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IT is not a secret that sense the beginning when they were called THE NARDicaLS the Cadets were always hindred by seals, specifcally baby seals. So it is not a shock that they do not like baby seals and at any given chance try to rid the world of the evil of babie seals!!! HEre are somee picteres of TSC destroying baby seals so the evil of baby seals will not slenk it's way into the LIVES OF OTHERS!11!!

This is stePH here is my man Chris aboot to stab a baby seal to deth. HE IS SO DREAM BOAT! i bet he loves me a lot becasee one time at vertigoes i yelled "CHRIS I LOVE YOU HAVE MY BABEYS BECASE I LOVE YOU" and he looked a different way into the croud like he herd me!

Julie hear! Here is OWEN BALLARD at a concort back wehn vertigos was indoors inside, before they said fire hazards made it unsaif, and he had a baby seal and jumped on it until it was dead. GO OWEN ENIALATE THE BABY SEAL SO IT CAN NOT ENIALATE THE TOKYO SPACE CADETS!!!