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: r : u : l : e : s :

Official VOE rules (which will someday be world renoun) are no cheats, no priests, no tool rush, no fags (losers, idios, etc). Also the new level requirment is gp+ in RM, unless they are choosen as an aprantice to one of my trusted members. For VOE password ask icee, me or other trusted member. Since BAK people left we changed it. VOE is mostly an RM clan, but we also play sea war, choson and other games sometimes.

: h : i : s : t : o : r : y :

From IceeFire10 (The Leader) and MindStorm (The Web Designer)

The team was started on October 12, 2001. I had just gotten on the zone for the first time and was exploring. Soon I noticed that everyone in the room I was had a team but me. I talked to the CHAD and he agreed that we needed to get a team. I am not a type who would join a team, because I like to lead, so I created the clan. After I figured out how to do it I wanted to make VOD for villagers of death, but that was taken already, so on the spot I came up with villagers of eternity, and thats what it became. I started collecting members wherever I could find them (I wasn't too good back then). There was no VOE_ name requirement at first, I just wanted a team. A month later I got key players on the team, (VOE_Phantom, VOE_Elephano, and VOE_Crap_player aka judas iscariot aka benidict arnold). They greatly helped in the formation of VOE. Then around that time I found my new strategy to get to bronze. I worked hard at it and became good enough to get good members on the team (VOE_gem VOE_immortal VOE_god). Now ill have to say that VOE_immortal has been one of the greatest helps VOE has ever had ("After me of course" - MindStorm), he works for Microsoft which proves to be helpful in many situations. We had around 12 members at this time which was good for me, so I made the VOE_name rule and put a high rook limit on the team. After that I kept getting on daily but alot of members started getting off, this is when Crappy_Player left for a long time and didnt tell anyone and made us all mad, but the team played on. Elephano changed his name 19 times, phantom stopped gettng on for a month, and I got 20 more players, and thats about all that happened in the late past (i also made a high inter+ rule, besides pink :)). In the recent past Crappy_Player quit again because I called him moomoo =/ ("Come on, you all had disputes way before that"- Mindstorm). I dont know what that has to do with trust but thats what he blamed it on, and he started a new VOE rebelious team called BAK ("Bronze Age Knights" - Mindstorm). Several payers including Evil Orcz, Speacial Ops, and Booo all lleft and joined BAK, which means VOE is now a gp+ team mostly . Two days later Crappy left BAK and Orcz became the leader. In a few weeks BAK the last two BAK members left. BAK was officialy over on April 26, 2002. Crappy and Boo joined VOE again. Pink wanted me to mention she is now my ambasador, she is good with words and has you all wrapped around her fingers. Hehe, and thats about it for the history.

: t : h : e :    : r : e : s : t :

From Mindstorm (Web Designer)

Here is some more things of what's going on in VOE. I am joking sometimes so don't take it personal.

1) Pinkpansy is Icee's sister and VOE ambassador (avoid teaming with her at all cost, I waited an hour before I got one archer from her to back me up).
2) MindStorm is web designer an is real important.
3) Phantom can't keep his mouth shut, so don't listen to him.
4) Gp+ is really over-rated, so if you are high inter you can still try out.
5) Excuse mine and Icee's errors, we are both illiterate.
6) Don't rebell vs VOE, you'll be over in no time.
7) I'll be adding more things here as I think of it.

: t : r : u : s : t : e : d :        : m : e : m : b : e : r : s :

I am still waiting on the exact names and what they can do, but here are some people who are for sure (I think). Trusted members can accept an aprentice even if he is not gp+ and do other things.

Name Abilities
VOE_IceeFire10 Anything
VOE_TheCHAD21 Make clan wars, Tryout
VOE_Immortal Make clan wars, Tryout
VOE_pinkpansy Resolve conflicts, make alliences
VOE_MindStorm Controls website, make clan wars
VOE_Phantom Unkown
VOE_Jihad Unkown


































Clan created by VOE_IceeFire10
Website made by VOE_MindStorm