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PettingZooTwo Graphs
Page Last Updated: 8pm 24Aug2004
Petting Zoo Two - Graphs of Player's Stats vs Update #
Deity commentary:  Rook and beep had the power chart lead up until the 23rd update, until they stopped their lawnmower expansions.  Meanwhile, Ricin continued his expansion, and dominated the power chart the remainder of the game. 
Deity commentary:  Savioa/Dorsai had the tech lead until update #24, until Euforia carried this torch until end game.  Tech was log base 2.25 with easy tech = 1 and all bleed = 50%.  At the time of the World War breakout (around update #31), Euforia, Limbo, beep, and Rook all had an over-one-update tech lead over their loosly allied adversaries of Ricin, Dorsai, Shakespeare, Aquitaine, Wicked, and Cincinnati.
Deity commentary:  Euforia gets the Golden Spreadsheep award for keeping his education level pegged at 35.00 +/- 1% for the whole game.  Nuke_em gets the Work-Study award for his attempt of making education every other update.  Twistle gets the Pier-One award for education, as she just sends the spouse to the mall to get all the warez (by keeping a perfect -0- education level through-out).
Deity commentary:  Limbo gets the endgame "I'm paranoid" award, as he cranked his happies while letting his edu drop (see above).  Once again, Euforia, being the most consistent, gets the award.  He shall receive the teflon coated inflatable sheep (for easy cleanup) award.
(with some deity commentary)
Deity commentary:  Ricin's endgame dominance is quite apparent here, with his over 2X lead over the #2 player in the power score.