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Kristin is my best friend. She is so awesome and i love her to death. Ive known her for about a year and a half when we had english together and ended up talking at a party and then started hanging out more and more. now we are best friends. Me and kristin like eating ramen, mac n cheese, and twix bars together. we also like milk. yum. we take lots of web cam pictures and go to walmart (our second home) haha. we drive around ft. walton looking for people at a certain intersection too. lol. *i think hes hot but im not sure, oh that a lip ring? hes ugly but he has piercings so hes cool* lol remember that krisitn?we like to ride my dads four wheeler up in crestview and hit holes in the field. and we like to go find deer with dad and for some reason we cant stop laughing. twin number one and twin number two. "does it make you nervous when you see this word"*cirlces the word fish and feet*haha mr. barona was the best! astronomy was so great with him. too bad we are gonna fail now! anyways, enough with the inside jokes. lets just say kristin is the best, shes really pretty and she has the best personality. shes also my sister lol. and shes going to move in with me!

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