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Muska is a very cool guy. i just met him this year through kristin. kristin told me to IM him online one day because she needed to talk to him about something and after that we ended up talking all the time online. then he started talking to me in school, saying hi every now and then. finally i warmed up to him and now we talk all the time in history class. hes really funny and has weird dreams about me being naked and stuff. tisk tisk muska. ive also been to his house! we found it by the van in the driveway that says "muskas van" haha. we came at a bad time that day though. sorry about that muska. one day sooner or later im going to wear my hair down for him. but theres one thing im never going to do and thats FINGER ERIC BOGGS' BELLY BUTTON!! theres no way in hell im doing it.

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