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Here's where you start:

* Press ACTION to get into the water.

* Stay as close as you can to the land as you make your way to the shed, this way neither guard will see you.

* In the shed is a crowbar, propped up against the wall (on the RIGHT). Take it.

* Staying close to the land, go back half way to where you can see the grey sewerage vent in the water.

* Use the crowbar to remove one of the bars.

* Press ACTION to go into the passage. You'll end up outside behind the guard.

* Take the big cutters leaning against the shed.

* Go back throught the passage into the water.

* Use the cutters on the chain holding the barrels together.

* The guard will now be distracted, but still stay close to the land when you make your way back to where you started.

* Climb up the pole to where the backpack is and open it. Select the Magnetic card here for convenience.

* Go down, into the water and through the passage.

* Use the magnetic card to lower the water ski.

* Walk around into the shed and press ACTION to get on the ski.

This is where you'll end up:

* Get into the water and take the vine draped on the log.

* Climb up the vine farthest on you RIGHT.

* Take the Mango's lying on the ground.

* Go UP a bit to where that vine is next to the inventory and climb it.

* Tie the vine to the big rock and the bar holding up the platform.

* Read ahead a bit with this 'sequence' of actions.

Select the Mango's and throw them at the monkeys in the trees.

* Select the crowbar from the inventory and use it to dislodge the rock when the guy comes ove and stands on the platform.

* Go back all the way down into the water and to the dead guard. Press ACTION to take his Walkie-Talkie.

* From the water, under the log, throw the Walkie-Talkie to the ape. This will keep him busy.

* Go up the vine onto the log. Then up the rock face to where the waterfall starts.

* Use the crowbar to dislodge some rocks.

* Now you can climb across under the falling water and up into the next screen.

* Go up and select the cutters. Read ahead.

* Run up to the next screen.

* Go half way so the guard will follow you.

* Cross the bridge and wait for him to get onto it.

* Use the cutters on the chain holding up the bridge.

* Now go across the pipe overhead and all the way up to where those boxes are and take the plastic explosives.

* Go back ALL the way down and into the water.

* Combine the plastic explosives and the detenator.

* Use the bomb on the covered up entrance to the cave (near dead guard).

* Go into the cave.

* Go up the pipe and through the door.