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In this episode, your objective is to escape the island. You will me controlling Steppenwolf to clear the way for Meg. The helicopter is the only way out.

This is where you will begin (on the left).

* You have to be quick as there is a guard on patrol on your level. You can just jump down to the ground (you will loose a tiny bit of life) or take the long way; jump across to the other platform and climb down the thin pipe that reaches the air-vent above, just so you won't be seen by the guard.

* When the guard leaves, climb up the pipe till you reach the air-vent. Press ACTION for Steppenwolf to crawl inside the vent. He will exit here:

* The guard also patrols here so be quick.

* Climb up the pipe that leads up to the windos in the centre of the screen.

* Stop just when you reach the bottom of the windows and press ACTION to open one. Press ACTION again to get in.

* You will be in a small room back in the first screen.

* On the counter in this room is a small cylinder of nitrogen, press ACTION to take it.

* Go out the window, and then back into the room. This will delay the guard and give you more time.

* Press ACTION for the door to slide open and quickly select the nitrogen from the INVENTORY.

* Go to the square platform cables that hangs above the stationary guard. Press ACTION to use the nitrogen on the cables (look lower to see what I'm trying to get you to do).

(You have to be quick, if the guard comes back and yells "Alert", the the one outside will shoot at you when you come out of the ventelator shaft. The best way to avoid this is go down the pipe so he does'nt see you, then continue when he leaves.)

* Go outside using the vent. Once there, go left to where that box is on the pole ie. surveilance camera. Press ACTION and Steppenwolf will grab onto the pole. Use the arrow keys to go down, across and down again.

* Once you reach the place under the helicopter, press ACTION near the venelator grid, and go inside.

* Back at the first screen, press ACTION to take the red valve from the pipe under the platform. Select it from the inventory straight away.

* Go back outside, across the pipes and stand under the first vent, but not so close so the guard will see you. Press ACTION to throw the valve.

* There is a way to get rid of the other guard but it's not necessary (especially if you're playing TIMED GAME).

* Go to the helicopter ('its' LEFT) and press ACTION.

Here's where you'll end up:

* JUMP from where you are to the round platform when the guy is on the Left, then he won't see you, otherwise...

* Quickly go down the ladder and wait out of sight until he goes back to the LEFT.

* LONG JUMP across (left) to the other big round thing, and quickly grab the title brown pouch on the ground. Go to the ladder quickly.

* Go to the inventory, open the backpack and get the flare from inside it.

* Throw the flare from where the backpack was, it will start a fire and distract him.

* While he's fighting the fire, quickly go up the ladder right up to him and press ACTION.

* Go the where the guy's chair is and press ACTION to extend the brige for Meg to cross. She'll wait here.

* Read the next few steps carefully...

* Go down the ladder and towards the blue light coming from the bottom LEFT. As soon as you get there Albino will come along with his gun as always.

* Press ACTION to climb down the pipe. You'll end up here:

* Quickly, press ACTION to go INTO the falling water.

* This is where you read to. You'll end up sliding out here:

* Keep ACTION pressed. This will allow Steppenwolf to grab onto the vine instead of falling to his doom.

* Climb up the vine and then press ACTION to take it.

* Climb up the little cliff to the second "level" and go to the LEFT and pick up that rock.

* In the INVENTORY, merge the liana and the rock, and have it selected.

* Go RIGHT and press ACTION to hang off the horizontal palm tree. Use the arrow keys to go RIGHT all the way.

* As Meg you'll have to make electronical connections to open the door. This it what it should look like:

* Read ahead here as well...lots to do.

* Go through the door and as soon as you end up back where Albino is press ACTION to use the liana and rock.

* Quickly go into the inventory and use the second distress flare and press ACTION to use it when Albino is choking you.

* When he gets the pole, stand at the electrical power box that got shot and keep the ACTION button pressed. This way You'll duck in time and he'll get electricuted.


But Meg's not that lucky...
