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Island Kingdom of Amberlina

Acronym - IKoA
Alignment - True Neutral
Originatred - 2002 12 21
Founder - Vitani SilverWolf
Council - Monarchy
War Status - None
Alliance - Realm of Myth Mountain (RoMM)
Forum - None

ø¸.· Out of Character ·.¸ ø

Mun Name or Nickname:
Mun Age (~NOT Optional~ We do NOT Discriminate!):
Screen Name (in LOWER CASE letters):
Time Zone:
Reliability Rate:
How Many Hours Online Weekly:
How Long Have You Been RPing:


ø¸.· Definitions ·.¸ ø
(NOT Optional)

MS -
Heal -
Enhancer -
Teaming -
S/A -
R/A -
DQ -
Skip -
HP -
Mortality -
Init -
State -
Spar -
Proctor -
GC -
SM -
RM -
HM -
PoW -
Rezz -
DC -
HS -
:: :: -
(( )) -
Moder (Definition in Your Opinion) -
Honor -
Loyalty -
Trust -
Fealty -
Pride -


ø¸.· In Character ·.¸ ø


Full Name -
Character's Age -
Race -
Gender -
Breif Description and/or Picture ("See Profiles" Shall NOT be Tolerated) -
History (Again, "See Profiles" will be rejected) -
Any Special Abilities -
Other Guilds -
*If so, please State (Guild Name - Dice - Rank - Forum)
Recruited by (SN Preferable) -
Alignment -
Are You an Non-Combative -
Strengths/Weaknesses -
What do You Think You Could Contribute to the Island Kingdom of Amberlina? -


ø¸.· Skills ·.¸ ø

Write an Exmaple of an Entrance -
Write an Example of an Attack -
Write an Example of an Exit -
Roll the Following -
Spar Init -
Mass Spar Init -
2d20 -
2d36 -
2d30 -


ø¸.· Positions ·.¸ ø


[ ] Imperial Dragons (Dark Knights)
Ronin Knight is Valhalla Aldermyne (Valhallaldermyne)
[ ] Paladins of Light (Holy Knights)
Ronin Knight is Aria Fox Ophelia Rhapsody Lone VonDarkflame (Cynical Happiness)
[ ] Rangers of Amberlina (Neutral)
Ronin Knight is Kavik (Kavikk)

*Note, that if your alignment and/or actions do not portray the Divsion you have chosen I as Queen shall Move you to another group.


ø¸.· Blood Oath ·.¸ ø

*I understand that I am to obey all IKoA rules and regulations. Under no circumstances will I break any rules or do harm to another member or ally.

*I know that I have 1 week to place the following in my profile:
[IKoA - Division - dice - exp -]

*I will do everything in my power to make sure that IKoA remains growing inboth members and strength. I understand that at any time I can be banishedfrom this guild for any reason what-so-ever.

*I understand that any treasonous acts commited [exchanging rosters, sellingany guild writings, etc.] will result in me either being banished from theguild . These acts are punishable by death.

Sign : _____________ Date: ________

Finished Applications are to be sent to :