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Heather, Heather, Heather. what to say about heather. theres way too much haha. heather is a very cool person and also another one of my best friends. i met her in 9th grade when we were taking p.e. together. weve been friends ever since. She is very loud but i like it. when shes loud it makes me louder since im a quiet person. shes hardcore man! lol she likes to put make up on me and make me look gothic and then take pictures. or she makes me look really pale like a doll. its weird. we like to sing rammstein together too. lol. du hast miche. me and heather also like to sit around her house and eat lots of food and become really fat. we like to play air hockey and laser tag. i soooo kicked your ass at air hockey heather! remember when that kid hit you in the face when we were playing laser tag? and how you were peddling on that one ride and you slipped and fell. well if you forget..I HAVE IT ON CAMERA! haha. whew that was a fun day. we also had lots of fun in panama city didnt we? all in all heather is a great friend and anyone would be glad to have her as a best friend. im a lucky girl :)

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