Greetings. I am Anzu. I'm sorry this hasn't been updated at all - we haven't done any more cosplaying since last school year! -_-'' Please enjoy these pictures. If you have any suggestions, let us know ^_^
We cosplayed as Naria and Eriya, with our friend Dave as Folken, from Escaflowne
LTR Naria, Folken sama & Eriya. Not that you couldn't tell who was Folken. Secretly, it was one of the girls dressed as cats.
Eriya and Naria. AKA Otome and Anzu. See? We're assassins in disguise! as...non-human assassins. Wait..
the lovely eriya
naria looking sheepish
I should say that we originally didn't think we would have a Folken. Otome and I had decided it would be fun to be the cat girls from Esca, but later realized it would only be complete if we had a Folken sama to follow around.
Me: Hey Dave, would you like to be Folken for Halloween?
Dave: Uh...why?
Me: Because Otome and I are being Naria and Eriya
Dave: Okay...
Me: And we just need a guy to follow around
Dave: Does this mean I get to walk around without my shirt?
Me: Yes.
Dave: You mean, I get to walk around with two hot girls following me?
Me: And scantily dressed.
Black wings!
Lemme tell ya, we tried to make our costumes as accurately detailed as we could possibly make them (and within our budget.) Unfortunately, Otome and I are not twins nor are we the same height. So Otome doesn't have long blonde hair. At least the ends of her hair are black. And mine? Well, we used 2 cans of silver hair paint for it, and it STILL wasn't nearly silver enough! I know our tails are supposed to be brown, but we couldn't bring ourselves to paint the tails we got. All in all, it was a fun experience. Including getting soaked in the rain wearing very sheer white clothing =).
a few pictures from the anime for some comparison...