onto the sail and use the dagger to slow himself down, it will get stuck however.

* Go onto the warf and lower yourself into the water.

* Once in the water, take the green and red net from the boat and then the grey rope hanging over the edge.

* Get out of the water, and select the rope.

* Go right to the next scene (but read the next few steps first).

* Go to the metal and wooden structure (the one with the hooks hanging off it). Go to the LEFT side and press ACTION to climb it.

* As soon as you're up there press ACTION and Steppenwolf will set up the rope. The man will then stand in the rope and when he does press ACTION.

* Pick up the rope again and walk over onto the warf. Go into the shed through the grey door.

* Get out of the water using the ladder.

* On the right is a pair of wire cutters, take them, and hurry back to the warf.

* Run to the right and you'll get to Pedro quicker.

* Select the wire cutters and use them on Pedros chains.

* Now that Meg and Pedro have gone, go back to the shed.

* When in the shed, there are two sets of buttons you need to press. The first is on the back wall, on the left of the shed door. This opens the door.

* The second is hanging from the roof on the very left of the screen. This lowers a boat into the water.

* Get into the boat and Steppenwolf will stear it to the lighthouse.

* This is where you will be:

* Select the rope and get out of the boat.

* Go around to the back of the boat and tie one end to it.

* Walk through the water and tie the other end of the rope, to the third pole on the right that hold up the platform on which the man is standing.

* Go back to the boat and press ACTION to start the engine.

* The platform will collapse and the mand will fall.

* Go around to the wooden warf and get out of the water.

* Go on the boat and climb up the ladder to be ontop of the control room.

* Select the net from the inventory and use it on the mast. This will later be used to capture the Chubacabra.

* Go back into the water and climb up the pole reaching the stairs. You will then be up in the lighthouse.

* The guy will blow the whistle that calls the Chubacabra.

* Select the blood from the inventory and run right up to the guy. Press ACTION and Allen will throw the blood at him. The Chubacabra will attack him.

* Pick up the whistle that the guy dropped and go back to the net you set up.

* Stand right infront of the net and use the whistle to call the Chubacabra.

* In approximatley 5 seconds after blowing the whistle, the thing will come flying at you, and you need to duck, this way it will miss you and get caught right in the net.

* Select the syringe and take a blood sample of the Chubacabra.