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Tom Ass's Site

About Me
About Friends
Message Me


Welcome to my site !! (Latest update = "Josh's Party" - Click here)

Hello everyone! This is my own little homepage. I've been saying I would do it for some time now and now I have finally done it. Yep Yep. The greatest site in the world. j/k. It's really not that great but contain some stuff about me, my friends and stuff like that. Well go ahead and look around for as long (or as short) as you like. Enjoy!

Also, my site contains some flash animation/movies so some of you might have trouble viewing the pages. My suggestion is to download the flash player so you can view them as many sites now use flash.

You can now send a small message to me via the 'Message Me' page if you so wish. Anywho off you go and check out my site.

Note: Some pages may take some time to load. Please be patient.

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