The series begins with a young magician named Orphen in the town of Totokana. He is teaching the trade to a boy named Majic and keeping eye onthe Sword of Baltandars, which is at the mansion of he Everlasting family. The eldest daughter, mariabelle, elives that Orphen is in love with her because he's been watching the mansion for a year. Foolish girl. Mariabelle's sister Cleo returns from school to find her sister believing she is in love with a complete stranger and can hardly believe it. So Cleo, finding Orphen in a tree with a pair of binoculars, grabs the sword off the mantlepiece that happens to be the Sword of Baltandars. I'm sorry, but that's a very unfortnuate name.
The sword, however, acts as a beacon and summons the dragon Bloody August...Orphen, instead of seeming afraid, has actually been waiting for this. He calls the dragon "Azalea (or Azalie)" and tries to stop her from getting the sword. Azalea is one of his friends form the Tower of Fang. She tried to use the Sword of Baltandars and it transformed her into the dragon Bloody August.
However, the Tower of Fang has sent Childman, Orphen's old teacher, shows up and naturally messes everything up for our erstwhile hero. I looooooooooooove Childman's voice--his seiyuu is Nakata Jouji!! Weeeela! Childman's right-hand, Hartia, is assigned to watch Orphen, who sneaks out anyway to rescue Cleo and Mariabelle, who have been taken hostage by Bloody August.
Anyway, I haven't seen most of the series, to be honest, so I can't say too much more about it...