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Swimming Carnival


2003 Swimming Carnival

Here it is. The 2003 swimming carnival for Marist Ashgrove. There are also some pics of us being silly during 'normal' school time. Enjoy.

Ridley Banner Girl Bag Dave and Ben Dave Q and Scuz Mid-Air Dive
About to Dive Mid-Air Dive Swim Swim Mikka Jump After Swim
Scuz Ridley Crowd Sheahan Ridley Crowd Josh with Sausage
Inflatables Lez b00bs Lez Titty 'Must feel Lez....' James' Art
Dave's Art Death.... More Evil Ben ya t00l Tube Race
'Available in Wide Screen Digital' 'Meano' Tube Race Post Flop Shot Ridley Shot
Swim Swim More Swim Rope Resuce W0t are you doing? Flop Comp
Flop Comp Ready to Flop 'The Flop' Red Chest from Flop Post Flop