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Aquu = lamb
Mo = ring
Diamma = forehead
Ba = bird
Vafža = staff
Vamkža = drop
Valla = point, bristle
Važa = bee
Bukžë = stag, ram
Daikru = teardrop
Tkžana = earth
Sumžu = fortified place
Swëlla = door
Dmifo = tongue
Ebžo = apple
Haiþa = passion
Errë = elbow, forearm
Kiuržo = glowing coal
Fe'ba = jaw, mouth
Faiþa = spear, stick
Fioþdi = guest, stranger, host
Quëmma = woman
Ukžau = ox, cow
Aforžo = field
Qua = water
Žai = metal
Bkat = beech tree
Emt = tooth
Tfežeþ = yesterday
Fenav = nail
Ke = knee, angle
Fen = winter
Kiëllu = gut, entrail
Quël = wild beast
Qui = thread, tendon
Gwa = head
Kë = hook
Fëržu = horn
Felda = heart
Qulnka = worm
Aružaf = gain, profit
Hrëþë = track, furrow
He'remsa = land
Wukžu = light
Nialfo = horse
Ne'sa = honey
Nelk = border, boundary
Nlo = body of water
Þma = nose
Mfefa = death
Miop = navel
Moi'nme = name
Odþ = bone
Prë = skin, hide
Zra = salt
Mëwu = sinew
Þbël = ankle
Þdiai = stone
Þieni'quëmža'esa'lëada = God
Blatti = father
Hë = mr.
Šë = mrs.
Witë = ms.
Šë'ëm = miss
Eþde = star
Šul = pig
Zwuzde = sister
Dieþfo = birth
Tlebi = dwelling
Wiefa = clan
Wet = year
Wilžo = man
Bio = you
Žieka = ice, icicle
Žiëllu = season
Hžal = bear
Tsetsvo = answer
Viakkauþja = guerilla fighter
Aut = ear
Partoja = poet
Vexë = beak
Vetto = channel
Vwien = carriage
Vottul = raven
Vlats = malt
Vlikta = hill
Vlihu = bridge
Vlux = pen
Ganvië = exchange
Gianva = slope
Gamdu = edge, circle
Gbadži = participle
Gjarvo = wagon, car
Gaþa = battle
Gaužlaja = a giant
Gerbeþi = beer
Gied = wood
Giimkedjo = warrior
Gwnvo = dish
Tiëlbo = tree
Toljo = mouth
Tlumka = crowd
Turra = leaf
Sumnu = fort
Tjuþëjo = demon
Hjenvlegdi = dipped piece of food
Heffolleddia, Riëttaja = chariot
U = I
He'þoffal = salmon
Kâvjol = goat
Kaþu = spear
Kemma = cheek
Kuddu = voice
Hi'þarmi = iron
Raudu = bath
Rokka = grave
Rugda = part, tribe
Niakku = boy
Naffomo = son
Nervu = dead
Ned = medium
Mennefdo = temple
Merda = force, strength
Ho'toffo = elder, parent
Fiemma = head
Fjets = thing
Li'di = ford
Þan = summer
Þaf = soap
Þettro = saddle, seat
Þijekko = victory
Þer'uja = possession
Dikjëlju = house
Duoidov = people
Dlakko = foot
Uhimo = wine
Baþajo = servant
Gërga = oak
Limmio = cloud
Delditkija = merchant
Anji = mother
Alganna'mu = tribute
Alna = moon
Talluþu = statue
Kažši = a visit
Hnoþa = grandson
Havi = river
Hawimo = wealth
Haffiša = body part
Haltuva'da = heir
Hažšami'di = oven
Haddurraihid = health
Hawil = sheep
Hunnu = pigsty
Ižšalli = hand
Gulšažša = military
Quanza = copper
Ra = language
Nanniža = word
Maimma = brother
Darruvi = clay
Ntevaši = sky
Davašë = fever
Waþi'ma = body
Pi = he, she, it
Velza = birch
Vlemdal = deer
Vuldu = ford
Viuzël = goat
Kšarraþa = mud
Tannu = settlement, place for setting
Tiava = flood
Ta'ba = town, country, countryside
Tël = stockade
Ketþal = stork, heron, kingfisher
Gerra = spring
Gemsaþi = child, descendant
Gilli, Gmiþa = forest
Razaþu = clearing (in a forest), glade
Rimka = meadow
Nalliuþu = lime
Nuþa = moss
Þilloþja = grainery
Þëidu'ba = deep place in the river
Þiëgaþa = grass, greenery, hay
Þgarni = sword
Þgavru = axe
Þgâlgi = coin
Þvimoþo = coal
Þu'ga = crack, gorge, pass, gap
Þumgû = sap, fluid
Þullaþaja = hero
Dilþa'þa = thicket
Utlal = otter
Balvaþa'þa = whirlpool
Bëlza = dam
Zedlai =a pot
Zonvlol = bison
Zunnâl = dragon
Ežši'vijo = tour, expedition
Lë'zë = today
Þa'drajo = theater
Lkšedla = music, song
Fpoža = drink
Qua gied = alcohol
Koi = beer
Fo = plant, weed
O'naul = lobster
Bil = fish
Mebve = snow
Važšiurþ = history
Mli = man (general idea)
Do = we
Xe = they

Bërž = (to) see
Þmuž = (to) know
Pa = (to) take, reach
Lan = (to) fit together
Žuþ = (to) shine
Vžu = (to) swell
Vau = (to) strike
Vëmf = (to) break
Vërß = (to) cut
Vuqua = (to) bend, be pliable
Tab = (to) divide
Dif = (to) show
Dëja = (to) whirl around
Daž = (to) bloom, turn green
Dë = (to) put
Sëf = (to) form, build
Demm = (to) flow
Dël = (to) make muddy, darkness
Swë = (to) rise in a cloud, as dust
Slëžu = (to) fall, drop, droop
Dûbža = (to) smoke
Oda = (to) give
Hai = (to) go
Në = (to) take, distribute
Fial = (to) call, cry
Fiëmm = (to) compress into a ball
Këmm = (to) give birth
Femk = (to) walk
Fiël = (to) grasp, enclose
Fëžu = (to) invoke
Que = (to) live
Quaul = (to) throw
Kuël = (to) praise aloud, declare
Ques = (to) ask
Hëaþ = (to) wish, desire
Heþda = (to) burn, glow
Aubaha = (to) preceive
Ebmet = (to) bind, tie
Beþ = (to) breathe
Plië = (to) boil, bubble, burn
Ët = (to) count
Tef = (to) burn
Dup = (to) close, finish, come full circle
Dlaib = (to) drive, push
Ell = (to) move, set in motion
Hu = (to) dress
Kuþ = (to) taste, choose
Kelb = (to) scratch
Ko = (to) release, let go
Fu = (to) pour
Fle = (to) grow, become green
Kued = (to) ask, pray
Rat = (to) fall
Fua = (to) sing
Kill = (to) run
Karai = (to) lean
Kio = (to) sharpen, whet
Foimfž = (to) hang
Kiuþ = (to) hear
Kludþu = (to) beging to freeze, form a crust
Fiwaif = (to) pay, atone, compensate
Queeþ = (to) wheeze, pant
Kre'he = (to) collect
Raikža = (to) lick
Nka = (to) knead, fashion, fit
Naiž = (to) change
Nukža = (to) mix
Nirki = (to) rub off, milk
Nemm = (to) project
Nmes = (to) learn
Mnimm = (to) assign, allot
Mwëu = (to) shout
Hoquab = (to) see
Holb = (to) change allegiance or statis
Va =(to) protect, feed
Vra = (to) touch, feel, shake
Piau = (to) cut, strike, stamp
Vequa = (to) cook
Bir = (to) fill
Pulž = (to) traffic in, sell
Pweli = (to) grant
Vde = (to) rush, fly
Vuk = (to) prick
Vriek = (to) plait
Po = (to) drink
U'vuž = (to) rot, decay
Led = (to) scrape, scratch, gnaw
Raid = (to) ride
Hleti = (to) roll
Ë'luë = (to) vomit
Þa = (to) satisfy
Þte = (to) sit
Þque = (to) follow
Þreë = (to) jump
Þemd = (to) head for
Þwëu = (to) take liquid
Xwëat = (to) shoot, throw, chase
Nþaiž = (to) laugh, smile
Mþi = (to) swim
Vemm = (to) draw, sketch, spin
Dþëf = (to) stick, be pointed
Þdiemmž = (to) thunder
Zwët = (to) sweat
Šwum = (to) sound
Tžak = (to) touch, handle
Diedf = (to) give birth to, beget
Seržo = (to) cross over, pass through, overcome
Dþliut = (to) squeeze
Wižë = (to) blow
Pweto = (to) speak
Bievi = (to) tremble estatically
Wer = (to) wish
Bweli = (to) raise, lift, hold suspension
Wai'il = (to) cover
Weþi = (to) live, dwell, be, pass the night
Žuoif = (to) join
Vlad = (to) judge
Niami = (to) lead out
Er'hai = (to) pour
Ël'huv = (to) limit
Ižd = (to) stand
Kše = (to) scomb
Nam = (to) pronounce
Naþaha = (to) favor
Mišmi = (to) link
Fifižš = (to) give
Þalhiž = (to) attack
Da'dall = (to) damn
Duvai = (to) beat
Waš = (to) dress up
Kavl = (to) make, produce
Za'fallaþ = (to) harvest, farm
Klatu = (to) congraduate
Žarto = (to) stop, halt, cease

Ta = to, near, at
Ëha(-) = out
Më = in
Mëdë = between
E'ne = in the middle of
Guë = and
E = from, out of
So = that
Na'na = under
Ndu = in, inside
Ai'a = here
Man = if
Vof = off, away
Nabia = around
Goin = with

4)Adjectives/Adverbs Mžaf = tight, painful
Kal = white, silver
Vwita = (to be) aware, make aware
Dede = south, right
Taira = long
Tiëla = (to be) firm, solid
Dieb = hollow, deep
Lëada = high
Žo- = empty
Farra = (to be) able, have power
Kella = heavy
Esa = above
Vat = good
Oboþ = naked
Gda = down
Kedte = warm
Quëmža = holy
Ë'rai = slimy
Nžak = thin
Nië = big
Nër = strong, great
Ëm = not
Pëaia = (to be) fat
Vraffa = (to be) flat
Þneži = half
Þreffa = (to be) slack, be languid
-zi! = (imperative for verbs)
Waria = (to be) strong
Wë = true, trustworthy
Gužjë = appropriate, worth-while
Glitsi = curly
Gloþ = hard, difficult
Sa = kind
Jiojuma = young
Riþa = wide, broad
Nervu = dead
Ned = medium
Mo'bo = new
Hoklo = cold
Lujotto = red
Þuautta = pleasant
Dluauk = unhappy
Greppu = famous
Biexo = fury, rage
Abbia = back, backwards
Alli = long
I'varra = left (direction)
Išal'wi = right (direction)
Ma = now
Ga'norriþ = beloved
Þjullat = salty, bitter
Dlamaþ = rotting
Wallarrë = own, proper

Þieni = one
Ruoþo = two
Liedi = three
Mawwa = four
Viemque = five
Pwe = six
Re'he = seven
Hoffo = eight
Nebži = nine
Defna = ten