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the September 11 2001 attack in New York and Washington !!!


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Oct 23

Group: The Days of Thunder Mailing List 
Title: Prophetic Words of Warning, September 3, 2001 
Author: DOT 

The Word of the Lord given through His servant Scott Hofstee September 3, 2001 

So says the Lord of the Earth, this day. The judgment that I have foretold of through My servants the prophets, is at the doorstep. The devastation, the mourning, the death and destruction is at hand. To the nations of the Earth I say, the day of My fierce anger is upon you, behold what I do. I will begin on the coasts of your lands, the gateways to your nations with cataclysmic events, the like of which has yet to be witnessed by this generation or any other. I AM coming to the seats of power with a message of repentance the Earth has never heard before. I will use these final days prior to My appearance to all, to press out the wine from the grape, to gather the wheat from earth and separate and burn off the tares with unquenchable fire. The beginning of the days of My final plea with mankind are at hand. The striving with the powerful and mighty, who have thought higher of themselves than they should have, is here. 

To the city of New York, I say, the madness of your city shall be revealed in a moment of time. The markets of self-adulation and self-exaltation are about to be shattered. I have sent messenger after messenger to warn you of these events, to call your people to repentance before I crush your markets with the fist of My mighty hand and yet you go on as though there will be a day of recovery and restoration to the glory of your past. I tell you this day, what is past is past, what is to come, is at the doorstep and about to come crashing through in a moment of time. One day you will be at ease, the next, people will be killing themselves and killing each other in response to the Rock falling on the tables of your money changers and turning them to powder. The cry will be deafening but all that will be saved will be the souls of those who fall on their knees and repent before the Holy One of Israel. The fire will burn up all that is temporal and of this earth but that which is eternal will survive. Take heed New York, I will crush that lady that you have exalted above Me and drown her before your very eyes. I will have no other gods before Me and you shall not make a graven image and worship it as God. My fury is greater than you can imagine, My righteousness and justice purer than you can fathom. You will encounter it when you meet the ones I send to dispense My judgments on you. 

To the city of Washington D.C., I say, your might and power are about to ripped from you like a home ripped off its foundation in a mighty wind. Your foundation is flawed, your leaders are liars and thieves and lovers of power and recognition. Messages of judgment have been sent and not heeded, now I come with devastation and destruction. The principalities of darkness that have been kept in check will no longer be restrained and will begin to unveil the most subtle evils and darkness the world has ever known. Those who have not known Me will not be able to resist it. It will make perfect sense to the carnal minded fools that have stored up treasures here on Earth and left their accounts in My Kingdom empty and unattended to. The masses will flock to the deceptions like moths to a flame, only to be burned and destroyed. To the president of this country I say, you have fooled many with your unassuming charms and easy going mannerisms but I see your heart and it is not toward My will. It is toward yourself and your legacy, not My Kingdom. Your house is ordained for destruction unless you fall on your face before Me and cry out as Abraham cried out in intercession for Sodom and Gomorrah. Your ideas are vanity, your pride has ordained you for a fall and I AM coming to bring it to you unless you repent. Your place and position cannot be saved, your great city cannot be spared but your soul can saved as though by fire, so says the Holy One of Israel. To the leaders of the governments of this nation I say, when most of you read this, it will have already happened, the destruction and demolition of your seats of power and authority will be gone and you will know that all those crazy men and women whom I sent to you, were the sane ones, the ones who had indeed heard My voice and had carried the burden of the Lord to you. You will look upon these words and others and know that My heart was toward you and that it wasn’t willing that any would perish but you in your pride and arrogance could not receive instruction from these messengers. They didn’t look right, they didn’t sound right, they didn’t go through the proper channels. You will mourn the day you scorned these and you will know that I reached out to you many times before I brought My perfect justice and government to you and your people. So says the Lord of the Earth. 

To the city of Los Angeles, I say, your glamour and beauty are a ruse. I see right through the glitter and pomp of your appearance. You have housed the filth of the fornications of all generations within your walls and have turned your eyes to it as My daughters and sons have been ravaged by the purveyors of all the imaginable filth of this world’s nakedness. You call yourself the city of angels but your messengers have been the messengers of your father the devil, the chief of fallen angels. You have spread your whoredoms on every shore of this earth and I AM coming to pull up your skirt and make you a shame before the people of the earth. When I AM done the people of the earth will burn with a passion to see your destruction and a fervor to rid the earth of the plague that you have become to its people. Your doomed, I have spoken it says the Lord of Hosts. I call to those with ears to hear to flee the walls of this abominable place while there is yet time, for I will burn this place with unquenchable fire. So says the Lord of Hosts. 

To the cities of Seattle and San Francisco, I say, you are as Sodom and Gomorrah before Me. Twin cities of lust, greed, perversion and sorcery. I AM about to rain down fire and brimstone on you both in a way that has never been seen with human eyes. The abominations that have gone on behind the walls of your cities are the works of the most vile spirits the world has ever known and yet you applaud these works with admiration and recognition. You will be left as ashes as an act of mercy toward this world. For to allow your continued existence would be to allow a plague of unimaginable evil to continue unabated on the innocent of this earth. I have been long suffering toward you, I have sent you messengers time and time again who have foretold your doom and you have mocked and scoffed and killed these messengers. Now I tell you, the day that was foretold of you is here. The doom of your end is upon you. To those whom have ears to hear, I say, flee the walls of these places. I will guide you with My messengers, if you will but heed the Word of the Lord. If you do not, you will suffer the same fate that awaits those who have loved these cities and their abominations. So says the Great I AM. 

To the people of this nation called America, I say, you have thought you were exempt from what is to come, you have seen these things in other places but now they are coming to your shores. You don’t have the leaders to guide you through these storms, you don’t have the foundations necessary to bear the weight of the truth that is coming to you. Your shepherds have preached to you lies in My name, telling of an escape of the things that are to come to this world. They have spoken of an inheritance that is never fought for, never paid for and never existed in My Kingdom. Those who will rule and reign with Me will be those who have overcome by the Word of their testimony and the blood of the Lamb. They will be those who did not love their lives unto death. They will be those who forsook the delicacies of this world in order to gain the knowledge of Me. To be an overcomer will require that you know Me and die to the natural life of this world. Hate the evil that reigns here and no longer turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to the weak and forsaken of this world. You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul. You must forsake this world and enter into My world, which is world of righteousness, joy and peace in the Most Holy Spirit. I AM coming with a heavy hand against the shepherds that have led My sheep astray with half truths and the doctrines of men. You have loved your denominations more than you have loved Me. You have loved your salaries and accolades more than you have loved My truth. Your hearts have failed you for fear because you have not had the heart of the Good Shepherd. Your days of repentance will be sorrowful days, if indeed you do repent at all. Many will flee to their father the devil and be exposed as the antichrists they have truly been all along. This is what is to come America, this is a glimpse in part to warn you and prepare you. Most of all, it is the Word of the Lord that will bear witness against you when these things suddenly happen and you ask why they did. So says Jehovah, the creator of the whole Earth, the Holy One of Israel. 

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Oct 21

Published by: Pam Clark 
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Title: Glimpse of coming event? 
Author: Jim Bramlett <>

Dear friends: 

Does God give some people today glimpses into the future? 

Of course, psychics claim this gift, although we know that many of their 
claims are purely bogus, and any real powers they may have are actually 
demonic. The gift is also manifested by certain people in the New 
Testament as a gift from God, who still gives this gift to His people 

This story came to me today, October 20, 2001. I hesitated to share it, 
but then decided to do so, and let you judge it for yourself. 

A friend, who wants to remain anonymous, called me today to tell me 
about his 19-year-old son. I will call my friend John and the son Bob. 
John is a medical doctor and a strong Christian, and his son, also a 
Christian, is a student at a state university. John is a very credible 
person. I have zero doubt of the reliability of this story, but I do not 
know what it might mean. 

John tells me that his son has had the uncanny ability to foretell 
certain things that happen at, of all places, baseball or football 

For example, one time Bob said to his dad, “See that guy over there, 
number so-and-so? He is going to catch the ball and run for a 
touchdown.” Sure enough, on the next play, that same fellow caught the 
ball and ran for a touchdown! 

John says that happens at most games, but does not happen at every game. 
Whenever his son calls a play, it always happens just like he says. 

About a year ago they went to a baseball game and at the beginning of 
the game Bob told him that the pitcher was going to hit a home run 
during the game. John laughed and replied, “What? Pitchers rarely even 
get a hit, much less hit a home run.” 

John said the game was one-sided and not too interesting and their team 
was losing, so they left at around the eighth inning. When they got to 
the parking lot they suddenly heard the crowd roaring and going 
absolutely wild. They rushed to their car to turn on the radio and 
leaned that the pitcher had just hit a home run! 

A most amazing thing happened this year in June or July. The son was 
invited to a baseball game with a friend. Bob was sitting there at the 
game and suddenly turned to his friend and said, “You see that man in 
the gray shirt sitting in the center field bleachers?” 

The friend said, “Yes, I do. I see him.” 

Bob said, “He’s going to catch a home run from this batter.” 

John said that about 20 seconds later, the batter at the plate hit a 
home run, and the same man in the gray shirt in the center field 
bleachers caught the ball! 

John said, “This is not normal. I started to wonder. But I believe the 
Lord was giving my son credibility with me, so that I will listen to 

Now the purpose of this story… 

John said, “On September 11, 2001, the Day of Infamy, Bob was living at 
his college fraternity house. He was sleeping early in the morning and 
having a dream. 

In the dream, he was looking at the sky, and he began to see people 
screaming because a big ball of fire was coming down toward the earth. 
In the dream, Bob begins talking with a scientist, who said, ‘This thing 
will crash toward earth in 3 1/2 months or less.’ Then he heard another 
voice say, ‘November.’” 

All of a sudden he woke up, at the same time somebody rushed through the 
door shouting, “Bob, terrorists just attacked New York and the World 
Trade Center.” 

John said he has been thinking about this and trying to decide whether 
to share his son’s experience, but he now feels burdened and led to tell 
others. He said that is why he called me. He believes something 
cataclysmic will happen in November and/or before 3 1/2 months from 
September 11, 2001, which will be before the latter part of December. 
John's interpretation is that it does not have to be a meteor, but 
something catastrophic. 

Does this mean a devastating meteor will hit the earth in November or 
December? I do not know. Does it mean a devastating terrorist attack, 
perhaps with a nuclear weapon? I do not know. 

Was this given so that God’s people will pray against it, and stop it. 
Very possible. It would certainly be a good prayer target. 

I do not know the answers but dutifully pass it along for your 
discernment and action, as the Lord leads. 

God bless you, 


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Oct 14

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MODERATOR: Less than a week after the Twin Towers attacks, 
Paul Cain rose and spoke at a conference in Kansas City despite 
not being on the schedule. He felt that God was calling him 
to speak on this matter. Below are the main extracts from his 
September 17 message, including the 'Anthrax' vision. (-This was
before the current Anthrax scare). If you wish to read the full 
transcript, please see the links at the end.

We know that there are some awesome days ahead of us. The rapidity, 
the swift way, in which these things are coming down, it boggles one's 
mind. Its just unbelievable. I had a call from one of the leaders in London 
England, and he asked my opinion about the times. He said, "Is this the 
end?" He said, "Tell me do you believe this is the end?" I said, "Well it is 
certainly the beginning of the end, and how we need to pray for enough 
time to see revival. The Lord said he is going to do a fast work."

We are truly seeing signs of the end times, but for the elect's sake, 
those days will be shortened. Do you know? The good news is that 
revival will come. Stadiums will be filled. God will heal the sick, and 
God will raise the dead. God is going to have to protect some of his 
people. Some of his people are going to have to be willing just to be 
ready to go. Whether they are taken by germ warfare, or anthrax, or our 
water systems are polluted or filled with deadly bacteria. We're gonna 
have to be ready, prayed up, and ready to go. Maybe the Lord would 
choose to take someone like that. But take no chances. I wouldn't want 
to be sitting in front of a stupid television program or in a crazy movie 
house watching a worldly presentation or a movie taking the Lord's name 
in vain and dishonoring God the way they do, for anything in the world.

Now I'm being a little bit negative, holiness preaching I'd call it. Most 
people call it "legalism." Well, its about time we do something legal. 
Let's do our best to shun all the evil we can. There is a heaven to gain 
and a hell to shun. I want to get back to that preaching.

I was thinking for the last number of weeks how I started out as an 
evangelist. People began to be healed, and then I became known as a 
healing evangelist. I got drafted into a movement called, "The Voice of 
Healing" and the healing revival, and so on. My true calling is that of 
evangelism. I want you not to forget about the prophetic, because it is a 
great tool to use in evangelism. But let's get the winning of souls back 
on our agenda. Let's start having a burden for souls.

I remember the days when I was preaching the gospel, and had that 
fiery evangelism locked up in me. I would preach and so many people 
would be saved in those days. Even the Baptists would have me 
preach for them, and some of the Methodists, before the charismata 
(the charismatic thing) was started. Because I could win souls. You 
know, I believe honesty is synonymous with humility. I'm telling you the 
truth. I could win souls. I got away from that, and just started praying 
for the sick and preaching to the church. I'm getting back to the saw 
dust trail. I'm getting back to the old time, old gospel preaching, and try 
to win as many souls as I can, no matter what the cost.

Have you seen the new change in America in the past few days since 
September the 11th, on that dreadful morning. God has caused people 
to turn toward him. What we need now is for God to do something for 
the people to turn to him. 

Something even more devastating is coming. I don't want to frighten 
anybody. Well, yes I do. I want to. I want to frighten myself. I want to 
frighten you and tell you that something more, more evil and something 
more horrible is headed our way. We are going to have to be so full of 
God and so full of the Holy Ghost that we can withstand all of these 
onslaughts of the devil. You could kill every terrorist in the world, and 
still that devil would still be living to raise up new terrorists. There would 
be even more coming after us. So don't ever forget that. Don't think we 
can just kill the existing terrorists and their movement, because other 
movements will rise up. They have the inspiration for it.

Listen, my friend, Mike Bickle said something last night that cause 
me to shiver. I could not help but feel the tremendous truth and impact 
of what he said. When we pray, no matter what we pray about, God 
answers our prayer sometimes different than we expect. Sometimes he 
sends judgement. We think we prayed for mercy. We think we prayed 
for one thing. But even judgement sometimes is the mercy of God to 
bring, especially America, to her knees. Because America is so 
arrogant. America is so proud: America the beautiful. I'm as patriotic 
as anybody else here. I love the flag. I love "God bless America." 

I love America, but I love God more than I have ever loved him in my 
life. There has been warning after warning - prophetic utterance, one 
after another. Do you realize how many of these warnings actually 
reach the state department, and the FBI? I read some documents 
that were forwarded to the FBI only the other day that outlined some 
of the catastrophic things that are about to take place.

There are some very serious, (not possibilities), but there are definitely 
things set in motion at this very hour. It could be in two weeks. It could 
be in a month. It could be maybe little longer period of time. It depends 
on how we can ward this off. It depends a lot on sending troops into 
Afghanistan. It depends on how we treat this situation. If it is treated 
right, then God will hold the judgement back. If its treated wrong, God 
would allow judgement to come to America. But I don't want you to live 
in fear. If our lives are in alignment with the word of God, and we're living 
in obedience to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, and to the Word, we 
need not fear pestilence, nor plague, nor germ warfare, or even nuclear 
warfare. The bottom line is, it will get worse. We will have all of these 
things sooner or later. Probably sooner rather than later. 

Through prayer God can intervene and God can hold it back. We hear 
that little song, "Just a little longer, please Jesus." We need time. We 
need to buy time.

There are things that are so frightening that men's hearts will fail them. 
Do you realize? I'm surprised that more heart failure was not experienced 
when those three airliners crashed into those buildings.Do we grasp the 
seriousness of this? Do we grasp that it is not just four or five thousand 
lives that are lost and billions of dollars that are at stake? It is the fact 
that God's judgement was not held back.

Now we are coming together. We are coming toward God. The Lord said 
that won't do. God wants you to come to him. As I said last night, there 
is a great difference between toward and to. The nation is a little bit 
inclined to turn toward God, but not ready, not quite ready to turn to God. 
We must turn to him. That is probably the most important thing that I 
could repeat, or the most important thing that I could say tonight.

The bottom line is that things are going to get worse. We shouldn't fear 
even limited nuclear exchange. We should not fear any of these things.

I was reminded, several years ago, when I had a vision of something that 
was like the old west. Some of you are old enough to remember the old 
western movies, the black and white movies, where they had the cattle 
herd and all that. Then cattle would drink from the same water tank and 
would contract anthrax and would die. How many of you ever saw a scene 
like that? There would be just cattle strewn all about. These dead cattle all 
swollen up because of the anthrax. I saw a vision and had a dream about 
that sort of thing. Only they were not cattle, they were people. They were 
all around these water tanks. They were lying dead from anthrax. Later it 
was known that some of the countries that we may be fighting against 
and may be coming against us have not only the capabilities, but they 
have all of this in place. They have not used it, but it could very well 
be employed.

We must realize that these things are imminent. But before these 
things take their whole effectiveness, they can be stopped with prayer 
and revival. If we turn to God and not just toward God, and we seek 
him with all of our face, then revival will come as sure as the world. 

I'm telling you that we must come to a place to where we can trust God 
to take care of us no matter what happens. All I'm saying is its time to 
return to the foot of the cross. Its time to pick up our cross. Its time to 
focus in on the word of God and return to basics and be filled with the 
Spirit. And march forth with flying colors. We need God on our side 
more than any other time. 

But our God is about to show himself real to us if we'll return to him. If 
we'll return to him. Not just take a look now and then. Not just honor 
him in this or that. But honor him in everything, in all our ways. And 
when all our ways please God then he will make even our enemies to 
be at peace with us.

Let's stop being the know-it-alls. Let's stop being the bullies. Let's stop 
being the police state. Let's start being humble Americans who have 
made mistakes and will apologize for them.

What we need is the humility. And that has power. We need the 
confidence that comes only from honoring God. And that has power 
against our enemies and against every foe. If we start honoring God, 
God will honor us so fast. He will come so quickly. He will do so much 
to bring down all of these things. And keep the pestilence away and 
keep the anthrax away. And keep the germ warfare and the biological, 
chemical war he will hold it back. He will hold it back. We're gonna 
have a limited amount of it just to show us how great our God is, and 
how great his judgement could be. But God will intervene if he finds 
some more people than the people that are gathered in this arena 
tonight. He will come through for us. It doesn't take that many - even 
two agreeing together. It can stop famines. It can stop pestilence. It 
can stop anthrax from working. It can stop all the bombs. It can stop 
all the acts of terrorism. 
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Oct 11

Published by: Pam Clark PO Box 883 Grandview, MO 64030
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October 2001
America Under Attack - September 11, 2001
By Jill Austin

Dear Friends, 

Like everyone else, I’ve been processing this tragic and sobering event. 
What a time this is in history as we all reflect and ask the Lord how to 
make sense of this horrendous catastrophe. As I looked at the tender and 
wounded hearts of the American people, I felt such compassion from the 
Lord. His hot tears are falling on this blood-soaked battlefield. We 
have lost so many loved ones and He weeps with us in this painful hour. 

May we be His arms of compassion and His voice of love to bring healing 
and mercy to others. He desires to comfort the broken-hearted and draw 
all men unto Himself. May we all join hands and pray that the Lord will 
meet people in their deepest need during this hour of sorrow. 

In writing this prophetic word, it is a call to heighten our awareness 
that we fight not against flesh and blood, but against evil powers, 
principalities and the forces of darkness. We are engaged in a great war 
for souls, partnering with the glorious man Christ Jesus. It is a call 
for unrelenting prayer during this historic time. Will we become the 
history makers? 

When America was hit all the nations gasped and held their breath. 
America symbolizes world peace as a Gatekeeper nation and I hear the 
Lord saying, “This is that! It has begun –the beginning of the end.” 


Intercessors and Watchmen on the Wall

"Consider now! Call for the wailing women to come; send for the most 
skillful of them. Let them come quickly and wail over us till our eyes 
overflow with tears and water streams from our eyelids. The sound of 
wailing is heard from Zion: 'How ruined we are! How great is our shame! 
We must leave our land because our houses are in ruins.' 

Now, O women, hear the word of the LORD; open your ears to the words of 
his mouth. Teach your daughters how to wail; teach one another a lament. 
Death has climbed in through our windows and has entered our fortresses; 
it has cut off the children from the streets and the young men from the 
public squares.” Jeremiah 9:17-21

New World Order

Evil, wealthy men, the power brokers of the unrighteous, are plotting 
and putting into place their blueprint plans to take over the free 
world. Behind the terrorist in the media’s spotlight are the satanically 
inspired, dark visionaries who finance and choreograph these horrendous 
acts against society for their own selfish gain. 

Hidden in the murky shadows of destiny is a sinister network that has 
intricately woven its fiendish web throughout the nations. In all 
aspects of life, from everyday people in the marketplace to the highest 
ranks of military and governmental offices, demonic influence is rapidly 

Many so-called retired world leaders use their influence and wealth to 
move players on the chessboard of the New World Government. They are 
gaining in their ability to transfer power and wealth and wipe out whole 
people groups. This is nothing new as we have seen in Israel for the 
past 53 years but that reality pierced the hearts of the American people 
on the morning of September 11, 2001 when our financial and military 
power centers were shaken to the core. 

World War III 

This bold strike against America is like Pearl Harbor’s surprise attack 
in 1941. It awakened the sleeping giant of America and catapulted us 
into World War II. I feel this brutal attack has begun to unite the 
country and will be one of the triggers for a powerful revival in the 
days to come.

Apostolic Cities Targeted 

In the war room of the enemy, I feel other apostolic cities have been 
targeted – such as Los Angeles and San Francisco in this demonically 
inspired assault against America and the free nations of the world. 
Terror and panic ran in the streets of New York City and Washington, DC 
on that fateful morning as the world watched spears of terrorism struck 
the very heart of our people and government. Seemingly invincible, we 
now find that our walls have been broken down by the sin of our nation. 

Secure the Boundaries 

The boundaries of our nation and cities must be secured by the 
intercessory prayers of the church. Let us not be so foolish as to 
believe that there is only one terrorist attack planned against us. 
Chemical warfare and nuclear weapons in suitcases and backpacks are a 
frightening reality. Our government must make its plans for justice but 
the battle is primarily spiritual warfare engaged in the heavenly 
realms. This was an international, governmental confrontation between 
the forces of two kingdoms over the souls of men and women. 

Radical intercessors that carry governmental weight have been assigned 
to the White House and governmental offices. Their prayers are releasing 
the arsenal of heaven, the blueprint plans from the throne room and 
activating the angelic to fight and hold the land over America. 

A war cry has been released in the Spirit and God is calling His 
intercessors to rise up and stand at their posts. The prayers for our 
capitol did withhold the enemies attack against Washington, DC when the 
terrorist turned the plane away from the White House and hit the 
Pentagon located in Arlington, Va. 

Battle for Time 

I saw the Lord holding a golden scale and time was hanging in the 
balance. When President Bush won the election it gave us time to birth 
and mentor the next generation for the last days! It’s crucial to 
prepare, train, and equip the church for the great harvest before 
persecution escalates world wide. 

Sons and Daughters 

Are you ready for America’s sons and daughters to go to war? I feel 
prayer is vital to stave off a war because Satan wants to push the hand 
of God to bring us into a full-scale global conflict. He wants to 
destroy the next generation on the battlefield because he knows these 
are radical forerunners birthed like John the Baptist to prepare the way 
for the Lord’s return. 

World-Wide Prayer Movement 

When Jesus and John the Baptist were born the spirit of the anti-Christ 
moved powerfully through King Herod to destroy the seed and stop the 
purposes of God. The prayer movement is the young seed and the dragon of 
Revelation stands ready to devour it before it can mature in anointing 
and authority. 

Many of the young people called to this movement could die on the wrong 
field of battle if Satan is able to bring on a full-scale war before the 
appointed time of the Lord. The battlefield is fought first with 
worship, fasting and intercession. These are the foundational stones on 
which everything else must be built in the last perilous days. 

Dread champions of God, forerunners are being prepared as He purifies 
His bride. God is sovereign in the midst of global shakings as He is in 
all things. The Master Potter is as skillful in forming the destinies of 
nations as He is with individuals and uses the same refining fires to 
work His glory and reflection in us. 

First Line of Defense 

God is raising up fiery furnaces of prayer throughout the earth to 
counteract the rage of Satan and mobilize His troops. Prayer gives air 
cover for the army of God to take back territory (nations and cities). 

Apostolic and Prophetic 

Men and women are being birthed out of the prayer movement not only in 
the church, but in every arena of life. They will move prophetically 
contending for territory and resources. God will use them to finance 
food shipments and supplies across the globe in strategic counter moves 
of the Holy Spirit. Apostolic/prophetic government in the church will 
bring a dimension of power and authority missing in the church for 2,000 
years as persecution and martyrdom increase. 

Financial Depression 

Wall Street and financial systems are reeling and although weakened will 
recover to a degree before the next blow. This was only one of many 
attempts to bring down the financial structure of America and the 
nations of the world in order to usher in a one-world government. 

Daniels, Who Know the Times and Seasons 

The Lord chose not to reveal this attack to his prophets. Why? He wants 
to awaken His church to the seriousness of this hour and bring forth an 
army of Daniels who discern the times and seasons. After the fact, we 
can all prophesy in part but the Lord wants to up-the-ante by driving us 
into His heart with desperate neediness and intimate longing. His goal 
is to reveal the enemy’s plans before they happen. Historically the Lord 
has brought revival and the outpouring of His Spirit in order to prepare 
His bride for upcoming satanic assaults. 

Can we hear the rumbling in the spirit realm as the Father’s wrath is 
increased against His enemy and the bride struggles to awaken and shake 
off her lethargy and lukewarm heart? Today is the day of proclaiming and 
declaring the goodness of God who is unrelenting in His determination 
and commitment to shake us loose from all that hinders love for His Son. 

America is a Gatekeeper Nation 

We were birthed to be a reflection of the freedom and liberty found only 
in Christ Jesus … a force to maintain world peace. America has a destiny 
in God as one who fights for the disenfranchised with the economic might 
of our wealth and resources. That mantle rests upon us and the whole 
world watches to see what we will do and how we will react. If our 
financial system comes down the needy peoples of the earth will be 
without an advocate and the financial systems in other nations will be 
shaken and sweep into the New World Order. 

Marshal Law 

Our very freedom handicaps us in fending off terrorist attacks because 
we are an open society. Fear and paranoia can cause us to shut down and 
no longer be the gatekeeper nation we were created to be. The 
principalities and powers in high places want us so fearful that we 
would no longer allow those who desperately need us within our borders. 
Their goal is to infuse us with an unholy desire for protection and 
security outside of Christ. 

God has used this country to reach millions of starving peoples, famine, 
and earthquake victims around the world. We have been used to build up 
entire nations and financial systems through the years following World 
War II by showing mercy and forgiveness to our enemies. Is there any 
wonder the enemy would want to bring us staggering to our knees and fill 
us with fear and anxiety? 

I understand that airports, government, communications and financial 
institutions need top security but we must not become fear-driven as a 
nation or we move out of wisdom into bondage and slavery. Just where the 
enemy wants us! We need to be careful that as citizens we don’t bargain 
away our freedom from overzealousness in the name of protecting and 
preserving American lives and freedom. This could ultimately backlash on 
us especially if we allowed a dictatorship to come into place in the 

President Bush 

The Lord wants to deliver this nation by the mighty power of the Holy 
Spirit through His church and with a president on bended knees. I cannot 
say enough about covering this man and his counselors with prayer. Pray 
for the safety and wisdom of our President and that the enemy would not 
be able to take him out. Pray for holy boldness so he would speak forth 
with such clarity that the nation will rally behind him.

His decisions in the upcoming days and years will affect not only the 
future of this nation but also the global purposes of God in the end 
times. I believe the Lord is bringing a divine network of apostles and 
prophets behind the scenes to give strategic revelatory information 
directly from the Throne. 


Right now we are in alignment with Israel concerning the Islamic 
terrorism that has violated her freedom for 53 years but I fear that in 
the days of testing this country may ask, “Why should we continue to 
take hits for standing with Israel?” When terrorism hits our 
pocketbooks, our own children and the street outside our homes on Shady 
Lane, USA, what will our response be? 

Martyrdom for Allah 

A suicide mission in the name of Allah! Will we fight as the Islamic 
brotherhood, utterly united in one cause for their god? They are linked 
arm and arm in purpose and vision … willing to die rather than see their 
perceived enemies (Israel & America) take territory that does not belong 
to them. When one falls the next one in line takes up the banner and 
charges on! A few men armed with knives, fear and violence took down the 
economic and military systems of the wealthiest, strongest nation in the 
world! They did a great exploit for their god! 

Martyrdom for Christ 

If that is so, think how much more a few men and women burning with 
violent love for Jesus can shake the world they live in and turn it 
upside down. I pray that we will we be as the ones in Revelation 12:11 
who overcame the enemy by the blood of the Lamb, the word of their 
testimony and the fact that they did not love their lives unto death.

Until He is our magnificent obsession we will not lock arms in unity of 
purpose and vision, esteeming our brothers more than ourselves and 
loving beyond our petty offenses. This is what it will take to birth the 
seed of those called to give up their lives in martyrdom and bring about 
the return of the Glorious Man, Jesus Christ. 

Holy Challenge - “Business as Usual”

During this critical hour churches in cities throughout America are 
unifying in a bold prayer initiative crying for mercy and justice but I 
wonder if a month from now or 6 months from now … will we be in the 
prayer rooms and in our closets in petition and supplications for our 
cities and nation as the threat of impending violence looms before us? 
Out of this horrific devastation the Lord wants to birth a historic 
revival and outpouring of His spirit bringing in the great harvest so 
that the Glory of His Son might be revealed. 

Time to Repent! 

We share the anguish and grief of those who are suffering such loss but 
recognize at the same time that this is a wake up call to America and 
the church to return to the Lord with all of our hearts. The only 
defense we have against terrorist is the security of knowing the 
passionate burning heart of our Lord for His bride. God is calling the 
nation to repent for her sins and cry out for a spiritual revival and a 
break in of His glory. 

Who Will Stand in the Gap? The eyes of the Lord are traveling to and fro 
looking for righteous men and women who will stand in the gap – 
intercessors who will identify with these horrendous sins and plead for 
reconciliation with God. Out of the ash heap of destruction and pain we 
need to pray, “Oh God have mercy and heal our land. Bring a fresh 
revival and cleansing to my heart and show me personally where I have 
compromised and fallen away from first love. Let revival start with me 
and then bring it to the nation.” 

2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble 
themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, 
then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal 
their land”


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With respect to the darkness described in the attachment I wrote the
following a number of years ago. Some parts have been deleted here. There
has been no additions only some deletions have occured. If I remember
rightly I did put some of it on this forum a number of months ago. I said a
number of years ago that "This thick cloud of darkness shall be inaugurated
by the rise of a scorching fanatical brand of Islam." The terrorist tragedy
in New York and Washington has inaugerated the terrible period of thick

By David James Skelly

The whole world shall come under a thick cloud of darkness. This thick
cloud of darkness shall be inaugurated by the rise of a scorching fanatical
brand of Islam. Ishmaelites were the leaders of the original Islamic
revolution in Arabia. Kedar is mentioned in Scripture more than any other
tribe of Ishmael. And guess what; Kedar means BLACK and DIRTY. According
to Arabic tradition Mohammad has descent from Kedar. Mohammad was from the
Qurayesh tribe in Mecca. The Psalmist in Psalm 120:5 says "woe is me, that
I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of KEDAR!" This Psalmist was
dwelling with a travelling company of Kedarites who were sojourning in
Mesech. The whole Psalm is all about his terrible experiences dwelling
among the Kedarites. In Psalm 120:2 the Psalmist asks for deliverance from
the lying tongue and the deceitful lips of the Kedarites. The treacherous
words of the Kedarites were like sharp arrows (Psalm 120:4). The Psalmist
says "My soul hath long dwelt with him [ie Kedar] that hateth peace. I am
for peace: but when I speak, they are for war". Mohammad was a warmonger
who waged war to bring everything under subjection to Islam. Kedar means
BLACK. This does not refer to Kedar's skin colour but to his terrible
spiritual character. The central shrine of Islam called the Kaaba located
in Mecca is covered with BLACK cloth. The most important object from a
religious standpoint in the Kaaba is a BLACK meteorite stone. Many Muslim
women wear black clothes and black veils.
The rise of a militant scorching brand of Islam shall cover all nations it
conquers with BLACK DARKNESS. The Moslems shall inaugurate a period of
thick darkness on the earth. Thick darkness covered all areas of Europe
under Nazi Germany. All territory under Nazi occupation was coloured as
black on the maps of Allied nations. There shall be a war in the east in
southern Asia which will get the fanatical Moslems going. As a judgement to
western nations which do not come under Moslem control, God shall allow the
floodgates of Islamic terrorism to terrorise the West. Moslem terrorists
shall let off multitudes of bombs in Europe and America. The authorities in
the nations of those parts shall be powerless to stop it. Many many people
shall be killed by Moslem terrorists. Christian leaders shall also be
targeted for destruction by Moslem terrorists. Islam views the West with a
terrible self righteous contempt.
Another brand of darkness called Communism shall also rise up and take over
many nations. South America shall be taken over by Communism.. When
humanistic democracy fails to deliver South America shall turn to Communism.
Other nations shall also fall to Communism. When democracy fails to deliver
in Russia, Russians shall turn back to Communism. A new kind of reformed
Communism shall take over Russia.
The third brand of darkness is a humanistic democracy which shall have
contempt for Christian values. Democracies shall completely turn their back
on Christian values. The floodgate of filth and debauchery shall take over
democracies worldwide. The persecution of Christians shall be very virulent
in democracies. In democracies anti God lawlessness shall reign.
One way or other a thick darkness shall cover the planet. The whole world
shall be divided between the three thick brands of DARKNESS.
Communism shall rule China, Russia, South America, North and South Korea,
the Philippines and many nations in Africa. Islam shall rule southern Asia
all the way from Turkey (excepting Israel) to Indonesia. Islam shall also
rule Northern Africa. Anti-God democracy shall rule Western Europe, the
United States and Canada. The darkness of one of the three brands shall
cover the whole planet. This thick cloud of darkness shall last for years.
Spiritual civil war shall rage in the church. Sadly Christians shall be
firing many fiery darts at each other. Treacherous church leaders shall war
against each other. Ferocious religious spirits shall rule most of the
church. Nevertheless there shall be a remnant of Christians who shall live
in the light of God's love. If Christians have terrible strife filled
disagreements shouldn't they put away the pointing finger and fast and pray
until the light of God's love both surrounds them and directs them (Isaiah
58:1-14, 4, 9). [Of course some wicked brethren are to be excommunicated in
accordance to 1 Corinthian 5:1-13 but this is another matter.]. Many
shepherds shall feed themselves and not feed the flock. These wicked
shepherds shall rule them with force and cruelty (Ezekiel 34:4b). The sheep
will be scattered in the "CLOUDY and DARK day" because of the actions of the
wicked shepherds (Ezekiel 34:12, 4, 5). Eventually God will judge the
wicked shepherds in accordance with Ezekiel 34:1-22. A thick cloud of
DARKNESS shall shortly cover the whole planet. The church shall be covered
by a thick cloud of darkness for years.
This period of thick darkness shall be marked by great upheaval in the
world. There shall be wars, civil wars, economic depressions, recessions,
mass murders, great persecutions, many deadly plagues, many natural
disasters, famines etc.
The Jews all over the planet shall experience great trouble. War shall
break out in the Middle East between Israel and her neighbours especially
Syria. Israel shall experience great devastation. Damascus shall be
destroyed in the fighting (Isaiah 17). A great outcry in the world shall
break out against Israel because of the destruction of Damascus. Savage
persecution shall break out against the Jews over most of the earth. Jews
shall lose their jobs and be hunted down by wicked anti-semites around the
world especially the United States. Many Jews shall be exterminated. In
this DARK period Sweden and Germany shall help the Jews. Even so darkness
shall still cover the planet. Gog the new Communist leader of Russia will
make it known that he will rid the world of the so called Jewish problem
once and for all. He shall invade Israel with the approval of most of the
world's nations. He shall cover the land of Israel with his soldiers like a
cloud. God will then destroy Gog's hordes by a massive earthquake and by
overflowing rain, great hailstones, fire and brimstone (Ezekiel 38). When
Gog gets defeated the first ray of light pierces the thick cloud of
DARKNESS. God says in Ezekiel 38:23 "Thus will I magnify myself, and
sanctify myself; and I will be known in the eyes of many nations, and they
shall know that I am the LORD". The defeat of Communists and Muslims on the
mountains of Israel shall seen by many nations of the world. The light
shall pierce the darkness. When God magnifies himself on the mountains of
Israel the darkness will begin to lift. This is like seeing the first light
as the day dawns. II Peter 1:19 says "We have also a more sure word of
prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that
shineth in a dark place, until the day shines through, and the morning star
arise in your hearts" (KJV amended). Just before sunrise we see some light
shine through from the sun without seeing the sun itself. At this time just
before sunrise the morning star [the planet venus] is the brightest star in
the sky.
The judgement of Gog, Communism and Islam on the mountains of Israel shall
set off a chain reaction that will not stop until the great revival SHINES
throughout the earth. The defeat of Gog will send shock waves to the
Moslems in Southeast Asia. God will use China and others to go against the
Moslems in South Asia. Malachi 4:2a says "But unto you that fear my name
shall the Sun of righteousness [ie the Lord Jesus Christ] arise with healing
in his wings". Then shall the uncompromised gospel of the kingdom be
preached with great power throughout the whole world as a witness to all
nations. This gospel of the kingdom shall be accompanied by great signs and
wonders (Matthew 24:14; comp. Matthew 4:23-25; Romans 15:18-20; 1
Corinthians 2:4, 5). After this pure unadulterated gospel gets preached
throughout the world for a witness to all nations the end shall come.
The gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the great revival that
precedes the rise of the beast. Later many believers who were called to
serve God faithfully will fall away during the great apostasy (II
Thessalonians 2:3). Nevertheless a chosen remnant of believers will
continue to preach the gospel of the kingdom. The beast will rise and will
defile Jerusalem with the abomination of desolation and reign for 42 months.
Even during this period there shall be a faithful remnant of believers who
will continue to preach the gospel of the kingdom in the midst of great
tribulation. Those that remain faithful will be purified by the fire of the
great tribulation. After the faithful remnant of believers finish preaching
the gospel of the kingdom the faithful ones that remain holy will be
raptured (Revelation 22:11). Later the Lord Jesus Christ will return with
power and great glory (Matthew 24:1-31; Daniel 9:27; 8:9-13).
Jesus says to us "lo, I am with you always; even unto the end of the age"
(Matthew 24:20b KJV amended). The end mentioned in Matthew 24:14 is the end
of the age. The end of the age occurs at Christ's second coming.

----- Original Message -----
From: Stephen L. Bening <>
To: Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly <>
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 11:49 PM
Subject: [Watchmen-Prophets-Assembly] [Fwd: A Closing Door]Hollie Moody

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Oct 9

The prophecy number refers to: year month date.number that day

2001 10 08.1

For this word of the Lord is to give understanding to My ways.

I have pleaded with My people in America. They have sought Me in 
superficial ways. They have not turned away from the sins of the 
nation. They have continued with the murder of the unborn. They have 
continued with the immorality of adultery. They have continued with 
the creation of pornography. They have continued with the flowing of 
alcohol and drugs. They have continued to be in love with money.

So therefore, I am going to continue with My judgments. I am pleading 
with them to repent and turn from their sin. And so, when they do so, 
I will turn from My judgments, says the Lord God of all.

Thomas S. Gibson <>
1125 - 6 Ave, Wainwright, AB, T9W 1G2 Canada
The Prophetic Word Web Page:

by Bill Burns
Faith Tabernacle

October 9, 2001:
Today is the eighth day of assembly known as the Feast of Conclusion, which
follows the seven days of Tabernacles (Succoth). It is a day of rejoicing
over the word of the Lord. The number eight signifies new beginnings. On
this, the eighth day, the old is passing away (in conclusion), and the new
is springing forth.
Isaiah 42:9, "Behold, the former things have come to pass, and new things I
declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them."

We are entering into a new spiritual season. It will be a season of intense
spiritual warfare in the heavenlies and upon the earth. The Lord has been
preparing His church for this season during the past year. His prophetic
word has already foretold of the war to come. It is time to rule in the
midst of our enemies.
Unfortunately, many have not listened, and they have not prepared themselves
for what is coming upon the inhabitants of the earth. Many have not been

Eccl 8:1 Who is like a wise man? And who knows the interpretation of a
thing? A man's wisdom makes his face shine, And the sternness of his face is
Eccl 8:2 I say, "Keep the king's commandment for the sake of your oath to
Eccl 8:3 "Do not be hasty to go from his presence. Do not take your stand
for an evil thing, for he does whatever pleases him."
Eccl 8:4 Where the word of a king is, there is power; And who may say to
him, "What are you doing?"
Eccl 8:5 He who keeps his command will experience nothing harmful; And a
wise man's heart discerns both time and judgment,
Eccl 8:6 Because for every matter there is a time and judgment, Though the
misery of man increases greatly.
Eccl 8:7 For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it
will occur?

Solomon tells us, "To everything there is a season, a time to every purpose
under heaven." (Eccl. 3:1) There is a "time to war and a time of peace."
(Eccl. 3:8) It is now a time of war. The wise man's heart should discern
both the time of war and the judgment that is coming upon the earth.
The first priority in making provision for war is to establish your base
camp in a place of safe habitation, a place that is safe from the enemy. The
Lord began to give prophetic words in 1999 that we are to be found in safe
habitations. That is a word that He has continued to emphasize until this

America has received a wake-up call, and the whole country can now
understand the importance of being in the right place at the right time. Or,
we could say, it is important to not be in the wrong place at the wrong
Terrorism in America has become a reality. Life in America will never be the
same again. We are entering into a time period in which it will become
essential that we can discern the times and be led by the Spirit of God who
can and will lead us into safe habitations.

On September 30, 2001, the Lord spoke twice to my wife, Marsha, "Red
October." She asked me what I thought that might mean, and I told her that I
thought it was the name of a movie that someone had once mentioned. The
prompting of the Spirit was urgent enough to cause us to watch this movie on
video. We were astonished at how much the movie related to the current
events. The movie was about a Russian submarine commander who was defecting
to America in Russia's newly produced (silent) submarine. The mission of the
sub was to see if it could slip past America's defense systems and invade
American territory on the coastlines. The ultimate mission of the sub (after
testing) would be to attack America from close range with missiles, but the
captain and officers wanted to defect to the U.S., and that was the plot of
the movie.

This movie, "The Hunt for Red October," presented many prophetic parallels
to the recent terrorist attacks on the U.S. and identified the times and
seasons which we are presently in. The revelation, which came out of the
movie, is much too lengthy to include in this writing. If you are interested
in all of the details, you can order the tape from our resources page at .

I believe that to be found in safe habitations is a two-fold proposition.
First and foremost, it means to make God Himself your place of refuge, and
that requires being found rightly related to Him.

Eccl 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep
His commandments, For this is man's all.
Eccl 12:14 For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every
secret thing, Whether good or evil.

If we seek first relationship with Jesus Christ and love God with all of our
hearts, then He will become our spiritual refuge.

Psa 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty.
Psa 91:2 I will say of the LORD, "He is my refuge and my fortress; My God,
in Him I will trust."
Psa 91:3 Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler And from
the perilous pestilence.
Psa 91:4 He shall cover you with His feathers, And under His wings you shall
take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
Psa 91:5 You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, Nor of the arrow
that flies by day,
Psa 91:6 Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, Nor of the
destruction that lays waste at noonday.
Psa 91:7 A thousand may fall at your side, And ten thousand at your right
hand; But it shall not come near you.

Secondly, we need to be led by the Lord into safe physical habitations and
be prepared for that which is coming. Most likely more terrorist attacks are
forthcoming. I have heard several messages of late in which it was stated
that America won't be destroyed. Those who have preached those messages have
used God's statement to Abraham concerning the destruction of Sodom and
Gomorrah. God told Abraham the He would not destroy those cities if ten
righteous people were living there.

The current reasoning is that there are more than 10 righteous in America,
so none of its cities will be destroyed. I believe that God made that
statement to Abraham because He knew there weren't 10 righteous in those
places. I also believe that if there had been 10 righteous, He would have
brought them out with Lot and then destroyed those cities.

Let us consider for a moment what happened to Jerusalem in 70 AD when there
were far more than 10 righteous souls living in that city. In Matthew 23:38
Jesus said of Jerusalem, "See! Your house is left to your desolate." But the
disciples decided to show Jesus the temple, which was still there and wasn't

Mat 24:1 Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples
came up to show Him the buildings of the temple.
Mat 24:2 And Jesus said to them, "Do you not see all these things?
Assuredly, I say to you, not one stone shall be left here upon another, that
shall not be thrown down."

The Master's statement shook them up a bit, and so they asked Him a
Mat 24:3 Now as He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him
privately, saying, "Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the
sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?"

So, Jesus told them the signs of the end and then He said:
Mat 24:16 "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.
Mat 24:17 "Let him who is on the housetop not go down to take anything out
of his house.
Mat 24:18 "And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.
Mat 24:19 "But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing
babies in those days!
Mat 24:20 "And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.

The destruction came in 70 AD when a Roman general named Titus destroyed the
temple and Jerusalem. The question is, "Why did God allow Jerusalem to be
destroyed when it was home to literally thousands of real Christians?" The
answer is simple. Jerusalem rejected Jesus Christ.

Mat 23:37 "O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the one who kills the prophets and stones
those who are sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your children
together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not

Jerusalem (as a majority) would not serve Christ, and that applies to many
if not most cities in America. Now, let me ask a question. Were all of the
Christians that lived in Jerusalem destroyed? The answer is NO. In fact,
most of the Christians that lived in Jerusalem moved to a place north of
Jerusalem called Pella in 66 AD. And, because they remembered the Lord's
word and relocated, the Church not only survived, but it prospered. It is
reported that by 100 AD the Church numbered over 300,000.

I do not believe America will be destroyed, but some cities certainly could
be. It is time for many to re-evaluate their spiritual relationship with God
and put Him absolutely first in their lives. It would also be a good thing
to seek for His direction regarding physical habitations. This may be His
last call to many before they hear those fateful words that Christ spoke,
"See, your house is left to you desolate."

The handwriting is certainly on the wall, and the apostle Paul's words
should once again be considered, (2 Timothy 3:1) But know this, that in the
last days perilous times will come.

Faith Tabernacle
Kremmling, CO 80459

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Oct 8

Published by: Pam Clark PO Box 883 Grandview, MO 64030
Web Site: Email:


A Closing Door 
(October 6th, 2001) 
by Hollie Moody <>

I have been under a tremendous burden this week, but especially today. 
It has been building up and intensifying within me. The Lord has been 
showing me a door opened a crack, but slowly closing. 

When I asked what this could mean, I felt the Lord replied that after 
the terrorist attacks on America on September 11th, He allowed a period 
of grace and mercy towards not only America, but also other nations who 
were also troubled and shaken by the tragedy which occurred on our 
shores. Now, the door I saw in this mini-vision was closing, and was 
almost totally closed. 

In the vision, I cried out to the Lord to keep the door open just a 
little longer. I tried to reach into the space between the closing door 
to keep it from closing completely. I was weeping and crying, pleading 
for a little more time. 

"I granted a little more time," the Lord replied. "I heard the cries and 
saw the tears of many after your country was attacked. I then waited for 
the cries and tears to turn to true and lasting repentance. While many 
truly repented, there were so many of My children who remained unmoved. 
And they remained unchanged. 

"My eyes continued to behold My sheep being wounded in My house. 
My eyes saw into the recesses of the hearts of many of My children, and 
I beheld the secret sins still unrepented of. My people remain unmoved 
and unrepentant. A time of Tuesdays is coming upon My people, and upon 
the world," the Lord decreed to me. 

I then experienced a vision. In this vision, I was looking up into the 
heavens. I saw a door open in the heavens, and a small group of seven 
very large angels began to step through this door one at a time. They 
each held what appeared to be a bowl in their hands. After all the 
angels stepped through the door, the door closed. 

The first angel began to pour out his bowl. The contents began to fall 
towards the earth. Darkness fell out of the first bowl. I saw as this 
darkness fell first on churches and on the saints of God, then fell on 
the rest of the world and the world's peoples. There seemed to be a 
weight to this darkness. For when the darkness fell upon people, they 
began to stumble and fall. 

"People chose darkness over the light of My salvation," the Lord 
intoned. "Now they shall have the darkness of damnation." 

The second angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. The second 
bowl contained blood. As the blood covered the earth, I saw wars and 
violence erupting. 

"The blood I shed on Calvary was ignored and trodden under foot," the 
Lord intoned. "Now the blood of many shall be shed." 

The third angel began to pour out his bowl into the heavens (outer 
space). I saw explosions in the heavens. Debris from the explosions 
began to fall to the earth, burning as it fell. 

"Man said he would ascend into heaven," the Lord intoned. "The pride of 
man will be abased." 

The fourth angel began to pour out his bowl upon the earth. Fire was 
contained in this bowl. As the fire fell to the earth, it ignited 
numerous other fires. I soon saw as sections and portions of the entire 
earth appeared to be burning. 

"Many have chosen the fires of hell over the fires of purging and 
repentance," the Lord intoned. "Now they shall begin to feel the heat 
from the fires of hell." 

The fifth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl 
contained idols and images. As the idols and images fell to the earth, 
they struck people, wounding and injuring them. 

"Just as many chose to place other things and other gods before and 
above Me," the Lord intoned, "even now shall those things fall upon them 
to their wounding and destruction." 

The sixth angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. His bowl was 
filled with the wind. As the wind fell upon the earth, it began to blow 
fiercely. I watched and saw as the wind blew upon everything in its 
path, destroying almost everything before it. 

"The wind of My Spirit was stifled in the hearts of many," the Lord 
intoned. "Now will the wind blow unfettered, and will blow away all that 

The seventh angel began to pour out his bowl over the earth. To my eyes, 
the bowl appeared empty. After this bowl was emptied over the earth, a 
very intense silence fell. 

"My ears were attuned to the prayers of My children," the Lord intoned. 
"I heard the clamoring of many voices which confused many. I also heard 
the silence of unoffered prayers. Now when they call to Me, I will not 

After the seven angels had finished pouring out their bowls upon the 
earth, the Lord called the first angel over to us. 

"The darkness contained in this bowl is twofold," the Lord explained to 
me. "Not only is it a darkness coming upon all the world to engulf it, 
it is also a spiritual attack being unleashed at this present time 
against My people, but especially against My prophets. The enemy is 
seeking to confuse and silence the voice of My prophets. He is bringing 
a weight of condemnation, self-doubt and depression upon them. I am 
hiding My prophets in places of safety and refuge to strengthen and 
minister to them." 

The Lord then called the second angel over to us. "The blood contained 
in this bowl represents My blood which I shed for the remission of 
sins," the Lord said. "Those of My people who are My servants indeed, 
have been applying My blood to their hearts. They have been examining 
themselves, and have been entering into a new covenant with Me. My blood 
will be over them during this time of tremendous blood shed which will 
come upon all the earth." 

The Lord then called the third angel over to us. "Man's pride has lifted 
him up," the Lord said to me. "There will be wars in the heavens. These 
wars will be both physical and spiritual in nature. Many of My children 
are already feeling the heat of this battle spiritually." 

The Lord then called the fourth angel over to us. "Fire purges as well 
as destroys," the Lord said to me. "My children are feeling the fire of 
purging within their hearts. This is an extremely intense time for My 
people. It is a time of self-examination;a time of rededicating 
themselves unto Me. My fire is burning all from within My children that 
would pollute them. Those who do not submit themselves to Me, will feel 
this fire as a destroying fire." 

The Lord then called the fifth angel over to us. "The idols and images 
contained within this bowl represents a battle between Myself and false 
gods and false religions," the Lord said to me. "Every religion, every 
denomination, is being shaken at this time. Only what is of Me, and what 
is built upon Me, shall endure. The battles fought in the physical realm 
will be between false gods and the One True God. The issue central to 
this war will be Truth versus deception." 

The Lord then called the sixth angel over to us. "The wind contained in 
this bowl represents My Spirit," the Lord said to me. "My Spirit is 
already blowing fiercely upon all who profess to be My children. Those 
who are not My children, will be blown away and destroyed by the 
fierceness of My Spirit touching upon them. Those who are truly My 
children are also feeling My Spirit blowing upon them. This is also a 
difficult time for them; for all that is within them that is offensive 
to truth, is being blown violently from out of them." 

The Lord then called the seventh angel over to us. "The silence 
contained within this bowl," the Lord said to me, "represents a 
silencing by Me over those who have confused many by their words. 

"Many of My children are feeling My hand heavy upon them, and have 
hushed themselves. They are waiting to hear only My voice speaking to 

"Those who have claimed to hear My words, and have uttered their own 
thoughts and ideas which have confused many, will be put to silence and 
shame before Me. For with their words, they turned away the feet of 
those who were on the road to repentance. 

"My people have been as the church of Ephesus. They have left their 
first love of Me. My people have been as the church of Pergamos. They 
have fornicated themselves with false doctrine. My people have been as 
the church of Thyatira. They have allowed false prophets to speak My 
words unto them. My people have been as the church of Sardis. They are 
spiritually dead, and dying. My people have been as the church of 
Laodicea. They are complacent. 

"Those of My children who are My children indeed, shall be as the 
churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia. They will suffer persecution and 
trials, even unto death, while I am purging and refining My rebellious 

"My will and My plan is to prosper My people," the Lord said to me. "Not 
with finances or possessions, but with the knowledge of Me would I 
prosper them. To accomplish this, all that is not of Me I must needs 

"This is a troublesome time. I am shaking mightily all things and all 
people. He that endures to the end, the same shall be saved." 

I then saw vast numbers of people stooping down to the ground and 
picking items up from the ground. With their arms full of bits and 
pieces of what they had picked up, the people came to the Lord. They put 
the items in their arms on the Lord and began to build something with 
these items. I watched and beheld as a beautiful building began to 

"I am the foundation upon which all other things must be built," the 
Lord said. "My people are broken. When they bring the broken pieces of 
their hearts and lives to Me, and begin to build upon Me, I will put the 
brokenness back together and raise up a glorious and victorious Church. 
My Church shall stand triumphant when it is built upon Me. I will have a 
people called by My Name. I will have a Church." 

In Him, 
~~ Hollie L. Moody 

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Dr. Paul Gervais 
Dr. Gervais' email: 

Over the past two weeks, the Spirit of the Lord has been nudging me concerning England's Prime Minister Tony Blair. Some people are noticeably anointed, possessing a compassion that supersedes the natural. This man both emanates and radiates the Father's love. Choosing to be with President Bush during his toughest days in office, following the recent terrorist attack, Great Britain's statesman has a heart for people, is solidly aligning and standing with America in one of her darkest hours. While waiting on the Lord, a word came to me regarding this leader. The following message was personally shared with Mr. Blair over the weekend. 


"Within the womb, I formed a man whose heart beats after Mine. Upon him have an Anointing and mantle been placed to deliver My people, while standing in mighty power and enjoying the respect of world dignitaries, even former and current enemies. His is a voice that will be heard throughout the nations. 

Heavenly wisdom and effectiveness are being perceived upon this gapstander by millions, as he yields all to Me, and regularly postures himself before the Throne of Mercy and Grace for the Beloved. Israel is slated to be richly blessed through his obedience to the call. Locking arms with President Bush, the two will put tens of thousands to flight, ushering in the Glory of the Latter House. I have witnessed those (Mr. Blair's) tears and heard his cries. 

Consequently, a demand has been placed on the Glory...that manifest Presence, to richly bless England and the United States with the first fruits of revival and Outpouring, while supernaturally defeating their foes. Fear not! A rich hand of protection is upon the two countries, as a strong arm, the Lord's, extends from that Secret Place of the Most High to confound, confuse and defeat anyone standing against their lands and them. No rock will be able to cover any adversary. I will personally jerk each from their crevasses. 

Through the Unction of these very special men...President George W. Bush and Prime Minister (aptly put) Tony Blair, the terrorists' spine will be broken. 

Good is about to overshadow and overcome good. Fear not! I well know victory. The players on Dad's chessboard can never be moved, except by God's hand. In fact, each is strategically poised to win!" 

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Oct 7

Understand the signifigance of this vision may very well be in relation to the recent decision of the US government to support a Palestinian State. The other day as I watched Ariel Sharon denouncing the US he was choked up and holding back the tears. It's evident he also knows what is to befall America as those who bless Israel shall be blessed, but those whom curse Israel shall be cursed. Many have said the only cause for God's restraining hand is His grace and mercy that is shed due to the US's role in blessing Israel. But now the US pressures Israel greatly and has sided with the Arabs of Ishamel whom have attacked this very land. Money talks. Pride shall come before destruction. Now is such a time this nation has become more and more puffed up believing a vain lie that the people of America are the best people in the world. How great the world shall cry out when she falls. It is written! And certainly this vision fits into the visions I've had have the coming judgement upon this nation. 
Though it hurts I still say God's will be done for only He surely knows best. The LORD has the greater plan in mind. We must look at that overall 'aerial view' of God's plan and not simply trying to look through the forest. The prudent man prepares. The prudent see what is coming. The prudent shall interceded before the nation. Be the prudent wise Church!
kris webb, praying for the Church in America
Jerry Golden “REPORT”

PO Box 591

Bet Shemesh 99100 Israel

A Vision


Some visions are to be shared and others may not be, and this has been the subject of my prayers for the past couple hours. For the Vision I received only 2 hours ago was one of which I have asked God why should I share it? What would be the purpose in sharing it? None the less I know now that I must stand in front of you with the Vision I received from God on this day. 

My son Joel was given leave from the IDF and able to come home for the Sabbath. As the Sabbath ended, and we had our Kiddush and meal, he decided to visit some friends. He had just left and I was setting on the balcony on our swing, and suddenly felt drowsy, so much so in fact I was wondering what was wrong with me. It was then that I found myself over looking at what I believe to be New York City. 

The Vision

There were fires and explosions all over the city people were running in total panic. There were wrecked cars and cabs on nearly every street, and there were soldiers everywhere I looked. I felt a Holy presence but could not see anyone. I ask if this was the WTC we had just seen on TV, and He said no, this is yet to come. I then ask will it only be New York City, He said no, many others will suffer in even worse ways. Other cities there will be death and destruction across the United States. The economy will be totally destroyed and when their god of money is gone from them, they will turn to me. But I will receive them not. 

I then ask what about those who love You and are truly your children. It was then that I could see in the crowds those who could be identified by the glory of God around them, and the peace they had was supernatural and it could be seen in their walk and manners. 

What about Israel I asked? There will be much death and destruction in Israel for My people have sinned a great sin against me. But I will save them as I have promised, but for those who have come against my City and my people, I will show no mercy. 

I asked, when will this happen? Be ready to receive Me, for I will bring all these things to pass. End of Vision…

You may ask why would I send this out, the answer is I feel I have no choice, only God can answer the question as to what good it will do you or others. It certainly will make me look a little strange to many. But so be it, I will follow God anyhow. Shalom, Jerry Golden

***The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: 
REPENT ye, and BELIEVE the Gospel message of JESUS CHRIST--
In whom TRUE peace and security lie in the best and worst of times!
"I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Luke 13:3*** 

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Sept 30




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Below is perhaps the most accurate prophetic word ( 5 years before this terrorist attack ) I have seen foretelling the events of the terrorist attack on New York City and Washington, D.C. Even so, it did not detail the date or the exact point of impact in New York City or Washington, D.C. --as I have come to believe now that it was NOT in God's plan to reveal the exact information before hand--for whatever reason. 

These two important words (below) are through Kim Clement --a man I believe to be a true prophet of God. I do believe he has an hearing ear from the Lord regarding God's intentions for America. 

You know, of course, that Prophets today know only "in part and prophesy in part." (I Corinthians 13:9). If you find a prophet who claims to always know God's answer for every single issue: personal, corporate, and for the nations-- you've found an out-of-balance prophet who only BELIEVES that all his words are from God. Prophets must be submitted to one another, and to other leaders. The expression, "no man is an island, no man stands alone," could have been written especially for prophets. No prophet knows it all. Not one. 

I believe these two words by Kim Clement are from the Lord---but of course, they are "in part." Other prophets have revelation about and around these recent events, and intercessors have a major role to pray regarding it. 


I hold a FIRM conviction about prophecies of destruction. When God prophesied evil, we learn from the BIBLE'S GREATEST INTERCESSORS--they they didn't always accept it as a given fact. Remember Moses and Abraham (mentioned in the first article below). And remember Joel (from Joel chapter 2)? Who knows, says Joel, if people repent, that God won't leave behind a blessing instead of judgment. And finally Jonah. God cancelled judgment and brought revival instead of destruction. My firm conviction is that until or unless destruction of any nature comes, NO MATTER WHO PROPHESIES IT ----the CHURCH and the BODY must simply pray to prevent destruction . . . all destruction. And then leave the results to God. 

We must stand in the gap. Period. End of story. The only exception is if the Lord specifically tells an individual NOT to pray against judgment. And that is far more rare than many believe it to be. We stand in the gap until the end is known-- whether for mercy or destruction. 

I believe we must continually seek God's mercy so that more people will be saved, rather than destroyed and lost forever. 


These two words by Kim Clement are: 



I want to especially call those who read this second word to PRAY and ask the Lord to intervene wherever our country might consider taking action that is not "from the Lord" but also for the Lord to use "for the Good" any actions we take that are a mistake. This 1996 word by Kim Clement, given 5 years before this New York City/ Washington D.C. event says, among other things . . . 

Kim Clement's 1996 prophecy: 

"The Spirit of prophecy is in this building. I am shaking right now. "I am shaking this place. I am shaking your ground. I am shaking the earth. There has been a terrorist act and there will be another. For the Spirit of the Lord says, America will retaliate, but God says, even as they retaliate with natural weapons of war and they say, we will go the place of the east and we will go and we will bring them down for what they did to our people as they flew in the air, over Long Island. But the Spirit of the Lord says, another will take place, but I will prevent many deaths, because I will cause a security thing to happen so they will not die. I will look after you, America. But God says, the retaliation will not be right. It will not be of my Spirit. It will be a wrong decision, but God says the saints of the Lord, of the most high God, will begin to pray. And your God says, I will strike down the god of the east. I will bring something to pass very soon. I have told you about it. The very god of the east, the very king of the east, the very prince of the east. The one that waged a war against America. They spoke about the mother of wars. For God says, This is going to be the mother of wars as you have never seen. For the Spirit of God will rise up against the prince of the east, and He will bring him down." ---Kim Clement, July 25, 1996 FROM: 


The above prophecy is the clearest I have seen that was pre-written before the recent terrorist events. 

Now that the U.S. is preparing a response to the terrorist attack, Remember . . 

. . . pray that the Lord's will be done and not man's. It's time to stand in the gap. 

For your prophetic thoughts, 

Steve Shultz, Publisher, 


Now here are the full texts for both Words by Kim Clement: 


September 18, 2001 
by Kim Clement 
(Written September 18, one week after the events of September 11) 

I don't agree with the many “prophets” who have made statements of doom about various cities, and even given dates and years, and they have not come to pass. 

If God sends judgment upon a nation or city, and measures this judgment according to their GOOD or EVIL, then I would have to say that: 

· The Eiffel Tower would be shattered into a million pieces and the inhabitants of Sodomic Paris, pillars of salt for the French Fries; 

· Amsterdam would be the largest lake in the world; 

· Rome would be burning while angels play their fiddles; 

· The British Isles would be the "British Files"; 

· Frankfurt would be called "Frankfurter"; 

· Barcelona would be another fishing village. 

The USA has unrighteousness and wickedness, as does every other NATION. However, there are millions of praying, righteous people, who have stood before the Lord and sought His face. Let us remember the fact that God ALSO takes into account the righteous acts of good people and rewards accordingly. America has unselfishly given billions of dollars to the poor and needy all over the world, fulfilling the commands of Jesus Christ. 

They have sent missionaries into remote parts of the world and never given up on the poorest of nations. 

Usually when God judged anyone in the Bible, it was His nation, or if you want, the Church. His prophets spoke to Judah, Jerusalem and Israel. The Church must take responsibility because the sinner has no clue about godliness. They sin without fear and only look to God when there is need. God does not manipulate men to love Him. 

Fair enough, there are evil practices in the USA. Forget the Supreme Court. Their decision to rule out prayer in the schools actually promoted unselfish and sincere prayer from the hearts of young men and women. There is more prayer in the hearts of the students now than the repetitious prayers of religious teachers. 

Wars happen. Not every war is as a result of sin or evil. Wars and attacks have happened throughout the history of mankind. Israel was attacked many times, in the Old Testament, for no reason, except a lurking enemy who was waiting for an opportunity to steal the glory of Israel. Goliath provoked the Israelites in order to "find a man". These stupid ‘boy-games’ have continued throughout the centuries. "I am stronger than you," they say. “Let us prove who is the strongest.” Yet it took a ‘David’, a young lad with a love for God, and a simple strategy to overcome this foe. (1Sam 17:1-58) 

To say that God is judging the USA is not only a lie, but also proof of self-righteousness on the part of a sleeping, lazy, church. America is not as Israel of old. It has atheists, satanists and people who simply don't follow God. So when God addresses anyone, He addresses the Church, and the believers first. 

The Church needs to repent; after all, "judgment begins in the house of God." (1 Peter 4:17) 


Let me explain this: 

The order of judgment begins with the Church. Once the Church is judged and has become the standard for judgment, only then is God justified in judging the wicked. The church today is most certainly not a righteous standard for God’s judgment. 

Now, the USA has been struck and we say God has lifted His hand. So He gets the credit for bad events. Why do we always find a reason for an attack, war or death? Jesus said, "There shall be wars and rumors of wars." (Matt. 24:6) 

I think we need to remind ourselves of an old saint who pleaded with God for two cities that were about to be burnt with fire - Sodom and Gomorrah. Instead of Abraham sitting self-righteously and declaring, "Go ahead, God, those ‘faggots’ deserve it!", he pleaded ON BEHALF OF THE RIGHTEOUS. 





Moses. Knowing that this was uncharacteristic of God, stood in God’s way and declared these words: 


Our Prayer for America should be: 


LUKE 9:54 56: 

“And when the disciples, James and John, saw that they did not receive Jesus, they said, ‘Lord do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?’ BUT HE TURNED AND REBUKED THEM AND SAID, ‘YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT MANNER OF SPIRIT YOU ARE OF, FOR THE SON OF MAN DID NOT COME TO DESTROY MEN'S LIVES, BUT TO SAVE THEM.’ " 

It seems that God gets upset with His people before the unbeliever because the believer should know better. The Church has been playing games these past years. Let's talk about the sin in the Church and with leaders before we make our hasty judgments against New York and the USA. Church, why aren't you praying the way you should be? You seem to be enjoying carousing, divorcing, spending, condemning, and judging one another? What do we expect the World to do? They look to us as the measuring stick. 

Allow me to make this point: God regards the righteous in a Nation and rewards them accordingly. 

It's so sad that every time something evil happens, we, the Church, bring God into the picture and misrepresent Him. Yet, when there is continuous prosperity and peace, happiness and life, we refuse to blame HIM!! America has enjoyed all of the above and then suddenly there is one act of terrorism and violence, and we play on this, hoping to get people to repent. 

Oh yes! They will turn to God during this time, but it will be short lived if the Church does not immediately present a loving caring God and invite these people to enjoy His grace and favor. 

Instead of constantly putting them in fear of this beautiful God whom I have served for these years, let’s also show them the side of God that they can relate to. 

Do me a favor; Next time something good happens in the USA, like an economic revival, prosperity, a Godly president, a peace treaty, a surrender of an oppressive "walled" country, a cure for AIDS, the Disney company making a moral stand against violence and sex, a billionaire donating a billion dollars for starving countries, a rapid drop in unemployment, a scientific breakthrough or such, BLAME GOD! Maybe a few people will follow Him! 

KIM CLEMENT (In defense of the God I know and love) 
September 18th 2001 


"GATHERING OF THE DANGEROUS" (Includes the prophecy about Terrorism) 
By Kim Clement 
July 25, 1996 

"For tonight, the Spirit of the Lord says, many have said how will the Jews be saved? And many have said, what about Israel? And the Lord would speak to His people tonight and say, I'm about to take a trip to Israel. I'm about to take a trip to Israel. And I will take the Jews and fill them with my Spirit. This is the final hour. This is the final generation. I'm about to take a trip to Israel, and God says, I'm going to fill them with my Spirit. I'm going to fill them with my power, and they're going to tell the world that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. God said, I'm about to take a trip to Israel." For the Spirit of the Lord says, "You didn't think it was possible. And many of you said, Will Israel be saved through the blood of Christ? But I have prepared them for an end-time army. Do you think that we have warriors even now the Lord says? I will take the warriors that are potentially more dangerous that ever, that live right now in that land called the Holy Land. I will transform them, says the Lord. I will take them and fill them with my Spirit. And they will be so fervent in the praise of their Lord God. They will say that the Jehovah God that we serve now is the Jehovah God that they served then. And they will say, Jesus Christ is Lord - the Messiah, He has come. And they will be filled with my Spirit. I prophesy to you tonight, and God said it. I'm about to take a trip to Israel." 

"I will even take the rabbi's, even take the people that are dressed in the cloaks and garments. They will come out and say there is only one Lord. His name is Jesus! It's Jesus! I will even allow my Spirit to baptize them in the very sanctuaries. I will even go into the temples, and I will fill them with my Spirit. And don't let anybody tell you that I cannot do it, says the Lord. I can go to the temple any time I like. I can go to the Jewish places anytime I like. I can go to Mount Zion any time I like. I will go wherever I want to." 

"But that's not all! But that's not all! He says, I'm going to go way beyond and even go into the Christian Science church. I will go to the Scientologists. I will even go to the Jehovah Witnesses. And they will go from JW to JC in the house! For God says, I'll take the Jehovah Witnesses, the Christian Scientists, I will even take the psychics, and fill them with my Spirit. You know why? You know why, says the Lord? Because I'll go wherever I want. I'll go wherever I want. But listen - I'm about to take a trip to Israel." 

And God says, "Don't you worry about a thing because history is in the making. Look at 1998. Look at the month of June. For God says, surprising events will take place and they will say, How is it possible that peace could take place? But God says that peace shall be short lived. However, there will be a revival that will be so powerful, that will be greater than the Jews have ever experienced before. And God says they will dance in the streets of Israel, they will dance in the streets of Israel. I'm about to take a trip to Israel." 

"Poverty is about to take a turn from the church. There is a harvest coming in to the pastors and their churches. I prophesy many, many souls will be saved - many, many people will be filled with the Spirit - many, many people will be healed and delivered - many, many people will dance before the Lord - many, many people will come out of darkness - many, many people will be filled with the Spirit - many, many people will be healed and saved - many, many people. But He said, I'm about to take a trip to Israel." 

"As you have prostrated yourself before me, and as I have seen those who have laid before me and prayed and cried out for the youth of this country, God says, I will bring them out of prisons and make them preachers. I will take them out of drugs and will cause them to be apostles. For the Lord says, I have seen you. I have taken those and thrust them to the ground, where they can go further no more, where they can go down no more. I cry for you, says the Lord, because there are many that have said, We don't know what God can do. How can He possibly do it? But the Lord says, Even as there has been those that have prostrated themselves before God, they are going to be raised up, and when I raise them up, they will be raised up as the most powerful warriors. Even though you may have been wounded, even though you may have fallen in the battle, even though you may have lost a leg, or you may have lost an arm, and you have crawled to safety. God says, I'm taking those wounded warriors, raising them up. I'm taking their bloody garments and I'm going to use them as fuel for fire. I'm, going to take you, says the Lord, and cause you to see the very face of the snake, you will see the face of the serpent. While you are down, you will recognize him, but when you get up, you will put your foot on the serpent's head that brought you down," says the Lord. 


The Spirit of prophecy is in this building. I am shaking right now. "I am shaking this place. I am shaking your ground. I am shaking the earth. There has been a terrorist act and there will be another. For the Spirit of the Lord says, America will retaliate, but God says, even as they retaliate with natural weapons of war and they say, we will go the place of the east and we will go and we will bring them down for what they did to our people as they flew in the air, over Long Island. But the Spirit of the Lord says, another will take place, but I will prevent many deaths, because I will cause a security thing to happen so they will not die. I will look after you, America. But God says, the retaliation will not be right. It will not be of my Spirit. It will be a wrong decision, but God says the saints of the Lord, of the most high God, will begin to pray. And your God says, I will strike down the god of the east. I will bring something to pass very soon. I have told you about it. The very god of the east, the very king of the east, the very prince of the east. The one that waged a war against America. They spoke about the mother of wars. For God says, This is going to be the mother of wars as you have never seen. For the Spirit of God will rise up against the prince of the east, and He will bring him down." 


"And God says, when He does, I will enter the Muslim countries and I will save their souls. I will bring salvation unto the soil of the Islamic countries. Did you hear what I said? It is drawing nigh, it is drawing nigh, it is drawing nigh, says the Lord. There is a betrayal amongst the princes of the east. There is a betrayal amongst the princes of the east. And God says, I will take the very sheiks and I will let them see the true God of Israel. And God says, listen to me. There will be a major death. It is coming nigh right now. But God says when this death occurs, there will be life that will be transferred from the very throne of God. And I will bring down the god of the east." 

"And the Spirit of the Lord says, when that happens, there will be an invasion of my blood into the territories that would never be holy, but shall become holy. I will take the holy places which are actually unholy, and I will lift them up. I will declare, this is NOT holy. I will tear down the idols and their gods. I will tear down the spirits of Allah. I will take the lying spirits and break their power. And I will begin to save hundred of thousands of Islamic people. I will take them out and fill them with my Spirit and they will begin to preach. They will preach in the desert, and they will preach in the highways, in the desert ways. And God says, they will preach by the lakes and they will begin to tell people, and God says great amounts of riches and wealth shall be poured into the United States and America. And God says, by the end of this century, by the end of this millennium, I will take the economy of America and I will raise it up and it shall be a great prosperity that will be in this nation and God says, the poor will say, I am rich." 

(The rest of the prophecy is found at the website below) 

KIM CLEMENT (In defense of the God I know and love) 
PO Box 293303 Lewisville, TX. 


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Sept 27


On September 23 1857 Jeremiah Lanphier, a city missioner, began 
a weekly noon prayer meeting in Fulton Street, New York. At the 
first meeting six people straggled in to pray. The following week 
there were 22 present, which was at least a little encouraging. 

But the following Wednesday coincided with the greatest financial 
crash in the nation's history. Banks closed, suddenly men were 
out of work, families went hungry. Soon the meetings were
overflowing and within six months there were 10,000 praying every 
day in the churches of New York.

The movement spread across America. Theatres, churches and halls 
were opened for prayer and thousands came. One man reported 
travelling from Omaha to Boston and finding "a continuous prayer 
meeting all the way - a prayer meeting about two thousand miles in 

And all this prayer began to result in thousands of conversions. 
Soon the number of reported conversions reached 7000 per day. It 
is estimated that within a few short years this Revival resulted in 
two million converts. It became known as the great 'Prayer' Revival - 
one of the greatest moves of God in history. It is important to note 
how the financial cataclysm just before it had caused men to put 
their minds on eternal things - thus precipitating the Revival. Let
us pray that the same kind of prayer will continue to build across 
the United States in this present hour. For God is our only hope.
And Revival is our greatest need.

God bless you all,

Andrew Strom.

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Sept 26

F R I D A Y F @ X: Issue 37, September 21, 2001

USA: missed by 7 metres - deacon survives WTC attack

Tuesday 11 September 2001 began as a day like any other for Stanley
Praimnath, deacon at an Assemblies of God church and employee of the
Fuji Bank in New York. Stanley's office was on the 81st floor of the
second tower. "For some reason, I prayed 'Lord, protect me and all my
loved ones with your blood' that morning. I don't know why, but I
repeated the sentence over and over. While on the telephone at work, I
suddenly saw the fire One World Trade, the neighbouring tower. I tried to
call people there, but there was no connection, so I left the building,
with many others. A security guard stopped us on the way out, asking
where we were going, and sent us back to our offices, saying 'Oh, that was
just an accident. Two World Trade is safe.' That was deadly advice,
because besides myself, only Delise, a temporary worker who I sent home,

With God through the wall
"Back in my office, a caller from Chicago asked me if everything was OK.
I said yes, looked up - and saw the second aircraft (UA 175) flying
directly towards me in slow motion. I prayed 'Lord, help me now', sprang
under my desk and curled up. Then the aircraft hit the building. I was up
my shoulders in debris, but I believe that God gave me enough strength to
shake everything off. In that moment, I felt like the strongest man alive.
I somehow managed to climb out, praying 'Lord, help me, I want to get
home'. Suddenly, I noticed a flashlight, and thought to myself 'my
angel, the Lord has sent someone to help me'. The guardian angel was
another employee standing on the other side of a wall separating us from
the stairwell. I could hardly breathe, but shouted 'Listen, I just want to
know one thing: do you know Jesus?' 'I go to church every Sunday,' he
replied. Then we prayed together, praying to be able to break through the
wall. I stood up and felt a special strength come over me; with
goosebumps all over and my body trembling, I said to the wall 'you will
be able to resist my God and me'. Somehow I managed to get through a
hole in the wall. Brian, the man on the other side, hugged and kissed me
and said 'from today, you are my brother for life!'"

God's finger can move an aircraft
"Then we stumbled down the stairs. When we reached the bottom, the
firemen screamed 'run for your lives!'. But where to? There was fire
everywhere. Brian and I stood under the sprinklers before running through
the wall of fire. Around two blocks away, we reached the Trinity Church. I
wanted to thank God, reached for the doorhandle - and at that moment,
the WTC-2 building which we had just left collapsed. 'See you in heaven,
if not before,' I said to Brian. Hours later, covered with cuts and blood, I
held my wife Jennifer and daughters Stephanie (8) and Caitlin (4) in my
arms. We cried and thanked God for his protection. No matter what
purely rational-thinking people say: for some reason, I know that God's
hand diverted the aircraft at the last moment. It was flying directly
me. When it hit, it was only 6 or 7 metres away - but I survived. I know
that Jesus my Lord is greater than all things, and yes, his finger can
push an aircraft away!" 

--Source: Stanley Praimnath via Dan Van Veen, Assemblies
of God News Service

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Sept 25

By Joanne Gavlick
September 25, 2001 

Everyone is asking and rebuttling the question, "Is this a time of God's judgment." Meanwhile, I am watching and waiting for God to speak His heart for this time. The "Spirit of Wisdom and Counsel's" answer was astoundingly refreshing:

"Stop the rebuttling. This is a time to seek My Face. Be still and know that I am God. Seek My will for this present time."

Prophetic Word:

Do not be swayed from your curiosity of this season of time, for what appears to be truth is a distraction from Me. It is good to know the signs of the times, and discern truth. However, NOW I am calling you to MY TIME FOR THIS SEASON. A season to know the true time according to My timeclock. 

Do not believe what is seemingly truth, both in the natural and the many rebuttling voices. For they sound good and timely, but what am I really saying during this season of your lives? What hour is this according to My Word and Spirit, says the LORD OF HOSTS. What time is this in your personal lives, and what am I calling you to, individually and as the Body?

"What is My perfect will for you," asks the Spirit of Wisdom and Counsel.

The Spirit of Wisdom and Counsel is the one of the "Seven Spirits" speaking in this time, and I will answer spirits that "still" their souls and KNOW that I am God right now, for I shall surely UNVEIL WHAT IS REALLY HAPPENING in this time of your lives. This is truly a time of unleashing heaven like none other to you, but you must turn your eyes and ears towards Me to receive the many impartations I have for you of this season, and the understanding you seek.

During this "economic age," I am moving on mankind into the "valley of decision" like never before, and I am seeking the laborers to move on mankind. The god of mammon is showing his ugly face and ways, for we are surely seeing the "One World Order" moving swiftly as the spirit of antichrist takes his place. However, My grace abounds even the more. Believe this, My children, and know that the "heart" of the matter is not whether I am judging you or not........the "heart" of the matter is My will for this time of the church and nations. 

Do not be swayed to the left or right, for this is a test of all tests that will both divide and unite. It is a time of turning from your wickedness, and turning to Me -- this is repentance; a gift I love and a gift that I call you to love. 

What I am speaking and imparting NOW is being released to you. Therefore, position yourselves to receive from Me. Hear and do My will for this time.

One in Yeshua's Love,

Joanne Gavlick, Keepers of His Gates
Palm Harbor, Florida, USA
(727) 789-3151 

Published by: Pam Clark PO Box 883 Grandview, MO 64030
Web Site: Email:

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REALITY: It's always very needed, as this is 
a faith ministry that ~really~ depends on them!!


by Lisa Dean <>

The Vision:

I had been prayed for and I was in the spirit on the floor at church,
and this is what I was shown. 

I was taken to a place where I was shown pillars. On top of each pillar 
was an idol. These were the idols of America. People were down below 
lifting up their hands, and worshipping around each of these pillars.

Suddenly the idols and the pillars began to fall. As the idols were
knocked down, the people under them who were worshipping the idols were 
crushed by them. The people were crushed by the very thing they

If people ran away from the idols, they were not hurt by their falling. 
The first one was mammon. Once the first one began to fall, it caused 
the others to fall as well, like a domino effect.


America has been worshipping idols in her heart. There would be a time 
when God allowed the idols to be destroyed from people's hearts in 
America. The idols were being judged, NOT the people. 

The people were called away from the idols so that they would not be 
crushed at their falling. Only the people who refused to abandon the 
idols in their hearts were crushed by them. 

The message: Come out from her (system or room full of idols) and be 

Parallel to Rev 18:

Rev 18 is about the system of idols called the spirit of Babylon,
referred to here as a woman, a city, a queen, and in other places as a
mountain, a harlot, and others. It is not literal, physical babylon, but 
a spiritual one.

Many people have compared what happened in New York city with Rev 18. I 
think people are getting the spiritual babylon, which God IS throwing 
down confused with a physical place and saying that New York City is 
babylon. Others are saying that America is babylon. This is not true.

Babylon is a satanic system that has three components or thrones: false 
religion/worship, commerce, and government. 

It is a counterfeit to: 
1) God's perfect government and authority, 
2) our relationship to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ, in faith and 
not a religion of works, and
3) God's economy laid out in His Word, the Bible.

So why do we see the terrorism in New York and the Pentagon as what is 
described in Rev 18? Because first comes the natural and then the 

We see the physical parallel to the spiritual reality. 
1)New York is the center of commerce on earth. 
2)The Pentagon has been the center of our government power. Without the 
military to back up what our lawmakers vote into being, there can be no 
government. This is why our President is also the
Commander-in-chief of our military.
3) And what happened when the towers and Pentagon were damaged? 
Everybody went to church, wanting answers to why God had allowed this. 
There you have the third part--religion or relationship.

Now we have the line drawn. Whom will you serve? The real, One true 
God, or a counterfeit, the queen of babylon?

What is being judged is the false system of babylon. Remember that these 
idols are in people's hearts. This how satan wants to set up her 
kingdom on earth, through the hearts and minds of people,getting the 
people to spread her false ideas and to get people to worship her 
instead of God. She wants to set up her kingdom in our hearts as a 
counterfeit to God's Kingdom within our hearts. 

Some very zealous, misguided oppressed people have done satan's work, 
thinking that they are serving God. What they have done is murdered a
multitude without a cause, not in self-defense. 

The harlot of babylon went after the Jews and was not able to conquer 
them, and now has turned to Jerusalem's offspring, the Christians. 
Jesus was a Jewish rabbi. Salvation came to the Jews first and then to 
rest of us. 

America began as a Christian nation, and then came the terrible satanic 
onslaught this last century, which has made this progress: getting 
prayer and Bible reading out of the schools, to destroy America from 
the inside out, starting with our children, and having the Moms at work 
to make a living, not being able to spend as much time with them to pass 
on their Christian heritage, abortion on demand, stem cell research on 
fetuses, satanic music and media, humanism, false ideologies, and other 
things all designed to bring about a great apostasy from the faith.

In America, we have allowed, under the guise of freedom, the system of
babylon to grow. It has happened bit by bit under our noses and with the 
warnings of a remnant of believers. 

Now America in general has received her wake up call. I believe she 
will respond rightly if she runs to her first love, Jesus Christ. It is 
sad that it has taken such a horrible day's events to shake us awake. I 
pray that America will not roll over and hit the snooze button!

As tragic and horrible as the events of 9-11 were, Osama bin Laden has
done us a favor in waking up the Church and America out of her 
complacency and apathy. Just as America's physical military has gone on 
alert, so has America's spiritual military come alive!! 

Awake America!

Lisa Dean 


" . . .for strengthening, encouragement and comfort" (1 Cor 14:3) 


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I have known Don and have been ministered prophetically to by Don over the last few years. He has an incredibly accurate and very compassionate gift of prophesying over individuals. Lately God has used him and his wife Cheryl all the more in prophecy, and a powerful healing ministry. He and his wife Cheryl (a true intercessor) minister together in a full-time itinerant capacity all over the nation. 

Don and Cheryl Pirozok's email: 

Their Phone number in Washington state is: 509-628-3383 

-- Steve Shultz, THE ELIJAH LIST 


-- By Don Pirozok 

(Written by Steve Shultz, THE ELIJAH LIST) 

Don Pirozok called me on my cell phone the day after the terrorist attack on New York City and Washington, D.C., and related this amazing vision he had almost 2 months ago. He did not know then, that God was giving a double (2-Dimensional) prophecy, both for the church and for this nation, based on some events just ahead. 

Don is a humble guy, though very gifted by the Lord. The Lord has begun to give him dramatic visions that he normally just keeps to himself. I was with Don a few months ago here in Albany when he came to the Albany Prophetic conference, where Bob Jones was speaking. I asked Don if he would pray and prophesy over several people close to me. His gift is amazingly accurate and those people were blessed, and even changed forever. 


At that conference, that Lord began to pave the way for some new understandings for Don. Don expressed to me that the Lord loves to give out progressive revelation, both so we will SEEK Him for more, and so we'll have the time to PROCESS that new information He is giving out. God slowly began to open my eyes to the interpretation of what he gave me." Don, being the teacher also, wanted the above mentioned because those who are learning to hear God speak need to understand that interpretations often take time to process and may not initially be understood. 

Back to the Albany Prophetic Conference. While there, Don was approached by a lady who showed him a several photos of beautiful clouds that had formed to create a picture of an angel and an eagle. Don hadn't heard before that this was yet another way God would or could speak to people. 


In July, Don held a joint conference in Hope, British Columbia --with David Hogan and himself. David Hogan is the American who resides in Mexico-- who has been responsible for raising more than 20 people from the dead. "What a level of authority this man walks in," Don expressed to me. It was beyond anything he had seen. 


During this conference in HOPE, British Columbia, Canada, Don was praying with 30 leaders in an outdoor setting, interceding before that night's meeting. He was facing toward a mountain with many pine trees that dominated the skyline. ---Suddenly before his very eyes, a cloud form came from over the top of the mountain. This cloud was transformed into an awesome angelic presence. Don Says it formed a nearly PERFECT and AWESOME ANGEL! This was not just some imaginative moment. The unique part of this vision was the cloud angel was demonstrating a presence as if it were alive. 

But not just any angel. . .It was an angel with a fierce, even terrifying expression that showed tremendous power and authority. Its face changed as the cloud moved, but it kept a near photographic quality as it changed. The life of the angel was seen in its terrifying countenance, the expressions of the face was continually transforming from one "form of expression of TERROR to another." 


When Don saw the face of the angel, he realized that this was a revelation of the FEAR of the LORD. This angelic presence also had an extended arm holding a torch, like that of the Statue of Liberty. 

Don felt the torch represented the "light of liberty." On the head was a glorious crown, which Don believes again, represents great GLORY and AUTHORITY, communicating the incredible presence of the Lord. At the time, Don understood this to be the sign of the soon coming revival in the United States and Canada. 

"This angel --, and I can only try to explain, as this "LIVING Angel" opened its mouth, and out came the breath of the Lord released in a cloud of FIRE. Don remembers the feelings of the TERROR of the Lord and the Glory of the Lord, all at the same time." HE thought, "This is what the bible indicates of those who look upon the Lord in his Glory." 


"I don't know how I knew it, but I knew, it was a sign of Revival and the restoration of the Fear of the Lord." 

Don went away with this experience and held it inside for a few more weeks. 

Later, at another conference in Minnesota in early August (a month before the New York City and Washington, D.C. tragedy) Don and his wife Cheryl were in worship. As worship came, and Don was soon to get up and speak, the anointing fell and God began to "download" all this revelation and clarity on that vision in the clouds. 


The Lord asked Don, "Did you see how the face on the angel was alive?" 

Don started scribbling notes. The Lord began changing Don's message for the evening. 

The Lord continued, "Just like the angel's face changed, the face of the Church is about to change. The Angel represents the "changing face of the Church--and the terror of the Lord! 

As a result Don began to believe a new level of authority soon would be released in the church. One thing in particular was impressed upon him, in many future meetings... 


“The Last Call “ would come into effect, and by this, he meant in some cases, this would be some person’s last opportunity to turn to the Lord, or experience IMMEDIATE consequences for rejecting Him. 


Soon after the tragedy in our nation which hit on September 11, God began to reveal a two-dimensional SIGN. 

What had happened in the natural was also a sign in the spiritual. 

Just as our nation would never again be the same, just as the United States, and New York City, and the way we do "business as usual" in this nation has been forever altered, so too, the Lord is so changing the face of the Church, that not without consequences will we ever go back to the old ways. 

Don was watching a news release on the tragedy in New York City, while the camera was panning the New York City Skyline, and showed the Statue of Liberty and the destruction together. 

That was the moment in time that his eyes were opened to realize the angelic vision represented both the nation and the church. We are beginning to see our nation from a global perspective. Through technological advancements, our independence and self-satisfying security have been altered, forcing us to turn to God and unifying us as a nation. 

Just as the Statue of Liberty still stands in the New York Harbor and offers freedom and a GRACE that is obvious to those who have eyes to see (for much worse could have come upon America)--so the Angel holding the torch of liberty and GRACE to the Church is extending a season of Grace to the Church to offer repentance to draw us back to the Lord. And a season of Grace has been offered to this Nation, to draw IT back to the Lord. 

Many see only judgment in this hour. But The Lord has demonstrated mercy in this hour far more than judgment. 


This revelation came to Don in HOPE, B.C. 

Rom 8:20-21 

"For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, IN HOPE that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God." 

Isa 51:5 

"My righteousness draws near speedily, my salvation is on the way, and my arm will bring justice to the nations. The islands will look to me and wait IN HOPE for my arm." 


God is offering the United States and The Church the same thing... 

Hope. . . The Fear of the Lord. . . Grace and extended Mercy. . . Freedom and Liberty WITH GREAT CHANGE SUCH THAT NOTHING WILL BE AS IT 

And He is asking the Church for one thing: 

2 Chr 7:14 
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 

I pray that these prophetic messages will bring life and illumination from
the Father unto you; give glory back unto Him, and help us in this hour.
His servant---Stephen Hanson


I am sending this message out because at the time it seemed to be almost unbelievable that any of these things might be happening this year; mainly that we would be involved in a war with another country. We have all watched in horror about the recent bombings of Sept. 11, and have wondered how something like this could have come on us without us being forewarned. However, we know that we serve a God that does prepare us, and will give us what is necessary for living our days out on this earth. I've also known at the time and even afterwards, that some of us would rather not entertain the readings of "words that speak of these things." We however, know that our Christianity is not just a world that speaks of just good things from the Father. We must live on "every word that proceeds from Him." Given that fact then, there are some things that seem to be hard to swallow at the time, but later we find that they were given to us as a form of preparation for what lies ahead. May we always be listening to His still small voice. This is sent out again merely as the fulfillment of His word, and that we might believe that we must heed His warnings, while at the same time, using great discernment and wisdom in knowing what is true and what is not.....We have habitations here on earth, but our great security and "habitation" is with Him, and "in Him."

"A Year of Natural Disasters"


Jan. 3, 01 
MT 24:4 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. [5] For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am the Christ, ' and will deceive many. [6] You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. [7] Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. [8] All these are the beginning of birth pains. 
MT 7:24 "Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. [25] The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. [26] But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. [27] The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash." 

"This year, the year 2001, is a year that you will see many things happen to you in the world around you. There will be more signs in the earth and in the heavens above. Earthquakes will be seen in various places around the earth. The sun's heat will fluctuate and will rise and fall. The signs in the heavens will be evident to all. Natural disasters will abound in many places. Storms in the form of tornadoes will hit the mid section of the United States as never before. You will see a rise of floods as well. " 

(The Lord showed me a man who was on a ladder. He had a screwdriver in his hand and was working on the ceiling of this house in several places--at each each corner he was using this screwdriver. Then he went up another level and was working on the ceiling there. This continued until he had done this work on each ceiling, through perhaps 5 levels of the building. Then there was an opening at the last level, through a stove pipe one could see the stars and the sky above.) 

He then said: 

"Fortify, fortify your buildings and get them ready. When all else is crumbling around you, fortify your building. Your habitation is in Me and in Me alone. When the storms blow, and they will this year in great force, then let Me be that great tower for you. In my tower all else may blow around you, but you will find safety there. Look to Me when the sun and moon will change. " 

(This time the Lord showed me a scene of objects being dropped to the earth below. I saw several parachutes fall to the earth, but also bombs that were being dropped. They hit the earth, and also some areas of water. ) 

He then said: 

"Another war will break out and it will involve the United States. I have said that there will be wars and the rumors of wars. You have always had wars but they will increase until the end of time. Peaceful treaties will not keep this from happening. " 

"So, mark this year as a year of these things. Remember that I AM a shelter from the storm." 

Stephen Hanson 
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1323 Shasta Dr.
Colorado Spgs, Co. 80910

Group: Consuming Fire Prophetic Network 

QUOTE OF THE WEEK: We must never blame God for the evil in the world. Ultimately we are to blame, for we live in a world that is in rebellion against Him. As the Bible says, "When tempted, no one should say, 'God is tempting me.' For God cannot be tempted by evil" (James 1: 13). (Billy Graham) 


By Kim Clement (Frequently seen on T.B.N.) 

I don't agree with the many “prophets” who have made statements of doom about various cities, and even given dates and years, and they have not come to pass. 

If God sends judgment upon a nation or city, and measures this judgment according to their GOOD or EVIL, then I would have to say that: 

· The Eiffel Tower would be shattered into a million pieces and the inhabitants of Sodomic Paris, pillars of salt for the French Fries; 

· Amsterdam would be the largest lake in the world; 

· Rome would be burning while angels play their fiddles; 

· The British Isles would be the "British Files"; 

· Frankfurt would be called "Frankfurter"; 

· Barcelona would be another fishing village. 

The USA has unrighteousness and wickedness, as does every other NATION. However, there are millions of praying, righteous people, who have stood before the Lord and sought His face. Let us remember the fact that God ALSO takes into account the righteous acts of good people and rewards accordingly. America has unselfishly given billions of dollars to the poor and needy all over the world, fulfilling the commands of Jesus Christ. 

They have sent missionaries into remote parts of the world and never given up on the poorest of nations. 

Usually when God judged anyone in the Bible, it was His nation, or if you want, the Church. His prophets spoke to Judah, Jerusalem and Israel. The Church must take responsibility because the sinner has no clue about godliness. They sin without fear and only look to God when there is need. God does not manipulate men to love Him. 

Fair enough, there are evil practices in the USA. Forget the Supreme Court. Their decision to rule out prayer in the schools actually promoted unselfish and sincere prayer from the hearts of young men and women. There is more prayer in the hearts of the students now than the repetitious prayers of religious teachers. 

Wars happen. Not every war is as a result of sin or evil. Wars and attacks have happened throughout the history of mankind. Israel was attacked many times, in the Old Testament, for no reason, except a lurking enemy who was waiting for an opportunity to steal the glory of Israel. Goliath provoked the Israelites in order to "find a man". These stupid ‘boy-games’ have continued throughout the centuries. "I am stronger than you," they say. “Let us prove who is the strongest.” Yet it took a ‘David’, a young lad with a love for God, and a simple strategy to overcome this foe. (1Sam 17:1-58) 

To say that God is judging the USA is not only a lie, but also proof of self-righteousness on the part of a sleeping, lazy, church. America is not as Israel of old. It has atheists, satanists and people who simply don't follow God. So when God addresses anyone, He addresses the Church, and the believers first. 

The Church needs to repent; after all, "judgment begins in the house of God." (1 Peter 4:17) 


Let me explain this: 

The order of judgment begins with the Church. Once the Church is judged and has become the standard for judgment, only then is God justified in judging the wicked. The church today is most certainly not a righteous standard for God’s judgment. 

Now, the USA has been struck and we say God has lifted His hand. So He gets the credit for bad events. Why do we always find a reason for an attack, war or death? Jesus said, "There shall be wars and rumors of wars." (Matt. 24:6) 

I think we need to remind ourselves of an old saint who pleaded with God for two cities that were about to be burnt with fire - Sodom and Gomorrah. Instead of Abraham sitting self-righteously and declaring, "Go ahead, God, those ‘faggots’ deserve it!", he pleaded ON BEHALF OF THE RIGHTEOUS. 





Moses. Knowing that this was uncharacteristic of God, stood in God’s way and declared these words: 


Our Prayer for America should be: 


LUKE 9:54 + 56: 

“And when the disciples, James and John, saw that they did not receive Jesus, they said, ‘Lord do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them, just as Elijah did?’ BUT HE TURNED AND REBUKED THEM AND SAID, ‘YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT MANNER OF SPIRIT YOU ARE OF, FOR THE SON OF MAN DID NOT COME TO DESTROY MEN'S LIVES, BUT TO SAVE THEM.’ " 

It seems that God gets upset with His people before the unbeliever because the believer should know better. The Church has been playing games these past years. Let's talk about the sin in the Church and with leaders before we make our hasty judgments against New York and the USA. Church, why aren't you praying the way you should be? You seem to be enjoying carousing, divorcing, spending, condemning, and judging one another? What do we expect the World to do? They look to us as the measuring stick. 

Allow me to make this point: God regards the righteous in a Nation and rewards them accordingly. 

It's so sad that every time something evil happens, we, the Church, bring God into the picture and misrepresent Him. Yet, when there is continuous prosperity and peace, happiness and life, we refuse to blame HIM!! America has enjoyed all of the above and then suddenly there is one act of terrorism and violence, and we play on this, hoping to get people to repent. 

Oh yes! They will turn to God during this time, but it will be short lived if the Church does not immediately present a loving caring God and invite these people to enjoy His grace and favor. 

Instead of constantly putting them in fear of this beautiful God whom I have served for these years, let’s also show them the side of God that they can relate to. 

Do me a favor; Next time something good happens in the USA, like an economic revival, prosperity, a Godly president, a peace treaty, a surrender of an oppressive "walled" country, a cure for AIDS, the Disney company making a moral stand against violence and sex, a billionaire donating a billion dollars for starving countries, a rapid drop in unemployment, a scientific breakthrough or such, BLAME GOD! Maybe a few people will follow Him! 

KIM CLEMENT (In defense of the God I know and love) 
PO Box 293303 Lewisville, TX. 

<>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< 



On September 23 1857 Jeremiah Lanphier, a city missioner, began 
a weekly noon prayer meeting in Fulton Street, New York. At the 
first meeting six people straggled in to pray. The following week 
there were 22 present, which was at least a little encouraging. 

But the following Wednesday coincided with the greatest financial 
crash in the nation's history. Banks closed, suddenly men were 
out of work, families went hungry. Soon the meetings were
overflowing and within six months there were 10,000 praying every 
day in the churches of New York.

The movement spread across America. Theatres, churches and halls 
were opened for prayer and thousands came. One man reported 
travelling from Omaha to Boston and finding "a continuous prayer 
meeting all the way - a prayer meeting about two thousand miles in 

And all this prayer began to result in thousands of conversions. 
Soon the number of reported conversions reached 7000 per day. It 
is estimated that within a few short years this Revival resulted in 
two million converts. It became known as the great 'Prayer' Revival - 
one of the greatest moves of God in history. It is important to note 
how the financial cataclysm just before it had caused men to put 
their minds on eternal things - thus precipitating the Revival. Let
us pray that the same kind of prayer will continue to build across 
the United States in this present hour. For God is our only hope.
And Revival is our greatest need.

God bless you all,

Andrew Strom.

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Sept 24




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(VISION RECEIVED FRIDAY 10 AUGUST 2001 -- just a month before 
the terrorist attack in New York and Washington, D.C.) 

By Catherine Brown, Scotland 
Catherine's email: 

Note from Steve Shultz: Catherine Brown has been a regular 
prophetic voice to the Church from Scotland. This article is 
a bit long, but I believe it's a good word for the church. 

Friday, August 10, 2001: 

“I found myself transported in the Spirit to another realm-- to a cave which housed a monstrous demonic beast. The whole atmosphere pervaded utter destruction, and it was as though I had been taken into the very bowels of hell. At this point the beast seemed to be unaware of my presence. It was truly the most vile and hideous demonic being I have ever seen. There are no words to describe how grotesque it was; its head was absolutely enormous. 

The scene flicked from the cave onto a street, which had oddly painted pink building giving the effect of a “gingerbread” sickly sweet yet sinister and dangerous place. The beast, now aware of my presence, came menacingly towards me and pointing to it I asked, “What is your name?” 


It replied, “Apollyon” and the word flashed across my eyes in the vision. [As this point I had no idea who or what Apollyon was] 

I noticed the pink buildings did not have windowpanes, but in their place were iron bars. I knew deep in my spirit that these buildings housed some of the most depraved acts known to mankind and that there were many imprisoned here. I was appalled. I was protected from the specific details; being permitted only the impression of them. I saw demonic creatures through the window bars that stood guard over those imprisoned there. I asked the beast whom these poor souls were enslaved to and it answered, “Babylon”. 

I asked the beast, “What do you want?” It pointed at me and replied, “You”, and advanced towards me seemingly intent upon my destruction. For a few seconds terror struck my heart. However, I concentrated fully on Christ. I went out in Christ, hiding totally in His presence. Instantly, the very ordinary clothes I wore were illumined into garments of the brightest white. I had been totally transformed, the beast being repelled by the garments with which I was clad. 


I sensed terrible fear in the beast and asked, “What are you afraid of”? Amazingly, it answered me thus, “Purity that leads to holiness”. 

-- Two days later I discovered what Apollyon meant. I found it in Revelation and then wept for about two hours. I was simply appalled. 

“They had a king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon”. Rev 9:5 

The beast named Apollyon reminded me of one named “the Destroyer” that I encountered during a series of horrific visions of the Holocaust. 

-------End of extract 

This (above) is an extract from a recent prophetic experience that left me staggered and appalled. At the time of receiving it, I felt there was a specific personal application for me in the area of entering into a deeper experiential call to holiness. I also felt that the vision had a significant corporate application and I have waited on the Lord for this, liaising with some respected apostolic/prophetic leaders to ask for their wisdom and input. 


In light of the recent tragedy in America and in view of the incredible surge of commentary of the spirit of Babylon, and whether or not this attack on America was the judgment of God, I feel compelled by the Spirit to share what I am able at this point. 

I have carefully read the various comments on the Elijah List from respected leaders and concur with the heartbeat of what has been shared. I want to be very honest and vulnerable and share with you that one of my first thoughts was, “Oh Lord, is this judgment”? “Oh Lord, forgive us”. I think that the world over, people were very frightened by what they saw. We have mourned together, touching the loss of broken hearts of precious Americans. Whilst I can never begin to understand the depth of pain such terrorist activity has inflicted on the individual families, I can empathize at the loss of a loved one, having grieved for my own parents when they passed away. The church worldwide must continue to stand in prayer with America. 

I have been deeply entrenched in prayer, asking with all my heart, for the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation to bring an aspect of Godly insight and healing to the questions being asked around the world about the American tragedy. My heart’s desire is to hear God clearly and to bless the church, and through that, to see the world turn to Christ and the Father’s loving embrace. 

I believe the Holy Spirit has given me some additional insight to add to that which has already been given. In order to understand this, it is important to examine the vision I received more closely. 


In the corporate application of the vision, when the beast (Apollyon) speaks to me, he is addressing the church. When I speak or make any action towards the beast, I am doing so on behalf of the church. 

The vision was simple yet profound and deeply disturbed me for some time. My heart was broken at the spiritual reality of Apollyon and Babylon and the consequence of being ensnared to these demonic influences. These spiritual beings are evil and foul to the core. I suffered many days of physical sickness as I recounted the vision. The Spirit of Jesus is repulsed by these beings. 

In the vision, Babylon represents all that is of the spirit of the world, and therefore, all that is contrary to the Spirit of Christ. The pink buildings are symbolic of the many snares and bondages to sin, particularly sins of the flesh, lust, greed etc. The vision portrayed many who are currently held in a place of imprisonment to these snares. 

The beast was repelled because of the Holiness of Christ. I [as the church] was illumined in beautiful garments of white, representative of His imparted Righteousness. This speaks of a process of transformation in the church through yielding to the conformation of the nature of the Holy Spirit. This was shown in the vision in the two spiritual conditions I displayed before the beast – the first in the condition of imputed Righteousness, the second in the condition of imparted Righteousness. 


This transformation process of the church has already begun and will be completed as promised by the vision. The only thing Apollyon feared was “purity that leads to holiness” and it was rendered powerless in the vision because I [representing the global church] was illumined in the Righteousness, purity and holiness of Jesus Christ through impartation. The churches’ transformation into the deepest levels of experiential holiness will enable her to defeat the spirit of Babylon over whole nations. The Destroyer will be unable to destroy. 


More than ever before, I am convinced that God is merciful and holy and that this never changes. God has not suddenly become a tyrant who will be merciless to His children. God’s desire is that ALL should be saved 2 Pe 3:9 

In the Old Testament God sent the prophets to warn people AHEAD OF TIME of His righteous judgments. Nineveh was saved through Jonah’s preaching (even though he was reluctant!). God sent Abraham to intercede for Sodom and Gomorrah. Elijah was sent to turn the hearts of the nation back to God and the generations to each other. Ester and Mordecai saved the nation of Israel from Haman’s despicable genocide plot. Repeatedly, the Bible reveals God to be slow to anger and abounding in mercy – His love endures forever. 


I am aware that several key prophetic voices have forewarned of times of distress upon America, and also that if we will intercede these disasters will be ‘minimized’ in terms of loss of life and national impact. God is both a God of love and a holy God – these aspects of his nature are inseparable. Sadly, I concur there are areas of unconfessed sin in America, but this is not restricted just to America. It is of grave concern that this picture is reflected in many other nations of the earth too. This unconfessed sin permits the enemy legal access to prevail against the church. Some of these unconfessed sins would include idolatry, despising God’s Law, abortion, greed, injustice, slavery, and sexual sin including homosexuality and other perversions and persecution of the saints. Despite these horrific sins, I do not believe this is the reason America suffered tragedy. However, this must not lead us to a place of complacency. There is much to repent for and the time is short, but we turn in these times to the Cross of Christ. It’s message of reconciliation and hope must be our anchor and that which we share with a desperate world. 


I must stress again, it is not my belief that this tragedy is the judgment of God and, indeed, sometimes things happen that are contrary to the will of God. It was NOT God’s will that thousands should die. Jesus is altogether beautiful in every situation, and God is never the cause of our troubles, He is always the answer! As has already been stated by leaders we must see the tragic events in America from a spiritual perspective. 

I do not personally believe we have yet seen the events depicted in the Bible that would lead me to believe we are living in the days of Revelation 18, for instance, we have not yet seen the rise of the antichrist. Therefore I do not agree that New York and Washington are to be considered Babylon in these days. To see the cities burning is not to imply that these are the places “When the kings of the earth who committed adultery with her and shared her luxury see the smoke of her burning, they will weep and mourn over her” Rev 18:9 


God loves America and God loves the American people, God loves New York and he loves Washington and Pittsburgh. Christ died for love of America. America is part of his beautiful bride and a precious diadem in his royal crown. It is not a time to condemn America, but to speak love, and hope to her. God’s plans for America are to prosper her and to give her hope and a future. We must pray that America will see the restoration of the desolation of many generations. The Lord has permitted the shaking of the foundation of the fabric of American society. God in his mercy and love is pouring out a double portion of grace upon the United States of America in these days. We will see apostolic/prophetic government raised up in the churches that will guide the nation to her Godly destiny. 

On this thought, I pleaded with heaven, asking the Lord for an understanding of recent events, if, indeed, they were not His judgments, then how were we to understand the times? I was reminded by the Lord, that as the saints war and contend for the heavenly places, we will see the effects of this spiritual warfare on the earth. 

“Then the dragon was enraged at the woman and went off to make war against the rest of her offspring – those who obey God’s commandments and hold to the testimony of Jesus.” Rev 12:17 


Babylon, in Old Testament times was the commercial, religious and political capital of Babylonia, which was the dominant power in the Near East in the 6th century B.C. In the New Testament, “Babylon” signifies the world and its forces in opposition to God. It is often contrasted with “the new Jerusalem”, in which God will finally reign supreme (quoted from the Hodder Dictionary of Bible Themes” 

It is not unreasonable to suggest that the spirit of Babylon seeks to hold the seat of power in every nation, through infiltrating and occupying positions of power and influence in economic, political and religious systems. The spirit of Babylon seeks total ownership of the temporal, governmental and spiritual wealth of the nations. 


The Spirit impressed these words to my mind “Refusal to be owned by the spirit of Babylon will cause spiritual confrontations of cataclysmic proportions, but the victory belongs to Christ, and therefore, to the Church in Christ. I have defeated the Spirit of Babylon and the victory is assured. As in all of your warfare, this is a Work of the Spirit of Grace and part of the completed work of the Cross of Calvary”. 


I began to pray in earnest about the phrase “cataclysmic proportions”. At this point, the Holy Spirit arrested my thinking and said, “This attack on America is a counter attack from the enemy because of the effectiveness of the global church in entering into the lower levels of purification and holiness. The church has not only been preaching the message of repentance but has entered into the practice of repentance. This has struck great fear into the heart of the enemy, to such an extent that he has launched a counter attack against the kingdom of God, in order to stop the advancement of the kingdom”. 


The enemy sought to strike terror into the world, through attacking three strategic world centers. These are the economic, political and spiritual centers of the world. He attacked the World Trade center (the financial capital of the world); he attacked the Pentagon and attempted an attack on the Whitehouse (the governmental/military seat of power) and I believe he is still intent on carrying out a third attack on the Biblical spiritual center of the world, which is Jerusalem. 


Since the enemy has failed on this occasion to take out the third target i.e. the spiritual center of the world, that is Jerusalem, WE MUST PRAY FOR ISRAEL! The Holy Spirit told me that the enemy is determined to launch an all-out attack on Israel and we must pray for the peace of Jerusalem. 


Like no other time in the history of mankind, it is time for the church to turn from any and all sinful snares and to be purified by the Blood of Christ. We must “wash our garments” Rev 22:14 and be purified. There can be no room in our lives for an adulterous relationship with the spirit of the world. We must be single-minded in our devotion to the Spirit of Jesus-- in order that He will deliver us safely from the spirit of Babylon. 

Pro 4:23 

Before addressing the global picture the church must take note that nations are composed of individuals. The first site of the warfare against the spirit of Babylon is in the hearts of individual men, women and children, who in turn make up the nations! Many theologians agree that the heart is the seat of our wills, and therefore, a key site where the enemy of our souls (Satan) will battle for control to gain a seat of power. 


Our warfare is not against flesh and blood but must be for flesh and blood. By this I mean, we (the Church) must fight [in the place of prayer] on behalf of the prodigals and the unsaved. There is no other way forward but in apostolic intercession – intercession prepared to pay the price no matter what the cost; Intercession that is Christ centered and for the lost. Intercession that is agape. Apostolic power will be poured out on the saints [for reaching the unsaved], in direct correlation to the Revelation of the Compassion of Jesus Christ to the church. This will cause the miraculous Ministry of Jesus to flow in the church. 

THE POSTURE OF DANIEL – “So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with hi in prayer and petition, in fasting and in sackcloth and ashes. I prayed to the Lord my God and confessed ..” Dan 9:3,4 

Before the Church can enter this level of warfare for the nations, she must first be purified. She is called to the posture of Daniel in Daniel 9. She will carry the nations before the throne of Grace and Mercy, through the washing of the Blood of Christ - that the King of Glory may come in. 


“But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they (the unsaved) fear; do not be frightened.” But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord.” 1 Pet 3:14,15 

For a few seconds of the encounter within the prophetic experience in confrontation with the spirit of Apollyon/Babylon, I was filled with terror, but quickly hid myself in Christ. This speaks of an overcoming grace given to the church for these end time days. We are not to be afraid, but to be a people of faith, trusting the supremacy of Christ to be our refuge and our hiding place. Christ is our strong deliverer and all authority on heaven and on earth has been given to him. 

“They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings – and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.” Rev 17:14 

Fear not saints! Faint not saints! The Battle belongs to Christ. The call is before us to enter into His holiness and see the captives delivered and set free. 

The enemy is so afraid of Holiness and Humility that he has launched a spiritual attack of cataclysmic proportions against the church and the world, however, victory belongs to Christ! 

Now is the time to pray as never before. Now is the time to push in and stand together, believing God for His strong deliverance. It is to glory that we are called. 


Do not be afraid of martyrdom, it is the highest expression of love for Christ. Ponder for a moment the beauty and Grace of Stephen’s countenance, even as his life was martyred. It was for the joy set before Him, that Christ endured the Cross. So too, it must be with His joy as the source of our strength that we press in for all that lies ahead. 

As the church enters into the experiential Holiness of Christ she will be brought into a place of joy and liberation heretofore unknown. 

“But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. “Look, he said, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Acts 7:55, 56 


“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quite lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” 1 Tim 

World peace is in the hands of the praying church – we are exhorted to pray for our kings, for our government and for all those in authority that peace would reign supreme. 

World revival is in the hands of the praying church – the destiny of many souls rests with believers to pray for a revelation of the truth of the Father’s heart – He loves ALL men and desires that they would be saved. 

Beloved Americans, we stand with you in prayer, believing the Lord for a mighty harvest of righteousness from this heartache. We speak hope and prosperity to you in the love of our precious Father. 

Catherine Brown 

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Sept 23



JN381-1. Crisis in America: What do the prophets say?

SPECIAL EDITION - This edition of Joel News International is dedicated 
to the situation in the United States. Over the past few days we have 
been overwhelmed by news reports, analyses, prophetic words and 
expressions of solidarity with the people in America. In this edition 
the stage is for the prophets.

Crisis in America: What do the prophets say?

The men of Issachar in David's army "understood the times and knew what 
Israel should do". Prophetic words are meant to give us insight in the 
times we live in and give us direction how to live, pray and act in line 
with God's purposes.

The following prophecies relating to the crisis in America can be 
retrieved from the server by sending an e-mail to <> with 
one or more of the mentioned commands in the body of your mail (leave 
the subject line empty). 

Please note that these reports can only be retrieved by readers who
are subscribed to Joel News International themselves.

You can subscribe directly by sending an empty e-mail to:

Please also realize that although these prophetic words and impressions 
are selected with care, we cannot be held responsible for any 

Visions, opinions and prophetic insights are entirely the authors' own
views, and we stress that it's a biblical guideline to test prophecies, 
also if they come from well known and respected prophets. Together the 
Body of Christ will be able to discern and act.

1. RICK JOYNER (1). "It is more crucial than ever for Christians to 
in the peace of God that is not dependent on any circumstances on earth,
but on the power of our Almighty God. We overcome evil with the
counter-power of good, and the counter to the fear and panic, that the
enemy will try to sow in the hearts of all that he can through this kind 
thing, is the peace of God. Myself, and some of my prophetic friends, 
been shown terrorist attacks that would lead to marshal law in the U.S. 
a time. Though I do not believe that the events on September 11 will be
enough to do that, I do think that the escalation of our warfare against
terrorists, and their desperate retaliations, could lead to that for a
time." Joyner gives a balanced prophetic analysis of the current crisis 
well as suggestions for prayer. He also foresees an outpouring of 
power in the church.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international joyner-usa-prophetic-analysis-1

2. RICK JOYNER (2). "It may seem obvious that last week's attacks were
intended to destroy, but destroy what? Satan went right for the heart 
nervous system of our economic system, and our military. If Satan is so
intent on trying to destroy those institutions we should redouble our
intercession for both of these," says Rick Joyner in his second special
bulletin on the crisis in America. In his third bulletin he writes: "One
word that I started getting on the day of this tragedy was 'heroes'. It 
not until this morning that I began to understand it. A hero is someone 
takes decisive action in a crisis. I believe radical martyrdom is going 
prevail in the times ahead, either for good or for evil. Lukewarm
Christianity is the worst state that a believer could ever fall into. 
what the Lord has to say about it (Revelation 3:15-22)."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international joyner-usa-prophetic-analysis-2

3. PAT COCKING. "Two years ago, I received a vision of terrorist attacks 
entire cities in the United States. I remember the Lord was highlighting
New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Miami and LA. I had a sense that 
strongholds in the spirit were behind the assaults and the attempt was 
'take over' and weaken the U.S.A. as a world power and to establish 
rule in the earth. The last number of months, our ministry team has been
sensing a spiritual assault and pressure from the spirit of Babylon (the
spirit of the world). We had a sense that it would be this spirit which
would attempt to strongly resist the gospel in this season of evangelism
and harvest. It is interesting that it was the World Trade Center that 
burned by fire and that went up in smoke (See Rev. 18)." Cocking also

prophesied that Canada is called to be a place of refuge.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international cocking-usa-prophecy

4. IAN JOHNSON. Johnson addresses the issue of modern idolatry. "Unless
God's spoiled people in North America repent of their idolatry, an 
collapse is coming soon. It will destroy the web of economic and
governmental institutions upon which the elect have heretofore falsely
relied. It will be so complete that even the governments of North 
will be unable, through their social programs, to begin to provide for 
massive needs that will suddenly present themselves. At that time, the
Church must be ready to supply these needs in Jesus' name. It will 
clear to everyone that only God is our provider."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international johnson-usa-prophecy

Prophetic Elders' headed by C. Peter Wagner has issued several prophetic
words over the past two years, relating to the United States. Cindy 
Chuck Pierce and others foresee a shaking in four areas: the economic
structures, the elements, the governments, and the Church.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international jacobs-pierce-usa-prophecy

6. MAURICE SMITH (1). "I believe that a tremendous spiritual and 
shaking is taking place. Our post-Christian culture is having its 
shaken: its dominant philosophy of 'personal peace and personal 
is being seriously challenged. I also believe we are in a tremendous
spiritual battle that is now manifesting itself in physical warfare on
earth, particularly here in the United States. I believe that the call 
God upon His Church at this moment is to engage this spiritual warfare 
disciplined and concerted prayer and fasting, not as a short-term 
but as a long-term lifestyle."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international smith-usa-prophecy-1

7. MAURICE SMITH (2). "There are voices in the church today which argue

that God needs America (her wealth, her international power, etc.) in 
to advance the Kingdom of God, so God will not judge America in any
significant way, because to do so would jeopardize His cause. The 
is that God always judges and punishes unrepentant sin. But He reserves 
right to withhold and to delay judgment to some future date, even until
eternity and The Day of Judgment itself. God also reserves the right to 
selective, to renew one and not another, to judge one now while 
the judgement of another, to send renewal to His Church while at the 
time sending judgment upon a rebellious and unbelieving world. I 
believe that we cannot adequately or properly prepare for the coming
revival without facing these questions."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international smith-usa-prophecy-2

8. MARTIN FELL. "In coincidence with an economic disaster there will be 
unprecedented outpouring of my Holy Spirit, especially upon the western
Church. Economic hardship will prepare you for this because your hearts
will be humble and unhindered by the love of the world."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international fell-usa-prophesy

9. DAVID WILKERSON. Wilkerson has been a prophetic voice in New York 
for years and warned 1992 that a disaster would come. "I thank God for
patriotism, for heroism and for the courage and bravery we have seen. 
we face the danger of missing God's message. Israel refused to believe
Isaiah, who said, Shall not God do to Jerusalem and her idols what was 
to Samaria and her idols? What makes you think your nation is extempt? 
course we must remember those who died, but what about repentance? Where 
the call to turn back to God? Time is running out. God is telling us 
He has endured enough of our mockeries, murders and love of money. He 
striken - with the hope that we'll return."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international wilkerson-usa-prophecy

10. FRANCIS FRANGIPANE. Frangipane explains that he doesn't believe that
what happened on September 11 is a fulfillment of Revelation 17 and 18.
Rather God gives the Church an opportunity as never before. "Let's pray
that what happened in America will cause a great exodus of souls from
Islam. The despicableness of these events may cause many moderate and
reasonable Muslims to be deeply ashamed and to flee Islam. We need to 
for the Arab community, and reach to them during this time. They will
undoubtedly expect rejection and receive persecution, but let us be
determined to reveal Christ to them. I am standing in faith that, for 
American who died in this assault, 100,000 Muslims will turn to Christ 
be saved. My prayer is that they, in turn, will eventually lead 
millions to the Lord."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international frangipane-usa-assessment

11. DUTCH SHEETS. Sheets writes in this 'Biblical Response to the 
Attacks on America' that "great caution should be exercised in using the
word 'judgment' to define these events... most biblical judgment is the
inevitable, built-in consequence of sin, not the direct hand of God." He
advises against using the term 'judgment' because "the world will 
not hear anything else we say. Our message must call sinners to 
- we cannot compromise truth - but God's heart of compassion, mercy and
grace must fill the message with hope." Sheets gives suggestions how to
pray effectively for America in this time.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international sheets-usa-assessment

12. REUVEN DORON. A balanced spiritual analysis of the current crisis by
Reuven Doron, director of Embrace Israel Ministries in Jerusalem.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international doron-usa-analysis

13. JIM WIES. September 11th is seven days from Rosh Hashana, the Jewish
New Year (Sept 17/18). The period between Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur 
26/27) is traditionally a period of confession of sin and getting right
with God. Jim Wies gives background information and suggestions to pray 
fast during these ten days.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international wies-usa-wakeupcall

14. JOHN PAUL JACKSON. Jackson analyses the situation in America and 
several prayer pointers. "This is a time when calm minds, directed by 
Holy Spirit of the Living God, must prevail. We must have the mind of
Christ before we take action. We need Heaven's strategy. Even now and
especially in the days to come, there is going to be a myriad of 
Many of those demands will be for violence. 'An eye for and eye, a tooth
for a tooth,' will be the anthem of many. But premature action may 
those who are not responsible. We must first remember the Lord is a God 
peace (Romans 16:20). We must sow this attribute in all our thoughts and
COMMAND: get joel-news-international jackson-usa-prayer-pointers

15. JERRY GOLDEN. Golden questions America's double standard towards
Israel. "God says He will bless them who bless Israel and curse them who
curse Israel. That goes for two-faced people as well. I know the United
States walked out of the Durban Human Rights meetings with Israel, but 
still does not change the facts on the ground. Not only does the Unites
States try to force Israel to trade God's land for peace with the devil,
they also finance Yasser Arafat to way over 100 million a year."
COMMAND: get joel-news-international golden-usa-assessment

16. DAVID DOLAN. "This is one of the most difficult reports I have ever
written," says Dolan. "I debated waiting a bit to send it out, due to 
deep grieving that is still gripping my native land as decaying bodies 
dug up from the rubble of the destroyed World Trade Center, and as 
gather for a special national day of prayer." He suspects that "the
inability of much of the West to understand and fully back Israel's 
fight is now coming back to haunt the free world." He also thinks 
will be brought to it's knees.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international dolan-usa-assessment

17. ELIYAHU BEN-HAIM. Ben-Haim, one of the leaders of Intercessors for
Israel in Jerusalem, believes that God is challenging America, the 
and the world. "He has drawn a line for all (who want to), to see. On 
side is the Truth in all it's manifestation and on the other side is the
spirit of lies, compromise, humanism, materialism and greed. He is
challenging us to make a choice." Ben-Haim writes about the "violent 
behind Islam" and his main point is that President Bush needs to 
the need for the participation of Israel in his coalition against
terrorism, and should not compromise this vital point in favor of
Arab/Islamic nations.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international ben-haim-usa-analysis

18. VARIOUS PROPHETIC IMPRESSIONS. A selection of 'smaller' prophetic
impressions by Alice & Eddie Smith, Steve Lockard, Steve Hofstee, Kim
Clement, David Meyer, Marc Pranger, Geoffrey Allen, Derek Chapman and 
Cindy Jacobs.
COMMAND: get joel-news-international various-usa-prophecies

Source: Joel News


Published by: Pam Clark PO Box 883 Grandview, MO 64030
Web Site: Email:










"I was at a big church - I recognized it as being Carpenters Home Church 
in Florida. It was the beginning of a Rodney Howard Browne meeting. The 
place was packed as it was during the height of the revival meetings 
there several years ago. I saw many hundreds of people waiting for the 
meeting to start- but they were in a deep slumber with their heads 
resting upon their arms on the back of the seat in front of them. The 
church was dimly lit. Then the meeting started and I heard lively music 
and lights were turned up. Then I saw 3 angels come from the side and go 
among the people.They tickled them, and the people laughed and woke up. 

Then they enjoyed the message and rest of the meeting. At the end, the 
meeting closed, and the lights went back down. I saw a handful of people 
get up from their seats. It was hard going. You know how it feels when 
you are in a heavy sleep and then you have to get up and answer the 
phone or door or something -- the people I saw were stumbling - they 
were trying to find a door to go out because they felt they were 
supposed to do something with their lives. It was intense because in the 
dream I felt as if I wanted EVERYONE to get up- but they didn’t. Most 
people put their head back down and went back to sleep. It is very hard 
in the natural to get going when maybe you have taken a sleeping pill or 
one of those night time cold medicines -that’s how the people were - it 
was hard to get up --a real effort -. 

I woke up and sat up in bed - God spoke to me and said this "Kathie, it 
is my grace that’s waking people up this way, with laughter, but if I 
have to wake them up again it wont be with laughter." I went back to 
sleep and dreamed the same dream all over again." I woke up and the Lord 
repeated what He said the first time. Did you realize that God sent 
Rodney HB over here to give a wake up call to us? I nice one - to be 
woken up with laughter is GRACE

2nd part- God reminded me of something -

During the move of the spirit I was in, in the UK end of the 60's-and 
into the 70's many young people came from Europe. They got touched by 
God and many got delivered from Nazi spirits- which had come down 
through their families. I still pray for this for many people in America 
today. We also prayed ( and still do) for so many people for deliverance 
from religious spirits (ie false standards, dead words, dead letters, 
legalism etc,). I asked the Lord how we managed to get so many spirits, 
as I got deliverence myself -and He showed me and explained to me. 

Regarding the Nazi spirit - well Hitler had a tremendous anointing - he 
was charismatic- his words had power, they gripped people and made 
dedicated followers out of them.

He was anointed of the devil of course, not of God, but the false 
anointing the devil gives does have power - or there wouldn’t be any 
point to it. When people received his words ( Hitler) they also received 
the spirit behind the words. Jesus said "The words that I speak, they 
are spirit and they are life."

Words have power of life or death. Hitler had so much power because of 
the spirit that was operating in and through him - and that spirit was 
spread through his words. Words spoken out by the spirit - Hitler was 
just a channel- a vehicle, through which the evil spirit operated for 

With Hitler, the people in Europe did not realize his power until it was 
too late and he had already raised up thousands of followers, hooked by 
those powerful words and then formed into a dedicated army. It was not 
just what was said - it was WHO SAID IT.

Why have I said all this? - well friends, the same thing has been 
happening - tucked away in holes of the desert. BIN LADEN IS ANOINTED-he 
has the power to reproduce himself. His words have the same power as 
Hitler had- to hook the listeners. Like Hitler he gave people a "cause." 
People have an inbuilt desire for a "cause" which is really the God 
given part of us which wants to fulfill our destiny-. Everyone has this 
- when it is not fulfilled then people turn to other things for 
replacement. But this letter is not about that-.

It is to heed the wake up call - In the middle of such tragedy people 
feel the love of God and grace of God on America. That is not to say 
that we are not hurting, especially of course, those who lost loved ones 
- our hearts go out to them - we must pray for them to find the true 

As I have quite a few prophetic words posted on the internet, people 
have written to me, "Why don’t you tell people this is a judgement from 
God?" "This nation is full of sin, God is going to destroy it." 

It is a wake-up call - because of the love of God - His marvelous grace 
is still on America - He does not want America to be destroyed. He wants 
us to wake up and SEE WHAT IS HAPPENING in the Middle East. He wants to 
point out the danger we are in by ignoring the works of darkness. A 
handful of people tried to tell the strategy as they saw it begin to 
unfold in Germany - but the United Kingdom thought Hitler was a 
"pipsqueak" and dismissed him as irrelevant. They didn’t understand or 
realize what spirit was working through him.

Let’s not make the same mistake - Bin Laden is not out to cause a few 
problems - he and his regime is out to destroy America. Is it just that 
he is mad because of our support of Israel? No it is not - you must 
understand their religious thinking. 

"Radical Muslims see western civilization as an attack on their 
religious principles. Many of them believe that the west is attempting 
to bring its immorality and decadence to their countries and pollute or 
destroy their values. Our government has made the mistake of allowing 
freedom to deteriorate into license. Most people, including much of the 
media, are now saying we need to look again at our moral moorings and go 
back to core values." - David Walters

When Bill Clinton’s story was plastered all over the world’s media and 
the sordid details of his escapades with Miss Lewinsky were made 
available on the internet and in book form, it only confirmed what the 
Sadam Hussein and Bin Laden and other radicals thought about America.

Of course it is Satanic to destroy lives and we cannot fight evil this 
way - even the Koran believes this is offensive to God, as suicide is 

But friends we must pray against the spirit operating in Bin Laden and 
pray for America that she not go back to sleep- lulled by "the good 
life." The good life is a blessing - but it is a by-product of pleasing 
our Father, the Father of Light.

America, God loves you so very much - He watches over us - His grace and 
mercy has given us this wake up call.

Pray Always and God Bless America

Kathie Walters - an English lady who loves America dearly.


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Sept 22

I pray that these prophetic messages will bring life and illumination from
the Father unto you; give glory back unto Him, and help us in this hour.
His servant---Stephen Hanson

Sept. 22, 01

PS 61:3 For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.
PR 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

1CO 3:10 By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as an expert builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should be careful how he builds. [11] For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. [12] If any man builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, [13] his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work. [14] If what he has built survives, he will receive his reward. [15] If it is burned up, he will suffer loss; he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames.

"There have been wars in the past.....There have been wars that the United States has been involved in, but this one will be a war that will outlast them all. I know that this has seemed to come on suddenly. I know that this came like a thief. "

"Lift the standard for your nation. Let everyone know that you are strong, my people. Not strong in yourselves, but strong in the belief that I will see you through. I will see you through this war. You fight a battle that has been building for many years. It has been building in the hearts and minds of evil men for many years, but good always triumphs over evil. This siege has brought on some good things for you as a people. You are now united more than you have ever been. Your name is the United States. But in the past there have been factions and splinters of many things. You now have a single goal. That single goal has been to rid yourself of this evil. But when all returns to normal, what will your goal be then? Will you return to business as usual? Will there still be your own evil upon the streets? Will there still be your own "wars" with each other? Let this great tragedy teach you a lesson. Let it teach you what is important in life. Let it teach you about the sacredness of life. Let it teach you that you cannot be strong in yourselves. Let it teach you that I AM your STRONG TOWER. When all comes crumbling down in your own worlds, then I will be that strong tower that you can run to. "

"You will rebuild as a nation but be careful what the mortar and the rock is. Be careful what your foundation is. Engineers know about what the "weight that a building can hold on top of it. What kinds of things will you "build" with Me now? What will your ministries be built with? Be united in your goals. Work together as one man. Then the buildings that you build on earth will be stronger as well as your own ministries. Remember that the work that you do is work onto Me. Then those buildings will stand. "

Stephen Hanson

*Remember that you can post prophetic words on this site at:

*Also remember that you can also contribute to this ministry in a one-time
gift, or in monthly giving. Thank you.

1323 Shasta Dr.
Colorado Spgs, Co. 80910



Words from the Lord through Marsha Burns

September 22, 2001: Out of the fires of destruction will spring forth fires
of revival and fires of purification. I am a consuming fire, and I will
consume all that offends. My fire is a fire of vengeance and will not only
bring judgment and produce destruction, but it is also a fire of holiness,
which will produce favor and the power of My kingdom. The separation of
wheat and chaff has been in process, and I will indeed thoroughly purge My
threshing floor and burn the chaff with unquenchable fire. Let the holy fire
of My presence begin in you, and let it burn all that is worthless in your
own heart. Let there be a separation between all that is holy and unholy,
between the just and unjust, good and evil. You are in the Valley of
Decision -- choose.

Faith Tabernacle
Kremmling, CO 80459

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