Updated January 03 2006
This site contains links to several writings of early church fathers, some who wrote parts of final canon of scriptures known as the Holy Bible. These extra biblical writings gives tremendous incite about the bible characters. Here you can find out who was Cain's wife, the fall of Adam and Eve in fine detail, Paul's vision of heaven, the childhood of Jesus etc
Non Canonical Books | Early Church Doctrines | History Of The Ancient Texts |
Church History | More Recent Writings | History Of Christian Revivals |
Bible Reference | OLD testament history |
Glenn Kimball, your host, has put together a combination of hundreds of hard to find books, along with hundreds of research links to allow you to explore the ancient world from your home.
The Bible is a valuable collection of sacred ancient texts, written and
assembled over several hundreds of years by numerous authors. These texts were
written to particular people living at a definite time and place who shared
common experiences and knowledge.
By studying similar literature that precedes and follows the biblical writings
chronologically, students of the Bible are better prepared to discover the
intended meaning.
Early Church Fathers Collection
Download The Complete Early Church Fathers Collection in WinHelp Format
The Pseudepigraphical Book of Enoch
"According to the biblical narrative (Genesis 5:21-24), Enoch lived only 365
years (far less than the other patriarchs in the period before the Flood). Enoch
'walked with God; then he was no more for God took him'."
- Milik, Jazef. T., ed. The Books of Enoch: Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4
From "The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old Testament"
R.H. Charles
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1913
NonCanonical Gospels and Other Writings
These Documents Are Intended as Aids for Students and Scholars
in Biblical Study and the Study of Biblical Times
Book of Jasher Referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel by Anonymous
The first book of the infancy of Jesus
Guide to Early Church Documents
This hypertext document contains pointers to Internet-accessible files relating to the early church, including canonical documents, creeds, the writings of the Apostolic Fathers and other historical texts relevant to church history.
Nag Hammadi Library Alphabetical Index
Gnostic Society Library Sources on Gnosticism and Gnosis
The Gnostic Society Library contains a vast collection of
primary documents relating to the Gnostic tradition as well as a selection of
in-depth audio lectures and brief archive notes designed to orient study of the
documents, their sources, and the religious tradition they represent
This is the story of Adam and Eve after they had gone out of Paradise.
The Life of Adam and Eve: The Biblical Story in Judaism and Christianity
Other writings of Moses
Importance of the Dead Sea Scrolls - ChristianAnswers.Net
Depending on who you listen to, The Apocrypha are either the bits they left out of the Bible itself, or heretical texts to lead people astray. See what you think!.
The Apocrypha Why It's Part of the Bible
The History of Joseph the Carpenter
The history of the death of our father, the holy old man, Joseph the carpenter
Concerning the Passing Of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
REVELATION of the holy Apostle Paul: the things which were revealed to him when he went up even to the third heaven, and was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words
This web site provides a full English translation of the Italian manuscript of the medieval Gospel of Barnabas, one of the strangest and most mysterious works in the whole of Christian literature. There is also supplementary material that may be of use to students. This site is dedicated to the full and proper study of the Gospel of Barnabas. It has been made in the conviction that the Gospel of Barnabas has too often been dismissed by scholars to be of "no value", and in the further conviction that its secrets and mysteries are, contrary to the prevailing view, of intrinsic interest to all serious students of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Most studies of the work have sprung from a context of religious polemic. It is hoped that this site will assist in promoting a more objective study in future
The main topics, common to two or more of the texts, are:
i. The descent into Hell: the number of souls saved and lost.
ii. The Virgin's account of the Annunciation.
iii. The apostles see the bottomless pit.
iv. The devil is summoned and gives an account of his doings.
v. Questions about the deadly sins. Commission of the apostles to preach. Departure of Christ. (This reads like a late addition.)
The Book of James--Protevangelium
The Apocalypse of Peter
The Gospel of Phillip.
The Greek New Testament Gateway
By Tony Fisher: on-line Greek New Testament (N-A26), available for browsing and searching. You can search for individual words by base or inflected form and you can limit your search further by specifying tense, voice, mood etc. It does not require a Greek font to be pre-installed on your computer and is fast and user-friendly. An excellent resource.
Church Fathers, Saints, and Christian Antiquities
Views of the Early Church Fathers
Creationism and the Early Church Home Page
This site was created to further the study of the Early Church's understanding of Genesis 1-11, especially as it relates to contemporary debate regarding origins
Dogmatic Wrangling or Theological Odyssey The Early Church's Search for the Biblical Jesus
The early church’s debates about Christ have been stereotyped by some as tendentious, mean-spirited, and irrelevant. Did Jesus become the Son of God at his baptism, or was he pre-existent Deity incarnate? Did he have a human body and a Divine spirit, or was he one person with two natures -- a human nature and a Divine nature? Are these deeply profound questions of lasting relevance, or merely the dusty quibbling of by-gone centuries?
Early Christian beliefs about salvation
Salvation by faith, good works, or church sacraments?
Early Church Councils The Trinity
Early Church Fathers And The Foundations Of Dispensationalism
Excite Lifestyle Religion & Beliefs Christianity History Early Church
Fathers of the early church speak
The Fathers of the Church spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, defended the Church in apologetic writing and fought the many heresies of the first six centuries of Christianity. These men, also called Apostolic Fathers, gave special witness to the faith, some dying the death of a martyr. Like Jesus who referred to Abraham as a spiritual father (Luke 16: 24) and St. Paul, who referred to himself in the same terms (1 Cor 4: 15), the Fathers were zealous for the word of God. Their writings are a testimony to the faith of the early Church, yet many Christians are unfamiliar with the work of Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Polycarp of Smyrna, Justin the Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origen, Cyprian of Cathage, Athanasius, Ephraim, Cyril of Jerusalem, Hilary of Poitiers or Gregory the Great to name of few of the early Fathers. Periodically we will provide biographical information and examples of the writing of these great men of faith.
The Early Church Defended Creation Science
As the early church grew in the Graeco-Roman world, the apostles and fathers preached to men who believed in evolution. In Athens, Paul encountered Epicurean and Stoic philosophers.1 These and other early philosophers were also scientists. They observed the world and attempted to explain its nature and origin. They had many views on origins, all evolutionary.
The Early Church Fathers on Jesus
Theology Adrift The Early Church Fathers and Their Views of Eschatology
In 1962, philosopher-scientist Thomas Kuhn coined the term "paradigm shift" to signal a massive change in the way a community thinks about a particular topic.1 Examples of paradigm shifts include Copernicus's discovery that the earth revolves around the sun, Einstein's theory of relativity, and Darwin's theory of evolution. Each changed the world of thought (some for better, some for worse) in a fundamental way.
From a political perspective, Constantine's Edict of Milan, issued in AD 313, constituted the formal beginning of a major paradigm shift that signaled the end of the ancient world and the beginning of the medieval period. That edict legitimated Christianity and impressed upon it the Empire's stamp of approval.
Following the lead of Pentecostalism, the charismatic movement has adopted the expression “Baptism in the Holy Spirit” as a term describing the renewing experience of the breakthrough of the Holy Spirit in the life of a Christian. This most common expression, “Baptism in the Spirit”, is a source of many misunderstandings. Classical Pentecostalism used it in a sense which is highly uncommon until the eighteenth century. It means that a second blessing must follow after conversion or rebirth, which is marked by water baptism. This second blessing is a baptism in or by the Spirit which in its turn evokes the charisms.
These points of the true church are extracted from my book One Lord, One Faith: Writings of the Early Christian Fathers as Evidences of the Restoration (Horizon Publishers, 1996). I have taken edited, condensed portions from three sections of each chapter in the book, namely, from the "Point," "Selected Bible Passages," and "Suggested Reading" sections
Contemporary Christians neglect the teachings of the Church Fathers on key moral and theological issues to their own peril. The earliest specific written references to abortion in Christian literature are those in the Didache and the Epistle of Barnabas. The Didache combines a code of Christian morality with a manual of church life and order, while the Epistle of Barnabas is a more theological tract on Christian life and thought. While both of these probably date from the early second century, they most likely drew on Christian sources which had their origins in the late first century.
The Coming Home Journal - Justification & Salvation
The disputes between Catholicism and Protestantism, as well as amidst the various Protestant traditions themselves, should, if nothing else, cause one to wonder what the earliest Christian communities thought on any subject being contested. What did those who learned their faith directly from the preaching of the Apostles themselves say regarding man's salvation? For this, of course, we turn to the writings of these Early Church Fathers.
LEADERSHIP LETTER 162 Church At Its Best!
How do you know that the Bible is true
There are many evidences that confirm that the Bible is reliable. First, history and archeology confirm the biblical record. Over 25,000 sites have now been discovered that pertain to the Bible. As Nelson Glueck, renowned Jewish archaeologist said, "It may be stated categorically that no archeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference." Even though archeology does not prove spiritual truth, archeological confirmation is an amazing testimony to the accuracy of the Bible.
Mark Chapter 16 Canonical Proof
Some "scholars" challenge the authenticity of Mark 16:9-20. They claim that these passages were not a part of the original manuscripts and therefore are not for us today.
Following the death of Christ, many of his followers believed
that he would return quickly. Because they held this belief, they were very slow
to create any written records of his life. But the Second Coming did not come as
expected. After about thirty years Christians saw the need to write down an
account of Jesus’ life. They got most of their information from eyewitnesses and
the oral traditions that had been passed down to them. They called these books
gospels which literally means "Good News". Four different gospels were written
and canonized by the church. These four are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Several other accounts of Jesus' life have not been recognized as authentic by
the Church and are considered non-canonical.
Jesus of Nazareth in Early Christian Gospels - A Web Site by Andrew Bernhard
Four ancient texts have traditionally been employed in recounting the sayings and deeds of Jesus of Nazareth. The Gospels according to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John have together enjoyed the privileged status of sacred scripture since the late second century when they began to receive the consensus approval of the early catholic church. The four gospels now found in the New Testament, however, were not the only sources of information about Jesus available in early Christian communities. Initially word about Jesus was passed on orally, but before long many written accounts of the life of Jesus were also in circulation. These early Christian gospels enjoyed widespread influence for centuries before interest in them waned and they were lost and forgotten.
Gospel of Thomas Additional Information
The Gospel of Thomas is a sayings gospel. It includes very little narrative about Jesus' activities, but instead focuses on his words, introducing his sayings with simple phrases such as "Jesus said." Modern scholars have divided the text into a prologue and 114 sayings. Some of the sayings will have a familiar ring to readers of the New Testament, but others have no parallels in the traditional Christian Bible.
Gospel of Peter Additional Information
When the Gospel of Peter was first published, many scholars quickly regarded it as a rearrangement and loose paraphrase of the canonical gospels. They believed that the gospel was written in the late second century. They asserted that the gospel was obviously dependent on the canonical texts for its material. Other scholars, however, have argued that the Gospel of Peter was written independently of the canonical gospels by Jewish Christians in the first quarter of the second century.
Department of Theology Post-Graduate Biblical Studies Academic Staff
Welcome to the Department of Theology's Web Pages for Post
Graduate Biblical Studies. You will find information here on studying the Bible
in Birmingham, with details on degree courses, seminars, the research interests
of the staff, along with links to valuable internet resources, information on
how to apply, and the opportunity to get in touch with us via this web site.
Postgraduate Biblical Studies in Birmingham offers a unique mixture of
specialist older and newer approaches, in the stimulating environment of one of
the U.K.'s largest and most diverse departments of theology. With a full and
flexible range of courses, it is possible to specialise in any one of a number
of fields, or to take a broader approach and mix the subjects to suit your own
The Bible Why Some Ancient Texts Were Excluded
Not all ancient Judeo-Christian texts made it into the
Christian Bible. These ancient texts are called "outside books," "extrabiblical
books," or "noncanonical books."
Christian canons emerged through a complex process in which some books were
"chosen" and others were left out. A tradition of use, authority within the
communities, antiquity or apostolicity, and orthodoxy were factors in deciding
which books were "in" and which were "out."
The Book of Enoch (also known as 1 Enoch) was once cherished by Jews and Christians alike, this book later fell into disfavor with powerful theologians–precisely because of its controversial statements on the nature and deeds of the fallen angels. The Enochian writings, in addition to many other writings that were excluded (or lost) from the Bible (i.e., the Book of Tobit, Esdras, etc.) were widely recognized by many of the early church fathers as "apocryphal" writings.
The Development of the Canon of the New Testament
This survey covers a small part of the huge body of New Testament studies --- how the Church selected certain writings as authoritative and separated them from a larger body of early Christian literature. In view of the central importance that the New Testament has within Christianity, it is amazing that there is an absence of detailed accounts of such a significant process. My goal is to collect and organize the information that is available, and make it easily accessible in the form of hypertext. I especially hope this file will be useful to persons who cherish the New Testament, but are unfamiliar with the history of its development.
Jesus of Nazareth in Early Christian Gospels - Frequently Asked Questions
Concordances of Early Church Fathers - 37 Volumes
Early Christian Writings New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, and Church Fathers
All of Early Christianity: The New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, and Church Fathers
There is much we can learn from church history, and the
writings of the Early Church Fathers.
Below is a listing of the most complete links on the web to the writings of the
One in particular is a downloadable winzip file of the writings of the Fathers
for the first 800 yrs.
Of the Churches history! To understand how the first Christians believed, and
what the church
Fathers taught, it is imperative to study their writings.
Early Church Fathers Ante-Nicene Fathers, Nicene Fathers, Post-Nicene Fathers
Selected Writings of the Church Fathers
Early Church Fathers Collection
Download The Complete Early Church Fathers Collection in WinHelp Format
Ante-Nicene Fathers
The Writings of the Fathers Down to A.D. 325
Early Church Fathers-Who Did They Think Wrote Hebrews
Early Church Fathers on the Apocalypse of John
Early Writers - Church Fathers - Ancient Texts
Early Traditions
Texts useful for forming a full comprehension of ancient Essene doctrines as they filtered down and were altered by later generations of Gentile Christians.
The Book of Enoch, also known as Ethiopic Enoch, I Enoch, and The Book of Henoch" was revered by the Jews and Christians alike but fell into disfavor among powerful theologians because of its controversial descriptions of the nature and deeds of the fallen angels. The Enochian writings like others such as The Books of Tobias, Esdras, and others, were omitted (or lost) from the Bible. Once it was considered to be among the biblical apocryphal writings by the early church fathers
First Century Judaism - Christianity - Church Fathers - Dead Sea Scrolls
Gnostic works commented on by the Early Church Fathers.
New Testament Gateway Early Church and Patristics
The Development of the Canon of the New Testament
Patristics and Writings of the Church Fathers
position of the New Testament Scriptures in the early Church
Sola Scriptura and the Early Church -ChristianAnswers.Net
The sixteenth century Reformation was responsible for restoring to the Church the principle of sola Scriptura, a principle that had been operative within the Church from the very beginning of the post apostolic age.
The Book of Enoch and The Secrets of Enoch
Can any who spend several years in those seats of learning, be excused if they do not add to that reading of the Fathers? the most authentic commentators on Scripture, as being both nearest the fountain, eminently endued with that Spirit by whom all Scripture was given. It will be easily perceived, I speak chiefly of those who wrote before the council of Nicea. But who could not likewise desire to have some acquaintance with those that followed them? with St. Chrysostom, Basil, Augustine, and above all, the man of a broken heart, Ephraim Syrus? -- John Wesley
Statements of Early Church Fathers on The Visit of Christ to The Spirit
It has become quite popular on college campuses for atheistic professors to attack Christianity by stating that Gnosticism was the "original" Christianity. Thus the Christian student today has to have a basic understanding of Gnosticism in order to defend the faith (Jude 3).
What's What in the Early Church
Church Fathers (only a few of my favourites)
The Early Church - links to texts and archives
The Works of the Early Church Fathers--Tertullian
Tertullian was born during the latter half of the second century and raised in the cultured pagan environment of Carthage where he was well trained in rhetoric and possibly in law. He converted to Christianity as an adult and devoted himself thence to apologetic, polemical and moral writings, all of which display his characteristic brilliance and intolerance.
Writings of the Church Fathers-Doctors-Saints
The writings of some of the Church Fathers, Church Doctors and Saints are available here. They include writings by St. Cyprian, St. Ignatius, Tertullian, St. Athanasius (On the Incarnation), Barnabas (Epistle of Barnabas), St. Bernard of Clairvaux (On Loving God), St. Bonaventure (Mirror of the Blessed Virgin Mary), St. Clement (First Epistle to the Corinthians), Second Clement, The Didache, The Epistle to Diognetus, The Shepherd of Hermas, The Martyrdom of Polycarp, and The Epistle of Polycarp.
Writings of the Early Church Fathers 3
Writings of the Early Church Fathers
Ante-Nicene Fathers
Nicene Fathers
Post-Nicene Fathers
Post-Apostolic Fathers of the Church
Paradosis or handing on or down of Divine Revelation is affirmed in Sacred Scripture. Hence, it must be found in some contiguous historical form from age to age. Catholic Christians believe that the promise of the Spirit of Truth to guide believers in truth is found in the constant faith of the Church as preserved in the writings of the Post-Apostolic Fathers.
Enter into the world of the Holy Temple
An Outline of Old Testament History
The Bible History, Old Testament by Alfred Edersheim was
originally published 1876-1887 in seven volumes. This electronic version of his
work is from an edition that appeared in 1890 which contains all seven volumes.
Old Testament Life and Literature
THIS book is concerned with the literature, history and religious thought of the Old Testament and the Apocrypha. The approach to these themes is chronological and utilizes literary and historical analytic methodology, as well as the results of archaeological, anthropological, geographical and Near Eastern studies.
An Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
Survey of Old Testament History
Old Testament History
Outline and Menu
In 1936, two French archaeologists, Lebeuf and Griaule, led an expedition to Chad in North Central Africa. As they crossed the plains they saw some areas covered with small mounds. They also found large numbers of these mounds around Fort Lamy and Goulfeil. Deciding to investigate, they dug up several egg-shaped funeral jars that contained the remains of a gigantic race, along with pieces of their jewelry and their works of art.1 These giants, according to the natives, were called the Saos.
The Purpose of Satan in Producing Giants
It was the purpose of Satan and his fallen angels to corrupt
the human race and thereby do away with pure Adamite stock through whom the seed
of the woman should come. This would avert their own doom and make it possible
for Satan and his kingdom to keep control of the planet earth indefinitely. It
was said to Adam and Eve that the seed of the woman should defeat Satan and
restore man's dominion.
These dark corners of The Hall of Church history can be interesting and informative. But we encourage guests to spend most of their time in the central hall, which takes you from the Church Fathers, through the Medieval Churchmen, down a narrow, treasure-filled hallway devoted to the Puritan and Reformed writers, to the more recent stalwarts of the faith. We have named this corridor "Berean Hall," in honor of those noble recipients of the apostolic message, who "received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so" (Acts 17:11).
Timeline the development of Christianity
the development of (Western) Christianity,
the emergence of Christian Scriptures, and
the history of Biblical manuscripts, interpretation, and authority
Internet Resources for the Study of Judaism and Christianity
This page lists a number of sites on the Internet that are useful for the study of Judaism and Christianity. The list is necessarily partial, provisional, and even parochial. A casual glance will show how Penn-centered it is.
Church History Links for The Christian Empire-- 313-476
Lots of Links to Biblical Resources
Church History from Jesus to Constantine-- A.D. 30-313
Imagine a time when Christians had no written Gospels but only a spoken tradition of the sayings and stories of Jesus. So it was for the earliest Christians.
Explore the Word Church History
Medieval Sourcebook Saints' Lives
The Complete Works of Flavius Josephus
The Pope, Rome, and Events in Early Church History
Holiness in the Early Church (Holiness Heritage Series)
Have you seen the bumper sticker, "Christians are not different; they’re just forgiven?" Is it true? I would like to examine how the early church might have answered the question. When I say "the early church" I mean the church from around the second to the fifth century. Sometimes we use the term "the early church" as if all Christians in the second to the fifth centuries were completely agreed on every Christian doctrine. That is not so. There were disagreements; there were a lot of debates. One of the biggest disagreements was on this very question: Are Christians merely forgiven, or are they really different?
Webcrawler Kids & Family Religion & Beliefs Christianity History Early Church
StudyWeb History & Social StudiesReligionWesternChristianity
Story of the Church - Practices of the Early Church
Story of the Church - Early Heresies
Story of the Church - Christian Church History
Spiritual Gifts Fade Out of the early Church
In Search of Early Christianity
If one of Christ's Apostles showed up at YOUR church services, would he approve of your practices and beliefs? Are you sure? Does the average Christian church follow and practice the same teachings as the New Testament church set up by Jesus himself?
How did Christianity develop over the years? Who was involved and what were the factors that eventually brought persecution on the true believers of God?
Heresies & Schisms in the Early Church
Early Church History - Cutting Edge Ministries
Early Church History A Broadening Perspective
Internet Ancient History Sourcebook Christian Origins
Assemblies of God - Our History
You may be wondering where we came from, and you'll be glad to know we've been around a while. The Assemblies of God has its roots in a religious revival that began in the late 1800's and swept into this century with widespread repetition of biblical spiritual experiences.
CHRISTIAN HISTORY celebrating our charismatic and pentecostal heritage!
There is an argument that Pentecost died out with the early church. Following are some quotes taken from church history that will dispel that argument and bless you in the process.
For those who want to know where pentecostal revivals sprang from, look here
Methodist History 1703 - present
Methodism from its earliest times in John Wesley's England to present day United Methodism in the United States
An Overview of Religion in Great Britain
Religion in Victorian Britain
Jesus, Ante-Nicene fathers of the early Church and men who led heretical movements, and controversies.
Welcome! This site is a collection of history web sites for use in research. They are divided by subject and time period. Some of these pertain exclusively to Christian history and some do not. However, all may be helpful when searching for information. Have fun!!
Does the clergy role that so prevails throughout the Western Church today find its basis in the Bible? Sadly, history tells us that the functioning of clergy was adapted from the pagan practices of the Greeks and Romans who depended on priests to stand between them and their gods. The role of clergy so recognized throughout much of the Church today got its philosophical underpinnings from the dualistic teachings of Plato in the fifth century BC. Many of today’s followers of Jesus, however, are attempting to return to the biblical role of pastoring as it was understood by our first-century forefathers. The difficulty is that most Christians today are so accustomed to the clergy/laity separation in their congregations that they are amazed or even angered when that distinction is questioned.
Worship is the central focus of a vital Christian faith, and the most distinctive activity of the church of Jesus Christ. The biblical words translated "worship" (Hebrew shachah, Greek proskuneo) mean, literally, to bow down or bend the knee. Such was the ancient gesture of honor to a sovereign and superior authority. To worship is to offer the oath of covenant loyalty to the Great King, and to affirm our faithfulness as his servants. For this reason, the worship of God through Jesus Christ lies at the heart of all Christian expression. In renewing our worship today, it is important to understand what worship looked like in the earliest days of the church.
The Reformation Online - The Most Timely Site on the Internet
The Wesleys John, Charles, Susanna (Free Historical Art Too)
The religious wars began with overt hostilities in 1562 and lasted until the Edict of Nantes in 1598. It was warfare that devastated a generation, although conducted in rather desultory, inconclusive way. Although religion was certainly the basis for the conflict, it was much more than a confessional dispute.
Nearly 700 years ago, probably in 1324, in Yorkshire, England, John Wycliffe was born. This was a period when great spiritual darkness lay across most of Europe. However, this brilliant man was used by God to influence greatly the spiritual life of England, and indeed much of Europe. Wycliffe has been called The Morning Star of the Reformation.
The Timeline of U.S. Church History
This Reformation Guide is intended to provide easy access to the wealth of Internet information available on the reformation period. The links to the original web sites have been preserved so that users may access the most recent developments.
WILMORE, Kentucky - One morning in 1970, without warning, all heaven broke loose during Asbury College's 10 a.m. chapel service.
Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake, Maria Woodworth- Etter, John Alexander Dowie and others, plus the ENIGMA OF WILLIAM BRANHAM...
History of the Awakening of 1992-1995
Revival In The North-East Of England
The North-East of England is an area where God has moved powerfully over the years. The gospel first came to the region in Roman times, and the North-East has played a significant role in many important Christian movements and missions.
The history of revivals is an excerpt from the dramatic battle between light and darkness. Whenever it appeared as if darkness had finally conquered the light, it again broke through with sudden power, proving that the light of truth, of hope, and of love is invincible. It cannot be conquered, because it comes from God and He wants it to shine upon us.
History of Revivals : Preparation for Revival : Characteristics of Revival : Revival News : Revivalists
The Watchword- A Call to Watch & Pray for Revival
The term 'revival' has often been misused, and misunderstood especially in terms of Church History. In order for a person to re-vived, they must have been awake in the first place, and are now asleep or unaware of what is going on around them. One can clearly see that this refers to the Church. The results of this 'revival' in peoples lives, is that many sinners come to repentance, but it definitely is an 'awakening' of the Church.
The Great Welsh Revival of 1904 And Its Meaning For Revival Today
A Brief History of Revivals in Wales
John Wesley's Sermons -- Title Index
Acacia John Bunyan - Online Library - Sermons and Allegories
John Bunyan
( 1628 - 1688 )
See A Timeline Chronicling the Life of John Bunyan for more about the events of
his life.
**These sermons and allegories are arranged in the order of the year published.
*Age is determined from the year published. They do not correspond to the year
John Bunyan first penned them.
Austin-Sparks.Net The Online Library of T. Austin-Sparks
THEODORE AUSTIN-SPARKS (1889-1971) left behind a treasury of
writings filled with the Wisdom, Life and Revelation of Christ. He felt that
whatever was given by the One Spirit of God should be freely shared with the One
Body of Christ - what belongs to the One, belongs to all. He did not want his
writings or tapes copyrighted; freely giving to the Body what was freely
received from the Head. Having greatly appreciated his writings ourselves, we
offer them here on the web for the further establishing and strengthening of the
Body, that in all things CHRIST might have the preeminence.
War On The Saints - Jessie Penn-Lewis, with Evan Roberts
Watchman Nee - The Normal Christian Life
Charles Wesley's Hymns (words and midi music)
Selected Works of Martin Luther
Home of Spurgeon Archive
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Classic Christian books in electronic format, selected for your edification. There is enough good reading material here to last you a lifetime, if you give each work the time it deserves! All of the books on this server are believed to be in the public domain in the United States unless otherwise specified. Copy them freely for any purpose.
Fire and Ice Puritan and Reformed Writings
In 1737, when only a twenty-two year old Oxford graduate, George Whitefield's voice startled England like a trumpet blast. Attacked by clergy, press and mob alike, Whitefield nevertheless became the most popular and influential preacher of the age. At a time when London had a population of less than 700,000, he could hold spellbound 20,000 people at a time at Moorfields and Kennington Common. For thirty four years his voice resounded throughout England and America.
59 sermons of George Whitefield
JonathanEdwards.com - HomePage
We at JonathanEdwards.com thank you for visiting. We are committed to bringing you the largest body of Edwards' writings on the Internet. Let us know if you can help
Select Sermons by Jonathan Edwards
Revivals past and present
The Bath Road Baptist Church welcomes you to Sermons written by The Prince of Preachers, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. The sermons are a part of an immense number of sermons from the Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit by this Baptist preacher, and a Calvinist.
Branham TOC and Document View |
The Revival Archives - selected stories and teachings from the history of revival Selected Stories & Teachings From The History Of Revival
The Watchword- A Call to Watch & Pray for Revival
My Other Sites
Bible Reference / Prophetic Page / Christian Broadcasting