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Planet Zi Goods & Parts

Stat Boosters
-HP booster-gives zoid +1000 HP-$20,000
-Speed booster-gives zoid +100 speed-$25,000
-Weight decayer-slims down zoid by 10%-$20,000
-Strength booster-adds 500 strength to zoid-$15,000

Zoid Weapons
-Charged Particle Cannon-must charge 1 turn before firing,TWICE A BATTLE, adds 2500 damage to strength and adds 25 tons-$25,000
-Electron Fangs-add 500 damage to strength and add 5 tons-$5000
-Laser Claws-add 500 damage to stength and add 5 tons-$5000
-AEZ 20mm Beam Gun- adds 500 damage to strength and 7 tons-$5000
-Ion Boosters-gives zoid 1.25X speed for 4 turns per battle and adds 10 tons-$15,000
-E-Shield-blocks all attacks except for piercing attacks for 2 turns-$20,000
-Long Range Rifle-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$12,500
-Rushing Laser Blades-adds 1000 damage to strength, and adds 10 tons-$15,000
-Small Bore Anti-Ground Laser Machinegun-adds 500 damage to strength and 7 tons-$5000
-Charged Plasma Rifle-takes 2 turns to charge, adds 2000 damage to strength and 25 tons-$20,000
-Double-Barreled Vulcan Gun-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5000
-Strike Smash Tail-adds 250 damage to strength and 3 tons-$3000
-Hybrid Cannon-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$15,000
-AZ 3-Barreled Shock Cannon-adds 1000 damage to strength and 17 tons-$13,000
-AZ 208mm Double-Barreled Shock Cannon-adds 750 damage to strength and 10 tons-$10,000
-AZ 108mm High Density Beam Gun-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5000
-Stealth System-makes you immune to attacks for 3 turns and 20 tons-$35,000
-AZ 200mm Beam Cannon-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$15,000
-Sniper Rifle-pierces through e-shield,adds 1000 damage to strength and 20 tons-$20,000
-Pulse Laser Rifle-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5000
-Smoke Discharger-increases you to hit 2x and opponent 2x worse chance to hit you for 3 turns and 10 tons-$35,000
-17-Barreled Mortar Cannon-adds 1750 damage to strength and 20 tons-$20,000
-16 Shot Missile Launcher-adds 1750 damage to strength and 20 tons-$20,000
-AZ 60mm Hyper Laser Gun-adds 1000 damage to strength and 5 tons-$17,000
-AZ 30mm Armor Piercing Laser Vulcan-pierces e-shield, adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$20,000
-Laser Scissors-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5000
-35mm Anti Ground Cannon-adds 500 damage to strength(does 1000 to air zoids) and 5 tons-$5000
-AZ 3-shot Grenade Launcher-adds 750 damage to strength and 10 tons-$6000
-AZ 2-shot Homing Missile-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5000
-AZ Railgun-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$10,000
-AZ 100mm Beam Cannon-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5,000
-Superheated Plasma Flame Breath- adds 750 damage to strength and 15 tons-$15,000
- 120mm Beam Cannon-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5000
-Nose Cannons-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5,000
-Laser Blades-add 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5,000
-"Buster Slash"-you need rushing laser blades, with this, you can pierce a shield, adds 1000 damage and 15 tons-$15,000
-Pulse Laser Gun-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$15,000
-AZ 20mm Linear Laser Gun-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$15,000
-AZ 30mm Double-Barreled Beam Gun-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$15,000
-Heavy Imperial Hyper Beam Cannon-adds 1500 damage to strength and 20 tons-$20,000
-8 Shot Missiles-adds 1000 damage to strength and 15 tons-$15,000
-10 Shot Rocket Pod-adds 1500 damage to strength and 20 tons-$20,000
-105mm Wrist Cannon- adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5,000
-80mm Cannon-adds 500 damage to strength and 5 tons-$5,000

Other Accessories
-Repair A Zoid-losers from fights MUST repair their zoids-$100 per battle
-Water Combat Enhancers-helps you achieve max speed and maneuverability in water-$25,000
-Air Combat Enhancers-helps you achieve max speed and maneuverability in air-$25,000
-Beke-mechanical organoid that doubles your stats-$100,000


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