A Walk Through The Fire

Buffy tosses and turns in her bed not being able to sleep she sits up and looks around her room setting her eyes on the clock that reads 11:45pm she sighs getting up and getting dressed,she walks past Dawn's room stopping to check on her then smiles and walks down the stairs and quietly goes out the door and starts down Revello headed to Sunnydale Cemetary. She walks into the graveyard and past all the tombstones to Spike's crypt then knocks on the door. Spike looks up from the telly "It's open" Buffy opens the door and walks in shutting the door behind her. "Slayer...er Buffy,sorry luv it's been a while'' Spike says as he looks back to the telly. Buffy sighs and says softly "Yeah a while of like 9 months" Spike smirks "So,what brings you here at this time luv?" Buffy walks over to the couch "I couldn't sleep" Spike looks to her "and so you come here...?" Buffy smirks slightly "Well Yeah, I mean after all I knew you'd be awake" Spike scoffs "So you come here for a round of kick the Spike huh? Sorry Luv" Buffy cuts him off "No,it's not that at all I mean since I've been gone for so long maybe we could start over?" Spike gets up looking at her he slowly moves over to her "really..?" she looks up at him and smiles slightly "Yes,your all I thought about while I was gone..I love you..." Spike looks shocked and cocks his head to listen "go on luv" Buffy sighs and looks down "I try not to but I can't stop" Spike lifts her chin gently and looks her in the eyes "If you play with fire luv your going to get burnt" Buffy sighs and pulls away slightly " 'it's a chance worth taking for you,I touch the fire and it freezes me I want the fire back so I will walk through the fire and let it burn' I don't care anymore you've always known how I felt about you and so has everyone else. I'm just tired of ignoring it all. I just want one real chance with you" Spike smirks looking at her a bit speachless.
:: To Be Continued....When Buffy gets her answer from Spike::
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Dec. 7th 2003 @ 8:30pm