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Wellington Condominiums





Due to the expired term of one of the Trustees there was an election at the Annual Meeting held in December, one new owner joined the Board.  The Board of Trustees for 2001/2002 is:


David Hayes

James Titone

Steve Sullivan (New)


We would like to thank Patricia Mattingly for her many years of service as a board member and we wish her the best.




The Board of Trustees consists of three members, elected by the unit owners.  The Board meets monthly in the Recreation Room. Owners may address the Trustees on any issue, which impacts life at Wellington.  If you wish to address the board on an issue please call the management office and ask to be placed on the agenda.




Please be reminded that it is getting to the point that those water heaters which were replaced some years ago may need to be replaced again. 

Be sure that your water heater has a pan and drain to minimize the potential damage should it burst (This has been very costly – both financially and emotionally – and impacts on the cost of insurance).


Also, if you are going away on vacation, remember to turn your water heater off.  If you are going to be away during the winter months you should be leaving your heat on 60º to avoid freezing.  Please make arrangements to leave your unit key with a neighbor in case of emergency.




Please be advised that Wellington Condominium has been assigned a new Property Manager.  Dave Barrett is the Vice President of APT and comes to us with many years of experience in community management.  David holds three (3) professional management designations, and has an extensive technical background.





Whether you are an owner, investor or renter, if you are planning to move, please be sure that you make arrangements to secure the use of the elevator by calling Andrea at the APT office (781-935-4200 ext. 270). Pads to protect the elevator will be installed.  Be sure to use the side entrances when moving in Buildings 12 and 28 and the rear                                       entrance in Building 22 only.



A $250 deposit is required which will be returned after the common area is checked for damages and that there was no violations reported during the move.




Please be reminded that visitor parking is for visitors to the community.  Cars in violation of the rules are frequently ticketed or towed or both.  As a reminder the rules are:


§         Residents are not allowed to park in the lot before 11:00 PM.  They must be out by 11:00 am. 

§         All vehicles parked in the visitor lot must display a current guest pass on the dashboard of the vehicle or hanging from the rear view mirror at all times.

§         No vehicle will be allowed to park in the same spot for more than 12 hours in a 24-hour period. 








If you are a new unit owner or renter you must have your name listed on the directory and mailbox of building 12 and 22 and on the mailbox only of building 28.  If you choose not to have your name listed we will supply you with a blank plate.  Please contact Andrea Quinn at American Properties Team, Inc. to order you name plate.  The charge of the plate is billed directly back to the unit owners.



Please be reminded that the City does not permit gas grills or barbecues to be used on any balcony. 




All Unit Owners should carry insurance to dovetail with the master policy.  At a minimum all owners should carry a homeowners policy.  Owners should add an endorsement, which extends perils insured against from a “named peril” basis to so called “all risk”.  This coverage will provide the unit owner with coverage for the Trust’s deductible.  Unit Owners should also carry an endorsement, which covers loss assessment.  Do not wait until a claim occurs to investigate this matter.  Regardless of the cause of the loss, certain portions of each claim are the responsibility of the unit owner and not the Trust.  The association currently carries a $1,000 per unit deductible for water loss claims.




Any maintenance calls are to be made through the main office at APT.  Reports can be left on Andrea’s voice mail 24 hours a day.  The work orders are processed and dispatched out to the maintenance staff.  Emergency calls should be called into our after hours emergency number 781-932-3841.



Pick-up trucks, commercial vehicles, trailers, motorcycles, campers and boats are not to be parked in the lot at Wellington Condominium.  No resident or over night guest is allowed to park any non-passenger commercial vehicle on any part of the property.  Contractors are allowed to park in the visitor lot, Brainard Ave and Ninth Street ONLY.





Now that the nice weather is upon us and more people will be walking around let’s take care in making sure our balconies orderly.  Nothing other than seasonal furniture is allowed to be kept on our balconies.  The curbside appeal of the property has a tremendous effect on the property value.  Unsightly balconies will adversely affect these values.  Any unit owner in violation of this rule will be levied a fine against their unit.






American Properties Team, Inc.

Phone (781) 935-4200

Fax (781) 935-4289

Mike Varney, Maintenance Superintendent (781) 393-9023

Andrea Savoia-Quinn, Coordinator Extension 270 or

David Barrett, Senior Property Manager

Extention 225 or


Andrea Savoia-Quinn is assigned as the coordinator for Wellington you may reach her at the above extension.  Andrea works Monday – Friday 9:00 am to 2:30 pm.  In an effort to take care of your call quickly and dispatch maintenance, all calls should be directed to Andrea first either at extension 270 or via her email address.  If you need to speak with a coordinator immediately outside of Andrea’s hours you may dial extension 222 or 226 and someone will be happy to assist you.







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