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Graphing Equations

Equations for Graphing should have a certain form.There should be either a y or an x variable, or both, to solve the problem. Common problems look like this:


First you start by making a T-Chart, one side being y, the other x. You're going to make two coordinate pairs, one for y and one for x, As shown below.

Two Equations will be done, where 0 is a value of either y or x. You put this on the T-Chart, a 0 in one row, and a 0 in the next row on the other side.

Now, we'll start with the equations. y=2x-5.

Once you have that equation done, record it on your chart under the x column. Now, we solve for y.

You record this on your T-Chart, and you're finally ready to make your graph.

For your graph, you need to make the x and y axis, and then hash marks in equal length along the axes. Label one in each quadrant depending on your graph. Since my graph has some bigger numbers in terms of graphing, I'm going to label it by 2s. After that, you mark the points on your T-Chart, and draw a line through them. Since both coordinates have a zero in them, they will ride the axes making a nice straight line through both axes. These coordinates can be called the x and y intercepts.

Not all cases will turn out as diagonal lines. Some, if they contain only an X or a Y Variable, will turn out as a horizontal or vertical line, respectively. Graphs shown below:

This Concludes my presentation on Graphing Equations for now. Look for updates as they come.