Magic Knight Rayearth
Magic Knight Rayearth focuses on three junior high school girls: Shidou Hikaru, Ryuuzaki Umi, and Hooji Fuu. They are summoned to Cephiro, another world, where the Pillar of Cephiro, the Princess Emerald, has been kidnapped by the antagonist, Zagatos. Notice I don't call him the villain. He isn't, really--he kidnapped Emerald because they are in love, and her love for him was dividing her heart and making it impossible for her to fulfill her duty: basically, to think of good for Cephiro. Because she loves Zagatos, however, her concentration is understandably down and Cephiro is falling apart.
So the girls come, fight Zagatos, and eventually have to kill Emerald because no way she's going to stop being in love with Zagatos. Not that I blame her. Anyway, the girls meet some nice boys along the way.
Ferio - the green haired, sword-weilding, scar-cheeked Kenshin wannabe. Ferio is actually Princess Emerald's younger brother, although no one knows this at first. Whoo hoo! He's a prince! "Your father was a king....your mother was a queen....and that makes you a bone fide prince!" Sorry, random Spaceballs moment. Anyway, he holds no grudge against the killing of his sister. He's glad she and Zagatos are, well, sort of at peace now. His favorite things are sleep, Fuu, sleep, and sleep, not necessarily in that order. My kinda guy.... Although that reminds me of the Monty Python sketch about Spam... "I'll have the eggs, spam, spam, spam, bacon, spam and spam."
I gotta say it tho...."I pity da Fuu!!" ^_^
Eagle Vision - "I can fly higher than an eeeeeeeeeeeagle..." Man....what is with me and the quoting todya? I really don't know. Eagle is the commander of the ship from Autozan (isn't that supposed to be America?) and hi, very bishounen. Nice name, too. Very, uh, symbolic.
Lantis - Lantis is Zagatos' younger brother. He wants to destroy the Pillar of Cephiro so that nothing ever happens again like happened with his brother and Princess Emerald. He's also the only swordsman who trained with magic. Go Lantis! I can't think of any witty quotes...unless I said something bad about At-Lantis, which I'm not going to.
Zagatos - the nominal villain of the first part of the series. His seiyuu is the same as Lantis' pretty much know the story. His job was to protect the Princess since he is the High Priest, but because they fell in love she couldn't concntrate on Cephiro and praying and so yeah.
Others - this category includes well, everyone else. Zazu Torque, Geo Metro, Lafarga, some group shots, etc.