Gieve the Minstrel
He looks like a bad Shakespearean actor. "Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears...."
Well, at least Arslan has some company in the whole looking-female thing. I mean, I love anime guys, but I do like GUYS.
He says "Grrrrr.....Argh...."
And here he is with his priestess love, Pharangese. She kicks ass. And she intrigues him! I'm shocked.
Here they are again.
Just to make sure you remember he's a minstrel, here he is with a harp. Or perhaps a lyre, which would be highly appropriate for the consummate ladies' man.
Cause here he goes into fighting mode.
Twirling his arrow like the show off he is.
Hundreds of enemies? A man like Gieve doesn't care. Which says he is probably a brash, cocky sunuva. Which he is. So yeah.
And here he is, kicking ass.