** Summary **

The PettingZooTwo game is well underway.  The game has had twenty-four updates.
Since the last report at update 15, three more cap sacks and four more players
completely zero'd out, leaving 12 players left.

** Details **

- First, the lowdown on the recently departed:

Anquiron was taken down by Aquitaine, who was a pretty easy kill considering he
lasted past the first 17 updates before any of his neighbors realized he was rollable.

Howard was the next victim during the past week, he fought back well against Shakespeare
and Wicked, but their combined forces concentrating their efforts on his homeland wore
him down.  Shakespeare scored the sack on Howard.

Trantor, holder of the largest liquid treasury so far this game, was the next victim.
A major convoy of ships from 3 nations quickly encircled and assaulted the Trantor
island, in search of the wealthy capital.  Rook was the first to find and capture
Trantor's capital.  Then Ricin scored a nice sack the following update after Trantor

Lastly, Seven, who was a peaceful no-show non-player who had his homeland stripped to
a barebones lightly defended island, was taken down by Euforia.

- Second, the power mongers:

The beep and Rook alliance held the yellow jersey for 13 updates running, until yesterday,
now it belongs to Ricin, now that Ricin's recent kills are getting repopulated and
productive.  The anti-alliance is currently being led by anti-BEEP (the country formerly
named Aquitaine, then Laconia, then anti-bloops, until settling on anti-BEEP), who has
also been the most active in the announcements by a large margin.

Ricin has been busy attacking a very fiesty Perdition.  The other small squabble going
on is with Shakespeare and Wicked taking an island or two from nuke-em.

The tech leaders are now flying early edition models of Jet Fighters.

The game has slowed to now having 5 updates per week, with players taking Saturdays and
Wednesdays off to spend time with the pets, family, and spouses, or so they can persue
other interests such as posting to RGE, playing in a blitz, or optimizing their spreadsheeps.

** For Further Information **

Check out the action at sheepfarm.game-host.org : 6665, the visitor account is available,
or visit the game webpage at: https://www.angelfire.com/empire2/bungholio/PettingZooTwo.html

If you are interested in being a replacement or as a temporary substitute player, send
email to the deity (empire_bungholio @ verizon.net).

** Power Report **

     - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Wed Jul 21 20:51:38 2004

         sects eff civ  mil  shell gun pet  iron dust oil  pln ship unit money
    Ricin 265  91% 196K 7.6K 4.6K 775   25K  38K 2.1K 7.8K 150  110   40 10K
     beep 190 100% 161K 7.4K 8.8K 775   14K  66K 1.3K  13K 120   90   60 4.4K
     Rook 190  96% 144K 7.5K 6.0K 695   26K  18K 2.6K  10K  70   80   40 10K
  Euforia 135  99% 105K 5.2K 3.0K 545   12K  28K 650  6.8K  30   50   20 3.2K
   Wicked 145  97% 108K 5.3K 4.2K 500  8.8K  15K 1.2K 4.7K  50   50   40 10K
Shakespea 165 100% 134K 6.8K 8.4K 770  8.1K  19K 1.1K 3.9K  50  120  100 5.0K
anti-BEEP 140  94%  94K 4.5K 5.4K 385  6.3K  20K 1.4K 7.5K  60   30   10 5.0K
    Limbo  90  98%  74K 3.6K 1.7K 370  3.8K  20K 650  2.4K  30   20   10 1.2K
   Dorsai  65  98%  48K 2.4K 2.8K 475  3.9K  11K 350  4.5K  60   20   20 4.7K
  nuke_em  60  99%  47K 2.2K 1.2K 280  3.5K 8.5K 1.2K 3.3K  20   40   20 3.3K
Cincinnat  70 100%  53K 4.0K 3.5K 225  2.9K  10K 500  550   30   20   20 1.2K
Perdition  25  78%  22K 1.5K 725   65    0  600    8  100    0    9   20 2.1K
  Trantor   0   0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 30K
Anguiron    0   0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 15K
  twistle   0   0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 15K
Darkness    0   0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 15K
    Seven   0   0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 10K
   Gemini   0   0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0 10K
          ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
worldwide 1.5K  96% 1.2M  58K  50K 5.9K 114K 254K  13K  64K 660  640  400

** Deity's Favorite Announcement **
> Announcement from Dorsai, (#20)  dated Wed Jul 21 08:53:39 2004
How I Spent My Wednesday Update Vacation

An 8th Grader's Holiday



I didn't want a vacation.  I kinda like the running battles, trying
to outsmart beep and Euforia.  Figuring out if I'll have a sector
left for a capital at the end of the update.  But the group voted
for a vacation, so I took a vacation.

I spent my vacation learning about the redemptive powers of sheep.
They provide us with all sorts of useful things like wool to keep us
warm in the winter and lamb chops to keep our bellies warm all year
long.  The sheep that I learned with were special and cute.  I named
one Mary and the other one Erica.  Mary was pregnant.  I could sing
"Mary had a little lamb" all day long and it meant something special
for me, as I thought about Mary and her little lamb.  My uncle Marty
kept telling me that I had the meaning of the song wrong, but since
he's only a sheep herder, I don't listen much to him.  We played
alot with Mary and Erica.  And then uncle Marty taught about how
sheep can do more for us than simply giving us things to eat and
wear.  My mother always called uncle Marty, her brother, a no
goodnik.  He was in jail for something called animal mofesstation.
I'm not sure what that is.  Everyone in my family says it with such
a low whisper that I don't think they want me to hear it!  At any
rate, uncle Marty took Erica and me aside.  He told me that I would
have to "service" Erica.  I asked him, "What does that mean,
uncle?" and he didn't say a word.  He just grabbed my hand and took
me and Erica to the barn.  Well, I'm not going to tell you
everything that happened next, cause uncle told me it has to be our
little secret.  But it felt really good.  Really really good.
Really really really good.  Uncle said if I did it well enough,
Erica might have baby lambs.  I was pleased about that. Kinda
like when Betty Lou took me to the movies a couple of months ago and
whispered to me that she was going to have her way with me, that I
could cheer her up if I did what she said.  She said, "Horse, just
follow me."  She started calling me Horse a few months ago, after we
played this new game called "Spin the bottle."  She was real good at
it and had me practically nude in no time flat.  Wearing socks and a
hat though doesn't keep you warm much, you know what I mean?  I
don't know why she calls me Horse.  I asked her and she said I was a
super stud.  I looked up stud in the dictionary and it said a part
of wall when it's being built.  So I looked in the mirror and I know
I don't look like any wall in construction that I've ever seen.
Some time soon, Betty Lou's going to have to explain herself.  Well,
Betty Lou is such a nice person that I said I'd do whatever she
wanted.  Playing with Erica under uncle Marty's direction was kind
of the same thing, but the high pitched bahs that Erica bleated hurt
my ears.  And unlike Betty Lou who moved quickly when the movie
theater manager ran after us (it was hard running while pulling up
our jeans), Erica just lay there.  She finally stopped bleating and
fell asleep.  Uncle insisted that I had done well.  He also told me
I was very impressive.  I'm not sure why, though.  He only gave me
15 minutes with Erica, and Betty Lou took almost an hour.  I can't
complain, though.  Betty Lou gave me such a big kiss afterwards and
said, "Anytime, Dorsai."

Maybe update vacations aren't such a bad idea after all.


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Petting Zoo Two
Update 24 Report
This page contains the Update 24 Status Report for Bungy's "Petting Zoo Two" empire game.
Page Last Updated:9pm 24July2004