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Seth is my other best guy friend. I met him this year..well back in august or september. we started talking when i made the stupid comment of "YOU GOT YOUR BRACES OFF!" and he goes..yep like 3 weeks ago. lol i felt stupid. but anyways after that we started talking a whole bunch. i feel special to know that im one of the only people he can talk to a whole bunch. hes a very shy "goose" jk seth. hes shy and i can get him to be loud. *confident stretch* Seth is so awesome. i love hanging out with him and hanging out at his house. we ride around in the golf cart and hit signs and port-a-potties. he also got me listening to TOOL. we sit around at his house and watch scary movies or cheesy movies that are supposed to be scary that people picked out b/c they have bad taste and im not gonna say any names SETH AND SAM. lol but yea. seth is very cool and hes one of my best friends. plus..he knows all about pat! oh and angela rice and that other girl. haha "i dont wanna be friends either" (stuart voice)

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