Yep, featured here is a grouping of cartoons drawn and illustrated by myself. There are two groups of them so far, so let's get at it, eh?
Here we have a group of members of the Galactic Empire, and online Star Wars based, Imperial sided simming and Roleplaying club. Now, whilst these arn't pictures of the actual members, these are the cartoon renditions of the characters whom the members roleplay with.
Johan Stolle--- This is the dashing Johan Stolle, who also happens to be *my* character.
Sayrah Mikfarlant--- Always ready to tip a glass to another Imperial, a Ship, a Squadron, or maybe just a chair across the room, it's Say!
George Vortagh--- Always ready to roll to port and hyperdrive the hell out of harm's way, it's's own Vort!
It Zwibble--- Everybody's favorite "Miss GE", and the fine Webmistress of, it's Zwib!
Zyrax--- He's mean, he's lean, he's holding a sharpened bit of wood, it's the tastefully bald Zyrax!

Yep, it's a few of the people I know in Real Life. This is what they *actually* look like, if they were.. you know, cartoons and all.
Robby--- An old buddy that I work with, he likes cars, maybe a little *too* much, it's Robby!
Jimmy--- He may be short, but he's a giant if you count his other qualities, such as... erm.. his being a Pedophiliac.
Bryan--- The line between game and reality has faded, and the result is Bryan!

Yes, you heard right, Good Stuff. This is stuff that doesn't have alot to do with *ANYTHING* else, meaning real life people, or GE officers. Yep.
Jedi!--- Yep, I got bored, and made a Jedi. This is my first "scene" picture. Yep.