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Here's where you start: (It's good to keep on saving in this one)

Press ACTION on the food tray. You'll find your PDA.

* Pick up the can of soda.

* Read ahead: Select the can and press aCTION to use it to bang on the door.

* Quickly pick up the Stunt Gun and stun the guard.

* If You don't do this quick enough he'll activate the alarm.

* Press aCTION to drag the guard into the bed.

* Go to the medical box to get some stuff for later use.

* Use the Stunt Gun on the control panel next to the door to open it. Here's where you'll go:

* Quickly Stun the guard before he stuns you.

* Get the Fire Extinguisher from the wall.

* Go back to the first screen. Get prepared to stun another thug as there will be another one.

* From him, press ACTION to pick up a CODE CARD.

* Go down the black/yellow platform by pressing ACTION.

* Use the Fire Extinguisher to force open the door.

* Go inside and take the tool box and the jar of cocaroaches.

* Go back to where you got the fire extinguisher. Don't go near the burst pipe, the gas will harm you.

* Climb down the pole to where the flat robot thing is.

* Open the toolbox and select the spanner.

* Jump onto the robot and when it positions you properly, press ACTION to turn the valve, and ACTION again to cut off the valves rotation with the wrench (otherwise the robot will turn it on again).

* Go up and back down the pipe that had the gas leak. Go all the way down to the electical panel and select the screwdriver to open it.

* Select the retractable knife and cut open the big tube with more wires inside it.

* Then select the wire cutters, and cut ALL 3 WHITE wires.

* Go back up, and then back to the robot.

* Take the wrench, you'll need it later on.

* Go through the new entance.

Here's where you'll be:

* Go UP to the computer and press ACTION. Use the code card to turn off the surveillance camera further on.

* Go down the pipe, and when Meg stops talking, go to the small blue computer. The Nitro Streams will kill Meg if they touch her, so walk carefully through them while they rotate. With luck you'll end up next to the second blue computer.

* Go up the pipe to the third blue computer.

* Walk on the two pods over to the elevator door. Donavan is in one of them...

* Go down on the elevator platform.

* Go Down the pole and over to the lockers. Take out the diving equipment.

* Get in the water and put on the diving gear. Walk over to where there are bubbles emerging from the water.

* Select the wrench and press ACTION.

* Read Ahead: Select the jar of cocaroaches. Press ACTION to swim through the vent.

Here's where you'll be and act quick or you'll be lazered. Save often.

* Run over to the bazooka and take it.

* Press ACTION to release some cocaroaches. This will distract the lazer for a while.

* Run over to the box with rockets in them and then go back to where the bazooka was.

* If you need to relese more cocaroaches, do so.

* In the inventory combine the rocket and the bazooka. Then press aCTION to blow up the lazer robot.

* Go into the water to the other side and take the blow torch from the wall.

* Go back to where you came from and select the diving equipmant.

* Go up the ladder on the submarine and use the welder to get in.

You're finished...

This guy needs serious help...