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Create a community through a shared experience! This project builds community and sisterhood by providing a common thread for women to connect. Movements happen when people who think alike are in sync with each other.

SETTING THE BASELINE: Read the play Lysistrata

LYSISTRATA by Aristophanes

EVERY woman in the world needs to read LYSISTRATA. Many American women have never heard of this play, much less read it. Lysistrata is considered to be the first comedy ever written. It's so ironic that mothers and wives holding a sex strike for peace should be considered a comedy. While Lysistrata is famous as a Greek play about women having a sex-strike for peace, few ever recall that the first aspect of the play is that the women take over the Acropolis which is where the Treasury is and lock the men out, telling them they have to find another way to finance and pay for THEIR war! So, we are talking about women of infinite wisdom (though Aristophanes was a man).

Please visit the Lysistrata Project

STARTING POINT: Let's select our book!

NOTE ON LONG BOOKS: Yes, we women are highly communicative and intellectual creatures. However, because many women are so busy, they may lack the time to commit to reading a long book, or fear committing a huge block of time to a book they may not enjoy, so we are setting a page limit. So books like Mists of Avalon (876pages), A Handmaid's Tale, and Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom will not be considered.

Please send us your book nomination at with "One Book Nomination" in the subject field. There's no limit to the number of books you may suggest. Deadline: February 4th. Book sellected will be announced on February 6th.


At Women's Expense-State Power and the Politics of Fetal Rights by Cynthia Daniels

Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women by Susan Faludi

Defending Ourselves - A guide to Preventive, Self-Defense and Recovery from Rape

The Denial of Gender Inequality by Deborah L. Rhode

Disposible People

The Fair Sex by Pauline Schloesser

The First Sex

Feminine Mystique

Fire with Fire by Naomi Wolfe

Kitchen Table Entrepreneurs-How Eleven Women Escaped Poverty and became their Own Bosses by Martha Shirk and Anna Wadia

Leadership & the Art of Conversations by: Kim Krisco
The premise is that leadership (facilitating change towards a vision for a different, better future) is very much a function of conversation.... thus it makes sense to understand how our conversations affect our abilities to lead.

Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman

Promiscuities by Naomi Wolf

Real Majority, Media Minority by Laura Flanders

The Red Tent

Restoring the Goddess by Barbara G. Walker

Reviving Ophelia

See Jane Win: How 1,000 Girls Became Successful Women by the three Drs. Rimm (mother, two daughters) Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty by Nancy Etcoff

The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf

Take Time for Your Life by Cheryl Richardson

Taxing Women by Edward McCaffery
"critical analysis of the gender biases in current tax laws"

Unfinished Business - A Democrat and Republican Take on the 10 Most Important Issues Women Face by Julianne Malveaux and Susan Perry

"When and Where I Enter by Paula Giddings.
Book Description (from Amazon)An eloquent testimonial to the profound influence of African-American women on race and women's movements throughout American history."

Woman's Inhumanity to Woman by Dr. Phyllis Chesler

CONNECTING: Our women's revolution and plots to take over the world have to start somewhere. Just think, for a whole year you're opening line and ice-breaker to connecting with lots of dynamic and talented women at community meetings, women's meetings, school meetings can be "Hi, have you read . . . yet?"

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