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........Once upon a time, there lived a most beautiful woman named Amberlina. The daughter of a wonderfully kind and gentle farmer, who wanted nothing more than to see his daughter, and son do well in life. Amberlina grew up on an island with her older brother, and her parents. During her first few years on the island her family was the only family on the island, and their life was very simple. Just after her tenth birthday people began to move to the island, they came in droves, for the land their was very fertile, and extreamly beautiful. After a few years, so many people had come to the Island that Amberlina's father and brother, decided that some form of goverment should be formed. it was clear that one of the two men would lead this goverment, because they were the original family on the island. A message was sent out to the people that had become figure heads in the community. A few day's later a meeting was held to decide what was to be done, and what kind of goverment should be established. Amberlina's father was with the larger group of men who wanted a council to decide on the well being of the people. It was Amberlina's brother and the smaller group of men, that wanted to name a king to rule over the people .They of course would name Amberlina's brother as their king. For the next year a political battle was pursued, until Amberlina's family was torn apart. She most of all was torn between her brother and her father, she knew not what to do. She sought out her mothers advice, but her mothers love for her father blinded her from what was right. Not long after this, Amberlina's brother and Father took a fairly mild verbal arugument to another level. The war that started between father and son was very brutal, and the death and destruction nearly ruined the island and it's beauty. One night after a long battle, in which the local market was burned, Amberlina went to her father to beg him to end this madness. She was turned away by harsh words from her father. Next she tried her brother, maybe he would listen to her, but the same fate befell her, and again she was turned away with harsh words. Depressed and crying, she returned home and wrote two letters. One addressed to her brother and the other addressed to her father. In the letter she said that if her life could be given for peace then that is what she would do. After the letter was sent, she travled to the cliffs at the far edge of the island and was never seen again.

........Both letters sat unread as the war drew on. It was Amberlina's father who first read it. Not sure if he belived his daughters words, he sent men to all corners of the island, to find his daughter. All of his men came back with the same uncomfurting words. Under a banner of truce he asked for an audience with his son, bringing his letter with him. After Amberlina's brother had read his letter, he too sent out men, who came back the same as his fathers, with bad news. With this news, the father and son decided to call off the war that had torn their family apart, destroyed the peaceful life on the island, and caused too much pain. It was Amberlina's father who gave into his son, and it was his son who was named king. Long did Amberlina's brother rule over the island, and daily did he venture to the cliffs where his sister committed suicide, so it was on his death bed that he decided what he wished to name his island. For ever hence it was called The Island Kindgom of Amberlina, and it's said that she still wanders the cliffs, hand in hand with her brother and father, walking in times of peace, watching over her island.
(C) Jeff Adlard 2002