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House Arionak is a very, very old House, they were inhabitants of Arrakis way longer before the Fremen's ancestors arrived. They believed the worms were gifts of their god. The spice they believe was the essence of life, and tried to cultivate Arrakis, but the worms would always come and destroy what they had started. House Arionak had by that time made a device that sucked up sand, from Arrakis, since the legend had it "the worms could never produce spice other than on Arrakis," well the Arionaks defied this legend, and produced Arrakis II using magic and technology, with the sand they had taken and took some worms and the ancient magi casted a spell to make the atmosphere like Arrakis. They left Arrakis because they didnt want to start a war with the Fremen, so they set off gigantic thumpers in their cities and watched from their spaceships as their attemps of cultivating Arrakis failed, and left for Arrakis II. Arrakis II was actually made as a moon to the planet they had settled on, which they simply named "Qua" (water). Arionak are peaceful people, but they do have a defensive army, and enchanments to protect invaders from them and Arrakis II