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sommer is my neice but also my best friend, besides kristin of course. haha. she is 11 months younger than me which could be why we are so close. we can relate to a lot of stuff i guess. we grew up together. ever since i was 11 months obviously. we lived together because my sister (her mom) needed help taking care of sommer. so my mom let them move in with us. weve grown up together all our life and still see each other all the time. we live about 10 minutes from each other. i dont see her as much as i used too because she is always with her boyfriend. :( oh well. i guess i'll deal. when me and sommer hang out, we are a "trip and a half" as my dads gf said. haha. we like to ride the fourwheeler at my dads and we like to take pictures and eat. we also shoot up and were easy. right sommer? by the way.."wheres her mat?"

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