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........The Knighthood of the Paladins, was founded centuries ago when the Island of Amberlina called for saviors and protectors from the darkness that plagued the land. People were often at the mercy of vicious beast and even those people that would follow the path of destruction, those who would prey upon others just to satisfy their very own wants. The church and Temple was often a main target for such villainous acts, they were often ransacked, being plundered of the riches, the priest who tried to defend their church were more often then not, slaughtered. The Churches would be all but burned to the very ground. It was during these times that truehearted priests would spend the majority of their time in prayer, asking their Gods for strength and guidance through such dark and violent times. It is said that the high priest was given a vision during these troubling times. Within that vision, the High Priest was shown men and women alike, wearing armor and wielding weapons, smiting back the hordes of darkness, protecting those who weren't strong enough to protect themselves, bringing order back to a land that had fallen under such chaos. As the High Priest payed close attention to this vision, they saw that upon the armor, was the sign of Holy Paladin. The High Priest then understood that these were more then just mere warriors. These were men and women that dedicated their lives to the teachings of the Paladins. The High Priest understood, the vision now clear. Thus, the Paladins were born. No longer would the priest and people pray to their Gods seeking help but they would go out into the world and help themselves in the name of their God. Priest, men and women who were willing to sacrifice, those who were able, went out and learned the way of warriors, not just any sort of fighter, they would be an elite warrior, Guardians of the Church...LightBringers. These warriors trained their bodies and minds to the limit and yet still, prayed. They would always return to their temples, reporting to the High Priest. The High Priest sees over the affairs of the temples of Andrej, looking over the coffers, etc. They are also spiritual advisers to the Paladins and speak wisdom for their Lord. A mindlink is formed which a Paladin shares with their Lord, High Priest and each other.Paladins are warriors who are blessed by their God. They are respectful of everyone, even to those that are enemies. Merciful and humble, these people are. Willing to make a sacrifice so that another less fortunate person may have something. Too often, their kind demeanor is mistaken for weakness but this is far from the truth. A Paladin is a virtuous warrior with strong morals and ideals and when faced in combat, are fierce, well trained fighters who can and will, strike down an enemy. A person can not just simply say that they are going to become a Paladin. Not everyone can do so. They are chosen and once chosen, they are reborn. Walking the path of the Paladins can be difficult at times because one must hold themselves to a higher standard then most of the other professions. Not only must they carry themselves with the utmost respect but they will have respect for others as well. It is a privilege to become an elite warrior of light, and as such, it can and will be revoked when a person behaves in such a manner that is not befitting that of the Paladin status. When a person within the ranks is seen straying from their chosen path, they will be warned and then will spend a day inside a temple of their God where they will commit themselves to prayer for the whole day. If ever the Paladin continues on with acts that tarnish themselves, the Paladins, then they shall fall from grace and be exiled from the Knighthood. During this time, they shall lose all of their possessions, their mindlink will be severed as the Paladins shall wash their hands of the person. At this time, the fallen Paladin is vulnerable to the seductions of Lord Muzhul and they WILL be taken into the ranks of the Renegades. On the other hand, if a Paladin no longer wishes to remain inside of the Knighthood, they can speak with the person who commands the Paladins at the time and let their wishes be known. They will commune with their God, and with his blessing, they shall be released from their duties and the ranks to go and live their lives as they choose.When a person wishes to join the Knighthood of the Paladins, they must look deep within themselves and make sure that they know what they are getting themselves into. They must ask themselves do they really want it. To become an elite of the church is to make a sacrifice, it is to fulfill a purpose. A Paladin is a warrior that is pure and bold, standing as a paragon of virtue. Living for ideals of righteousness, honesty and chivalry, they often strive to be a living example of these virtues so that others that look upon them may learn and gain from their actions.

Paladin Rankings

High Priest/Priestess [NC] - This individual sees over the affairs of the Church, etc. They make sure that the Paladins are receiving the proper teachings of their Lord. They also act as a spiritual adviser to those Paladins that may come to them seeking advice. This person speaks with the wisdom and is held in high regards by the Paladins. Though they aren't in the direct chain of command, whenever the Ronin Knight or any of the other higher ranking knights aren't present, the High Priest can and will step in and take charge if need be.

Ronin Knight (Commander) [2d38] - This warrior of Andrej is the commander of the Paladins. They have proven themselves to be mentally strong and capable of leading. She/he oversees the day to day operation of the paladins and is directly responsible for the actions of those under her/him.

Amarant [2d36] - This warrior is chosen as the second in command of the Paladins. She/he has key knowledge of strategy and battle tactics and works closely with the Ronin Knight to maintain cohesion in the ranks and assist with plans of combat in times of war. When the Ronin Knight is not present, this person will step in and take charge, speaking for the commander and their Lord.

Arch Sword of Light [ 2d30 - 2d34] - The elite warriors of the Paladins. These men/women have superior combat skills and are directly responsible for the training of those lower in the ranks. They are also responsible with providing a prime example of honor and valor with regard to combat.

Sword of Light [2d26 - 2d28] - The front line warriors of the Paladins. These individuals have shown a great deal of promise in the eyes of their commander and Lord. They are the ones who uphold the traditions of the Order and set the example for the Squires.

Squire [2d20 - 2d24] - These are the individuals that are new to the ranks. They have shown the desire and have made the sacrifice to walk under the guidance of the church. They strive and train hard each day, seeking to better themselves therefore adding strength to their Order.