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Petting Zoo Two
Update 37 Report
This page contains the Update 37 Status Report for Bungy's "Petting Zoo Two" empire game.
Page Last Updated:2pm 21Aug2004
** Summary **

The PettingZooTwo game is deep into a World War.  The game has had
thirty-seven updates.  Since the last report at update 24, we've had four
more players removed from the "list of viable survivors" list, leaving
just 8 hardcore players left (from an original roster of 19 players).

** Details **

- First, the lowdown on the recently departed (or as good as dead /
are hiding in the hills)

Perdition, who was being worked on hard at the last report, finally
crumbled and lost the remainder of his home island.  He is now reportedly
hiding away on some remote tropical island with a miniature ceramic sheep to
keep him company.

Nuke_em, who put up a good fight agains Shakespeare and Wicked,
until they unleashed the fury uponst him, and he crumbled like a hydrogen
sheep zepplin hit by a SAM.  Ohh, the humanity!

Cincinnati was haxored by beep.  Cinc put up a good defense, but
the beeper kept pressing on his economy until he had serious overwhelming
odds and just rolled in and then shot anyone who moved.  Dead.  Even the

Rook, who was beep's #1 right arm, but suffered a family emergency and
needed to step out to attend to matters.  Meanwhile, the subs were not
able to repel the overwhelming invasionary forces already en-route.
Ricin, Shakespeare, and Aquitaine rolled Rook's assets in just a few days.

- Second, the power blocks:

The world has divided into to factions.  The beep-Euforia-Limbo-Rook
alliance  -VS-  the Ricin-Wicked-Shakespeare-Aquitaine-Dorsai-Cincinnati
alliance.  The beep led alliance has a tech lead over the Ricin led
however, the Ricin alliance is playing the turf card, as they own approx
67% of the world's sectors.

The tech leaders are now able to build Apache choppers.

Ricin has held the yellow jersey since the last report.

The game is having 5 updates per week, with players taking Saturdays
and Wednesdays off to spend time with the pets, family, and spouses,
or so they can persue other interests such as posting to RGE, playing
in a blitz, or optimizing their spreadsheeps.

** For Further Information **

Check out the action at : 6665, the visitor
account is available, or visit the game webpage at:

If you are interested in being a replacement or as a temporary substitute
player, send email to the deity (empire_bungholio @

** Power Report **

    - = [   Empire Power Report   ] = -
      as of Mon Aug 09 22:16:47 2004

           sects  eff civ  mil  shell gun pet  iron dust oil  pln ship unit money
      Ricin 395   98% 290K  17K  25K 2.9K  46K  94K 2.3K  16K 380  170   70  15K
       beep 270   85% 185K  12K  13K 1.6K  32K  72K 1.8K  24K 250   90   80  4.8K
    Euforia 145   98% 120K 6.8K 7.9K 1.3K  29K  60K 850   19K 110   60   30  5.0K
     Wicked 190  100% 159K 9.1K  13K 1.8K  22K  48K 1.1K  12K 280   60   60  20K
  Shakespea 230   98% 184K  15K  16K 1.8K  26K  35K 1.6K  10K 210  160  130  3.8K
  Aquitaine 170   98% 134K 7.5K 8.1K 725   25K  30K 1.5K 9.2K 170   30   30  4.5K
      Limbo  80   91%  59K 2.8K 1.6K 310  7.2K  25K 1.1K 4.4K  40   20   20  2.8K
     Dorsai  55   97%  42K 2.0K 3.5K 500  2.5K 5.3K 450  3.0K 100    9   30  5.0K
  Cincinnat  15  100%  13K 850  1.4K  30    0  1.4K 100  200    0    9    0  3.4K
  Perdition  10  100% 8.6K 550  800   50    0    1    0  100    0    3   10  2.4K
    nuke_em   0    0%   0  100  125   30    0    0    0    0    0   20    0  15K
       Rook   2    3% 300  100   75   25    5    0    0    0   10    6    2 -2.8K
    Trantor   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  30K
   Anguiron   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  15K
    twistle   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  15K
   Darkness   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  15K
      Eight   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  10K
     Gemini   0    0%   0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0  10K
            ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
  worldwide 1.6K  95% 1.2M  74K  91K  11K 189K 371K  11K  99K 1.6K 620 
450  160K

** Deity's Favorite Announcement **
(From a guest player, who is obviously tempted to come out of
retirement, *but not yet*.  This player took over country "Seven"
and is now *overlooking* as country "Eight")


> Announcement from Eight, (#7)  dated Wed Aug 04 19:49:20 2004
Seeing as how the Olymipcs are being held in Greece very soon, it
only seems appropriate that a few new events be added to the
games.  naturally, they should have a petting zoo theme.

first up has to be sheep shagging.  This is more of an endurance
event (for the contestant, not the sheep).  Performance enhancement
chemicals, legal in so many countries and pitched by Iron Mike
Ditka (see note one) and Rafeal Palmerio are absolutely banned.
these substanded are carfully screened for.
Note 1: If he has to use Viagra, why is his nick name Iron Mike?

Next is the Broad Jump.  No animals here.  Just broad jumping.
there are three versions of this event.

1: How many broads can a man jump?  (again, semi-endurance)
2: How many teammates can you get to jump the same broad?
  (that is before she can wriggle off the pool table in the
  back room)
3: Who can jump the biggest broad?  Most atheltes in this contest
  put a bag over their own heads so nobody can identify them later

The previous events were all "male only" sports and the women
complained.  So we gave them a bone (so to say).

Bovine Fellatio.  This is one of those judged event.  You know
the kind.  After the perky 15 year old romanian girl wipes off
her chin, a row of old geezers holds up signs with numbers on
them.  (some of them hold up dollar bills too)

The last event is a morph of the decathalon.  In this event,
atheletes run an obstacle course where they have to jump the
split rail fence, cross the meadow, avoid the muffins, stalk
a sheep, shag said sheep, and hide in a tree all night long
when the shepard comes to investigate.  Our very own deity is
a three time running National Champ.  Good work Bungy.

