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Jessica is so funny. i will always remember her as one of my good friends who made me laugh all the time. she moved though, to california. i miss her because i never got to say bye. it was an all of a sudden thing and she didnt get to say bye to a lot of people. i'll always remember our times together though. hanging out at her house and talking about 20/20 and michael jackson. she is so pretty and the funniest person i know. i look up to her a lot. she was also the person who got me into punk rock. in 9th grade i met her, she was in 10th but supposed to be in 11th. it was confusing but yea. we talked online one day before we knew each other and realized that we rode the same bus. it was so weird and a huge conicidence. we ended up being best friends for a long time. but then one day it just faded away :( its okay though because we are still friends. she also likes boxes.

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