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Name: Giovanni a.k.a "The Boss"
Japanese Name: Sakaki
Hair Color: Black/Brown
Eye Color: Black/Dark Brown
Age: Unknown but probably around 30s or 40s
Pokemon: Persian, Kingler, Machamp, Nidoking, Rhydon, and Golem(as far as we know but probably many more)

Giovanni is the evil, (but extreemly hott ^_^) leader of Team Rocket and the Viridian City Gym. He dreams of world domination, power and controll of all Pokemon. He inherited Team Rocket from his mother, Madam Boss. Persian, his most favorite pokemon, is always seen next to him, under his petting hand.

Giovanni is shrouded in mystery. He runs the Viridian City Gym in his spare time, but the rest of his day is devoted to Team Rocket. It was Giovanni who sponsored the creation of the most powerful Pokemon, Mewtwo, and the later expidition to recover it in the movie, "Mewtwo Returns".

He is remarkably tolerant of Jesse and James's constant failure, even though they obviously annoy him. He always says that he will fire them, but he still hasn't. It might be because they know to much or he just doesn't have the heart to, (I prefer choice 2).

Any way there are many things that are unknown about Giovanni. There also is a rumor that he is Ash's father. (Oh please say its not true!)